We all know that Jillian Michaels has said before that she hates the gym. Well apparently she has spilled the beans on hating the gym again. Would you trust a trainer that hates the gym but is always in it training people? I think its one thing to say you don't like the gym and train people outdoors or with body weighted exercises. However this is such a bold statement. I love Jillian but if you are a motivator to both women and men for health and active lifestyles I don't think this is something you should just throw out there. Does she have anyone doing her PR? Well either way apparently she says that she actually hates the gym in an upcoming interview with Ben Tracy.

Jillian posted on her facebook "What if I told you that I absolutely hate the gym?"

"I spilled the beans to Ben Tracy on CBS Sunday Morning. Check out the full interview tomorrow at 6AM-8AM."

And then attached the following picture:

Jillian Michaels

Although i am not 100% a fan of this show it is very motivation to see someone change so drastically. Congrats Danni Allen for winning the most recent season of the biggest loser.

Danni Allen

Jillian Michaels announces “MAXIMIZE YOUR LIFE” tour coming to Hamilton, London, Ottawa, Oshawa and Toronto this May! I think I really want to go. She is an inspiration to me and is living the dream that I want to live.
Tickets on-sale Feb 25:http://bit.ly/WUgObx.


This is one fit mama! Check out Biggest Loser Trainer Jillian Michaels on the cover of Health Magazines March Issue..



Will you be buying Jillian Michaels new book slim for life?