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Most diaper creams promise fast relief and are loaded with ingredients (chemicals) that are said to treat and eliminate diaper rash, but consumers are not seeing the truth in these products.

Baby Butz diaper cream creator Majda Ficko’s son Demitri was born 15 years ago with a rare condition called Cornelia de Lange syndrome and has been in diapers 24-hours a day ever since. “Demitri spent the first three years of his life in and out of hospital and a pharmacist there had formulated a skin cream for him,” says Ficko, a mother of three. “But when the pharmacy closed, the cream was no longer available and I was at the mercy of whatever diaper creams were on the market, none of which worked and are packed with harsh chemicals.”

​Desperate, Ficko tracked down the ingredients used by the hospital pharmacy and with a Research Chemist, spent two years perfecting a diaper cream for Demitri. “I never intended to sell this cream but a doctor at the Children’s Rehabilitation Centre in Winnipeg said to me ‘Why should your son be the only one to benefit from this?’ As a mother, that really struck a chord with me,” says Ficko, owner of Olen Cosmetics, manufacturer and distributor of Baby Butz and other natural hair and body care products.

So, Baby Butz diaper cream was born! The certified all-natural product, which is gluten and paraben-free and never tested on animals is unlike any diaper cream on the market today. Once launched, Baby Butz quickly won a Seal of Approval from Parent Tested, Parent Approved website which catapulted Ficko and her diaper rash cream straight to Hollywood. “I was invited to gifting suites at the Oscars and Golden Globes and handed out Baby Butz diaper cream to celebrity parents and expectant parents,” says Ficko, “Knowing celebrities are using my son’s diaper cream is so surreal!”

Not only is Hollywood clamoring for Baby Butz but doctors are too. Backed by doctors because the cream is 100% natural and begins the healing process immediately and stays put. Just four hours after applying the cream parents notice visible improvement in their child’s diaper rash. “Demitri has never come in with a diaper rash since he has been using it,” says Dr. Janet Grabowski, Demitri’s pediatrician. “Because of (Baby Butz’s) success, I’m now recommending it to my patients.”

Every new mom needs this cream in case their baby ever has diaper rash. Diaper rash is no laughing matter, it can lead very quickly to raw skin and worse. Olen Cosmetics has created *the* best solution to this dilemma with their Baby Butz Cream. The safest and most effective diaper rash treatment available without a prescription. 100% natural ingredients and 30% zinc oxide. Used in hospital neonatal units and many pediatricians hand out samples plus medical professionals have endorsed this cream. No Chemicals, no Alcohol, no perfumes and hypoallergenic!

Age range: Birth+
MSRP: $6.49 (2 ounces)
Available online:


Building A Healthy Child - Book Review

Many parents feed their children as if they are adults. The truth is, however, that organs and body systems mature at different times, which means nutrition needs at different ages vary.

In her new book, “Building a Healthy Child,” naturopathic doctor Melina Roberts outlines a revolutionary nutritional program that aims to change the way parents introduce foods to their children -- significantly improving the health of the future generation.

“If we introduce foods based on these key concepts, we can avoid common childhood illnesses like allergies, eczema and asthma, and also form the foundation of long-term health,” Roberts said.

I was lucky enough to receive a copy of her book. Although I do not have children I have many clients who do so I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to learn and be able to give better advice to my parenting clients. Most parents want whats best for their children and there are a lot of misconceptions out there. This book is great for learning that up and I would recommend it to any mom or dad out there looking to raise a healthy baby.

She covers a wide variety of topics including: First foods, problem foods, solid food introduction, supplements, remedies, liver and toxins and even includes healthy recipes for different ages. So grab a copy and get reading so that you can have a healthy baby!

Melina Roberts, N.D., is a naturopathic doctor and founder of Advanced Naturopathic Medical Centre in Calgary, Canada. She is a graduate of University of Waterloo and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, and is a leading authority in the field of naturopathic medicine. She currently resides in Calgary with her husband and daughter. For more information, visit

The Benefits Of Exercising While Pregnant


Exercise has benefits for everyone. Age is not a factor, nor is ethnicity, height, or experience. Working out can also benefit expecting mothers. Most women benefit greatly from exercising throughout their pregnancy. According to an article by Zawadski the benefits of exercising when pregnant include:

  • Helping to relieve backaches
  • Improving posture by strengthening and toning muscles in the back, butt, and thighs
  • May help prevent or treat gestational diabetes
  • Increasing energy levels
  • Noticeable mood changes towards more positive
  • Reduction in constipation by accelerating movement in the intestine
  • Increasing the muscle tone, strength, and endurance
  • Improving in sleep and quality of sleep
  • Improving the ability to cope with the pain of labor
  • Helping women regain pre-pregnancy fitness and shape more quicklyAny pregnant woman wanting to exercise should always talk with their healthcare provider first.  The personal trainer or instructor should make sure that it is known to the pregnant client’s medical doctor that she will be starting an exercise routine. This is to make sure that there are no complications with the pregnancy where the mother to be could endanger the baby. Usually there is no problems but occasionally there are extreme cases where the mother to be should be on bed rest. So it is important to check with your doctor first.
    Happy Exercising!

