You are officially the first to hear about my new 8 week Challenge!
What better way to start off the New Year then with a new routine on the way to a new you!
Who is this program for? Non competition prep clients that are looking for a lifestyle change, new routine and an individualized program that they can do on their own, any time, any where.
What do you get? 2-Week training Split that will be updated every 2 weeks when you check in with me via email, weekly calendar overview of program, designated sets & reps for each exercise, individualized nutrition plan, individualized cardio, and access to the Train It Right private client Facebook page.
To sign up simply email me at: with Subject line: 8 week challenge
I was recently invited and attended the grand opening of Cyclebar Leaside which is a premium indoor cycling facility. They recently opened their doors here in Toronto.
What is extra unique about the studio is that you can access their "cycle star's" aka instructors playlists from your rides. <- I love this feature since I do a lot of cardio and am always looking for something new to listen to and I just so happen to have spotify anyway.
The class was fun, energetic and unique. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a fun way to spice up their cardio outside of the norm.
I have a youtube video going up that includes my experience with the class on March 17, 2017 5:30 AM. So go subscribe to my youtube channel now so you don't miss it:
Lastly as she started the cool down I got an instant email with my cycle stats and placing in the class. A disappointing 12th hahaha. Check it out below:

My Experience With Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection

I was recently sent the Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection to try out! When the bag was delivered to my house I quickly opened it up to reveal the Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection. What an awesome idea! Finally a collection of odor defence laundry pods and beads specifically designed to fight gym smells! The Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection has been designed to “remove odors at the source so odors don't come back, wash after wash.” They have the added power of Febreze, which is supposed to break down built-in odors and layers of body soil and dinge, which can lead to odor issues over time. In addition, Downy Fresh Protect with Febreze Odor Defense infuses your laundry with motion-activated technology to neutralize odors for 24 hour odor protection while you move throughout your day!
I was particularly excited because as most of you reading this know that I practically live in the gym. I train athletes, business men and women, fitness enthusiasts, fitness rookies and run transformation programs. I also train myself up to 3x a day. Not only am I training but I train intensely with 1x strength training session and 2x a day intense cardio. So you can imagine just how much I sweat when I am working out that hard. Fabrics that I wear when I train include neoprene, elastane, spandex and moisture wicking blends. We all know that these hold smells and sometimes they are hard to get out!

I basically living and breathing in gym clothes day and and day out you can probably imagine how many times a day that I normally have to change my clothes due to sweat, dirt and smell. I sometimes go through three or more outfits. And how many loads of laundry that I have to do! I was in desperate need for an elevated laundry regime. You don’t realize how dirty your clothes actually are until the “rebloom” happens (either during the workout or while resting in your gym clothes, when you least expect it).
What a difference the Tide + Downy made for me and my laundry. I used the Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection every time I did laundry for an entire week. I was blown away by the difference in smell, the freshness and the softness of my favorite go to gym clothes! Even my regular clients commented on my freshness (not that I was that bad before) but the smell of fresh laundry due to the infused febreeze is noticeably different with the Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection. I didn’t have to change as often as I use to and the odors were definitely neutralized.

I would recommend this product to every gym goer, outdoor adventurist or weekend warrior. Basically anyone who is active should have the Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection and use it on all of their clothes! Remember to put the pods or beads in before your laundry and you won’t be disappointed. Trust me you won’t want to wash your gym clothes in anything else again. Tide #getsitout
You can learn more about the Tide + Downy Odor Defense Collection products on their social channels and website:
@Tide - Facebook, twitter
@tidelaundry - Instagram
#getsitout #sponsored #tide #laundry #odor #odordefencecollection #workout
When it comes to your regular workout, chances are you want it to have the fullest possible effect. Otherwise, what’s the point? Everybody wants to keep fit. The fact is, very few people actually take the right steps towards making their workout more worthwhile. Lots of people workout frequently, only to discover that it doesn't have quite the full effect they desired. If that sounds like you, don’t worry - all is not lost. There are a number of different techniques you can take advantage of to make your workout go much further. Next time you hit the gym, consider these top tips to make the most of your time spent there.

