With mental health and addiction facing one in five Canadians (as reported by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)), more and more leaders are understanding the importance of integrating mindful practice in the public and private sectors.
On Wednesday, November 2, 2016, an intimate group of professionals at all levels will gather with field experts for "A Mindful Leader", a forum dedicated to exploring the transformative impact that mindfulness can have on society at this critical time. Geared toward bringing together individuals who are interested in connecting with a community and gaining knowledge to be more effective, clear and compassionate leaders, this highly anticipated event will take place at Ottawa's historic Canadian Museum of Nature.
Hosted by A Mindful Society (AMS), "the forum will educate participants on the mindful methods being used by some of Canada's most influential politicians along with international leaders in the business, education and health sectors. Participants will walk away with the language to share this new model of integrity with colleagues," comments Michael Apollo, Founder, A Mindful Society. "Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with speakers via a series of fireside chats and also a dinner. Our goal is to connect a community of peers and experts in the field."
The inspiring line-up of presenters consists of respected thought leaders and best-selling authors who have successfully integrated mindfulness into their fields, including representatives from Google's Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute, School of Public Service, WestJet the University of Toronto and more.
Speakers at "A Mindful Leader" Forum are the following:
Peter Weng, Former Director at Google and Dell, VP Sales & Marketing Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute.
Maria Gonzalez, Award-winning, best-selling author of "Mindful Leadership" and President of Argonauta Consulting Inc.
Michele Milan, CEO of Rotman Management Executive Programs, specializing in best practices for being an effective leader.
Christina Tector, Senior Learning and Development Specialist for Canada School of Public Service.
Jamie Bristow, Director of Mindfulness Initiative UK at Oxford University and committee member of Mindful Nation UK Report.
Chris Ruane, Former Member of UK Parliament and committee member of Mindful Nation UK Report.
Pam August, Organizational Development Specialist at WestJet
Michael Apollo, Founder of A Mindful Society conference and Program Lead at the Applied Mindfulness Meditation program at the University of Toronto.
Elli Weisbaum, Former international program coordinator for Wake Up Schools an initiative by Nobel Peace Prize Nominee Thich Nhat Hanh, researcher at the Institute of Medical Science studying the integration of mindfulness into healthcare.
"A Mindful Leader's objective is to bring Canada into the growing global conversation of how mindfulness can change the way people think about leadership across the public, private and nonprofit sectors," adds Apollo. "The forum will be an intimate setting of fireside chats and roundtable discussions focused on ground-breaking research and emerging leadership strategies."
To view the full list of speakers, the forum agenda and to register, please visit www.amindfulleader.com. Tickets are limited and first come, first served.
For Individuals or organizations interested in supporting or advocating the ground-breaking fields of mindful leadership as partners or sponsors, please contact info@amindfulsociety.org
About AMS
A Mindful Society (AMS) seeks to understand current challenges within key sectors of society that are influenced by the human mind and bring to light the benefits of integrating mindfulness applications within these areas. Our conferences aim to bring together the knowledge of leaders within the government, health care education and management sectors with a focus on the methods and findings of contemporary research.
Twitter: www.twitter.com/amindfulsociety.