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  • Train It Right - Get Walking During Your Pregnancy

    Train It Right
    Train It Right

    Fitness is very popular right now, between instagram, twitter, store shelves filled with fitness DVDs for pregnancy that include, cardio, strength training, Zumba, Pilates, and hip hop dancing just to name a few. But when you're pregnant learning new moves of the latest fitness fad is probably not a top priority on your to do list. That’s what makes walking so amazing!

    Walking is a great way to stay fit during your pregnancy. Not only is it free but it’s low impact so you can even do it closer to your due date. Just make sure the farther along you are that you have checked with your doctor that you can be active. Unless you are having a high-risk pregnancy you should be fine.

    If you walked often before your pregnancy you probably won't need to change your normal walking habits during your first trimester. Small changes may need to be made during the second and the third trimester. However, during all three trimesters if you find yourself unmotivated grab your husband, boyfriend or friend to join you on your walks. Make sure to set specific walking date nights at specific times. That way you don’t skip out on your exercise.

    No matter what trimester you are starting your walking at make sure you have walking shoes that support the ankles and arches. If you go to a local running store they can assess your walking gait and get you fitted in the proper shoes. When you walk, keep your eyes up, your hips tucked under your shoulders to avoid a sway in your back. Swing your arms for balance and to intensify your workout. This is also known as power walking.

    Make sure to bring drinking water with you to avoid dehydration. Try to avoid walking in the heat. If it is too hot you can get cramps, which are never a good thing for the baby. Try finding shade to walk in or an air conditioning mall to walk in so you can beat the heat.


    Alicia Bell

    BSc in Kinesiology


    Overweight and Pregnant - You Risk Gestational Diabetes

    If you are overweight, pregnancy can be a challenge at times. You can be prone to many complications. This can include complications not just for you but your baby as well. Your baby could be at risk for gestational diabetes.

    According to research you are at risk of developing gestational diabetes if:

    1. You're obese (your body mass index is over 30).
    2. You've had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy.
    3. You have a strong family history of diabetes.

    According to The Canadian Diabetes Association“all pregnant women should be screened for gestational diabetes within 28 weeks of pregnancy” So make sure to check with your physician that you have been checked.

    What exactly is gestational diabetes? The Baby Centre describes gestational diabetes as “a type of diabetes that some women get during pregnancy.” It has been estimated that between 2 and 10 percent of expectant mothers develop this condition. This type of diabetes can occur during pregnancy when your body cannot produce enough insulin to handle the effects of a growing baby and changing hormone levels. Insulin helps your body to control the level sugar in your blood. If your body cannot produce enough insulin, your blood sugar levels will rise and result in negative side effects.

    If your blood sugar levels are too high, too much sugar will end up in your baby's blood. When this happens, your baby's pancreas needs to produce more insulin to process the extra sugar. All this excess blood sugar and insulin can cause your baby to put on extra weight, particularly in the upper body. This is not something you want to happen.

    The good news is women who do develop gestational diabetes can go on and give birth to perfectly healthy babies if they properly manage their condition. Healthy dietary changes and exercise may be enough to keep your blood sugar levels under control. However, sometimes medication is needed, too. The American Diabetes Association recommends the following:

    1. Eat three small-to-moderate-size meals and two to four snacks every day, including an after-dinner snack.

Your meal plan may contain fewer carbohydrates than you normally eat. It's best to include complex carbs (contain more fiber) Pair lean protein with carbohydrates at all meals and snacks. Protein helps to make you feel fuller, sustain energy, and give you better blood sugar control.

    2. Don't skip meals and eat breakfast. Be consistent about when you eat meals and the amount of food you eat at each one. Your blood sugar will remain more stable if your food is distributed evenly throughout the day and consistently from day to day.

    3. Include high-fiber foods, such as green vegetables and fruit, whole grain breads.

    4. Stop snacking on foods and beverages that contain simple sugars such as soda, fruit juice, flavored teas and flavored waters, and most desserts – or avoid them altogether.

    Remember being active and exercise helps. Make sure to check with your physician if it is ok for you to exercise. Once you are make sure to exercise within your ability. If you are unfamiliar with exercise or what you should be doing when you are pregnant seek out a proper fitness expert for a consultation.


    Alicia Bell


    BSc Kinesiology

    Precision Nutrition L1

    Jamue Eason -Train-It-Right-Alicia-Bell

    Fitness model Jamie Eason is ready to train again and posted this on her facebook.

    "Just had my final post-partum check up and I got the green light to work out. I've gained quite a few curves. My hips are 3 inches wider and I'm not sure how much more they will shrink? I'm about 8 lbs from my pre-baby weight, which isn't bad but my body composition is considerably different. I've got free weights at home, so it's time to start building up some endurance again. Please wish me luck! "

    She looks great for just giving birth! We wish you all the best girl!


    What are your thoughts on the photo of the breast feeding yoga pose? This photo went viral on the internet. I think it is quite beautiful. However some think its inappropriate. The woman(Amy Woodruff)  in the photo claims that it is not staged. However it looks pretty staged to me.

    What do you think? Comments?

    breastfeeding yoga

    Check out Amber Rose debuting her post baby body.

    What do you think?