Plan It
Like so much else in life, planning can make the world of difference. When you plan a workout, it means that you have a sense of what you are trying to achieve. Even just knowing this can make a huge difference to the effectiveness of your workout. That’s why you should plan it out before you start. Make sure that you know exactly what you are going to do, and for how long. That way, you won’t get lost during the routine. And what’s more - you will keep the whole session tight. This makes it more worth your while and also saves you some time.
Boost It
You have a few different options when it comes to getting more out of your workout session. One effective way to achieve that is by using supplements like these: Using these after your workout can make a world of difference. After you workout, your muscle fibers are not exactly in their best state. Often, they get badly torn up from the torture that you have just put them through. Their glycogen has been severely depleted, and as a result they are in disarray. These supplements can be of huge help in restoring them.
Keep It Short
One of the best things you can do for your workout is to keep it short. This might sound unlikely, but it’s true! Research has shown that most forms of exercise are more effective is they are around the thirty-forty minute mark. That’s right - keep it short and you are actually doing yourself a massive favour. Short, intensive exercise is much more effective than a longer period of less intense exercise.
Keep It Up
But far and away the number one thing to do is to keep going. When it comes to keeping your body in peak physical condition, persistence is absolutely the key. It does very little for you if you do not keep it up. One or two sessions a month is pointless - you may as well just not do them! Ideally, you need to be exercising at least three times a week. However, you could increase this to anything up to six or seven. Just remember, if you do increase it, to keep it focused and to keep each session relatively short. That way, you will maximise the benefits of each session. Your body will notice the difference in no time!
The Guy's Five-Day All-Round Workout Routine For 2016
Guys, it’s nearly 2016, and you know what that means. New goals, more effort, and better shape. The new year is the best time to get back into the gym, and back into your routine. Your fresh with motivation and ambition, so let’s take advantage of that.
We also know that working the same muscle groups day-in-day-out isn’t effective. Your muscles need a full day of recovery to rebuild and repair. Getting on the bench press every day isn’t going to help here. We need to break those muscle groups down, and focus on one each day. That gives them time to heal, while you’re working on the next group. Make sense? Here’s how it breaks down.
Monday - Chest and back day
Chest workouts are our favourites, so we like to put them right at the start of the week. We’re talking about flat-bench barbell presses, and incline bench presses. Remember to focus on slow movements, and get your technique just right. Otherwise you’re doing yourself no favours. Throw in a few cable crossovers, and try some bodyweight exercises like push ups. You can also add a few back workouts into the mix. Try some wide-grip pull ups, and a narrow-grip lat pull downs.
Tuesday - Core
Core workouts are one thing that a lot of guys skip. Many of us focus on arms and chest, but forget that most of your all-round strength is in your core muscle groups. These are your abdominals and side muscles. The best workouts here are bodyweight holds. Try a series of plank positions, and hold each for at least a minute. Do some slow movement crunches, and a powerful burpee workout (the hardest workout out there!)
Wednesday - Fitness and cardio
It’s time to give the weights and muscle building a break, and focus on fitness and cardio. It’s a crucial part of your workout routine, and much better for your overall health. If you struggle with the running machine and cycling, enrol for some fitness classes. Try the notoriously difficult bootcamp classes, or join a spinning class for ultimate cycling!
Thursday - Leg day
Muscle building guys are always guilty of missing leg day. What you end up with is a stacked chest and arms, but tiny legs! You’ve got to balance out this routine, and get your lower half in prime condition. Start with a series of squats to engage the glutes and your primary leg muscles. Use the leg press, and do slow sets of leg extensions.
Friday - Arms and shoulder day
We like to finish the week on another powerful workout. The arms and shoulders are closely linked to chest and back. So it’s a good idea to spread them out, and leave plenty of rest days in between. This workout is all about biceps, triceps, and shoulders. We’re talking about curls, extensions, and military barbell presses. Yeah, you’re going to feel this one in the morning!
And that’s the week complete. Remember to take a full rest day on either Saturday or Sunday. You can fill the gap with some light cardio or sports, but don’t over-exert yourself. Let those muscles rebuild.
Brass Vixens - Pole Fitness - Toronto

