What Are The Best Foods For Digestion?

Do you suffer from indigestion, heart burn, bloating or gas?  You are not alone. According to Yahoo around 70 million of American’s suffer from different types of digestive problems each year.

It is important to your overall health to maintain a healthy digestive system. GESA reports that “Although the digestive system can withstand a lot of stress (from the foods you eat to emotional stresses), it can only do so for a limited period. Over time, the negative effects will accumulate and create health problems in the long-term.”  Therefore you should watch your diet and take preventative measures to limit the risk of problematic situations occurring.

Although the best way to diagnose and take care of digestive problems is to promptly report any that appear to your doctor, research on nutrition has found that certain foods effect your digestion positively than others. According to Inside Fitness some of these foods include the following five:

Alicia Bell - Karen Civil - Train It Right - Apple

Apples: This tasty fruit has a magic combination of both soluble and insoluble fibre helps you eat and digest quickly and easily.

Tumeric: Has been known to help with inflammation which can help smooth out the digestion process as your food travels through your system.

Almonds: These little nuts are filled with digestion enhancing fibre and calcium which also supports many functions in the body.

Peppermint Tea:  Is known to calm the stomach muscles and improve the flow of your bile. Try to refrain from the use sweetener or milk.

Coconut Oil: This natural oil is made up of medium chain fatty acids that can help with digestion. You can take it as a supplement, cook with it, add it to smoothies or even use it as a replacement for butter.

For more tips on fitness and healthy eating check out

Alicia Bell is a Toronto based Personal Trainer




How do you know what almond milk is best? Sometimes almond milk can be full of preservatives, added sugars and other chemicals. To avoid these and sometimes outrageous prices sometimes I make my own. I simply blend soaked almonds, water, vanilla extract, cinnamon and sometimes add dates. I don't really measure them out I just measure by estimates. I have never gone wrong with the test for the end result. Once blended I strain the contents through a cheesecloth into a container and voila...ALMOND MILK that is free of bad things and cost efficient.