This week I was invited by Brass Vixens Pole Fitness to try out a class. At first I was hesitant because dancing of any kind is not my forte. One of my friends that I was speaking with on the phone said that I would probably be better than I was thinking I would be. So I decided what did I have to lose? I accepted the invitation and see what Brass Vixens was all bout.
From the moment I accepted signing up on their site was easy! Once I had a profile name I could browse through all of their locations and classes. The problem was that I have a very busy schedule. But guess what they had classes at all different times of day across all of their locations. I found a 12pm class that was perfect for me to attend at their location on Yonge Street. The class was beginner pole. I even received a friendly reminder of my class that I booked. Which is great since I do so many things in a day. I really like their booking feature and this was just icing on the cake!
I arrived at the address and was a little confused because the building read Seductions (and adult entertainment store). I walked in and asked where Brass Vixens was and the women was super nice and told me they were located on the 3rd floor. It would have been nice to know when I received my booking confirmation that this is where it was located. But it was easy to find non the less.
I was created with a friendly smile at the front desk by "Lady Kori" she was very friendly and totally made me comfortable. She took the time to show me the changing room, washroom and explain where to put my bags. I sat and waited patiently for the class to start and it started promptly at 12pm. It was a full class and some people had to share a pole.
Let me just say this: I LOVED EVERY ONE OF THE SONGS ON HER PLAYLIST! Music makes a workout for me so thank you Kori for an awesome play list. Since it was beginner pole we had what I thought was an extended warm up but she made it fun and sexy without it being over the top. All the moves were fun and her choreography flowed so well the whole class. The only thing I did not enjoy that much but I think everyone else did was the free style at the end of the class. She turned on a song and told us to free style. Since this was my first class I only knew what she did in the class so I was a bit so so about the freestyle. I just practiced what I learned while what seemed like everyone else did more advanced moves and really knew how to move. I just felt a bit out of place but it was still fun! I did not get a chance to take photos due to the privacy of the other attendees and there was another class directly after mine so I couldn't take any after either.
After my session I even got an email asking for my class review and to provide feedback. Great for business! I also got a Welcome to Brass Visens email saying that they hoped I enjoyed my class yesterday! After I filled out the feedback I earled "5 points." I assume this is a rewards program that they have. What a great incentive.
Overall I absolutely loved my experience at and I would totally recommend it to anyone looking for a good experience. Don't be scared or intimidated and just go in and have fun with it. Kori is a great instructor and I would definitely attend another class of hers! Thank you Brass Vixens for such a wonderful first pole experience. If you are in the Toronto area check them out!
What Is A Dynamic Warmup And Why You Should Be Doing One
What is a dynamic warmup? Dynamic training is exercise that stimulates real life body movements. The exercises in a dynamic warm up mimic the exercises that will be performed in the main part of the workout. The movements are usually done against light to moderate resistance in order to improve functional strength, mobility, stability, balance and coordination. Dynamic warm up uses exercises that exaggerate the ability to stay balanced while moving or slightly resisting. This can be done by unilateral exercises that use one leg or one arm. They also can include bilateral, on stable or unstable surfaces, or even by closing eyes.
A dynamic warm up is better than static stretching. With static stretching you lengthen the elasticity of the muscle. In doing so you decrease its ability to rebound as well and limit its ability to perform maximum strength output during the work out. Static stretching should be done once your entire workout is complete to get rid of lactic acid and help with recovery.
It is best to start out with five to ten minutes of a full body cardio machine like an elliptical if you are doing a full body workout. If you are doing a lower body I suggest cycling or running. If it is an upper body workout you may want to warm up on the rowing machine.Once the blood is flowing from the warmup I continue getting them ready for the workout by using different series of dynamic exercises. The dynamic exercises should geared towards what your workout is going to be.
The following are some examples dynamic circuits that can be used. You can combined as many series as you want and do them in any order you would like. Remember this isn’t the full workout and that it is just part of the warm up. Some of the series involve hurdles. If you don’t have any hurdles you can just skip that series.
Series 1(20m)
Alt Arm Rotations Fwd
Alt Arm Rotations Backward
Alt Arm Rotations Fwd Acute
Alt Arm Rotations Backward Acute
Double Arm Rotations Fwd
Double Arm Rotations Backward
Double Arm Rotations Fwd Acute
Double Arm Rotations Backward Acute
Chest Flies Straight Arm
Chest Flies Acute Arm
Series 2 (10 Reps)
Wrist Circles
Trunk Twists
Hip Circles
Knee Circles
Ankle Circles
Sky Divers
Series 3 (10 Reps)
Scissors (Frontal & Sagittal)
Donkey Kicks
Trail Leg Against Wall
Lead Leg Plows
Fire Hydrants
Iron Cross
Series 4 (10 reps)
Hurdle Cross Over
Wall Attack
Inverted Bicycle
Hurdle Seat Change
Trail Leg
Lead Leg
Lead Leg/Trail Leg
Lunge Exchange
Series 5 (10 reps/20m)
Ground Sweep
Lunge Walk
Hamstring Jog/Stretch
Dynamic Hamstring Walk
Series 6(20m)
Same hand/leg(inside heel/outside)
Heel/Toe Walks (In/Out/straight)
Knee-Chest/Heel Butt
Karaoke leg crossovers
Follow Alicia on twitter
OPUS launches colourful new line of Classico city bikes for Spring 2015 season
Toronto, ON — Canadian bicycle company OPUS celebrates the arrival of spring with an update on its successful Classico city bikes, available in a range of sunny colours that will please every discerning taste. With its modern technology, retro inspiration and vibrant colors, the “his and hers” collection meets the urban cyclist’s demand for both style and functionality. The Classico collection is simply this season’s “must have.”
“We chose the new colours for the Classico collection to appeal to the wide range of urban cyclists, from neophyte to the experienced urban travelers who are keen to be informed on the latest trends,” said David Bowman, president of Outdoor Gear Canada, the country’s largest distributor of bicycles and accessories, and the company behind OPUS.
With seven vivid colors and two builds to choose from, Canadians will be instant Classico fans. To celebrate spring and make urban outings more fun, people can choose from poppy red, opaline green, imperial green, cerulean blue, night blue, tangerine orange, garnet red, deep turquoise, raven black, gloss white, or platinum gray — each a standout on road or bike paths.
In addition to the head-turning retro styling and colors, the supremely practical Classico 1.0 and 2.0 models are the simplest way to get around town. Made from 6061 aluminum, they are designed for quick and efficient urban jaunts. The Classico 1.0 is equipped with a kickstand, fenders and rack, and sells for $699.99, while the Classico 2.0 also comes well-equipped for $559.99.
OPUS’ latest urban bike collection showcases the bright, deep colors that best respond to urban cyclists’ growing demand, while also hitting the right sunny notes for the season.

For a list of OPUS retailers, please visit
Twitter: @OpusBike
Instagram: @OpusBike
Facebook: @OpusBike
About OPUS
Founded in 1979, Outdoor Gear Canada, the country’s leading distributor of premium cycling products, designs and assembles OPUS bicycles in its LEED-certified office and warehouse in Montreal, Quebec. OGC also operates a warehouse and service center in Vancouver, British Columbia for western Canadian dealers. Opus’ 2015 Program includes a full range of urban, road, mountain and kids’ models sold throughout Canada and the United States. The company is also exploring expansion into other international markets.
Have You Hard of Zaggora Hot Pants
What are Zaggora hot pants? They are a specially created tight that has what the company calls “cellu-lite” technology. The company claims that this material uses your natural body heat to give you weight loss results by burning extra calories when you exercise. The pants have had some buzz already appearing in OK Magazine, Wall Street Journal and many news papers. They even have a verified twitter account.How do they work? They claim to put the “hot” in “hot pants” and that they make you sweat and increase your energy expenditure by 7% while you are exercising and up to 26% post exercises. Virtually the pants/shorts create a personal sauna without having to sit in a room with a bunch of naked people.
The “hot pants” or tights are designed so that you can where them at any time. Zaggora says that you can wear them “…for a walk in the park, a session in the gym or a run down to the shops.” Meaning that they are not just for the gym. They come in shorts or pants and are available in a variety of bright colours.
Zaggora on twitter:
Zaggora on Facebook:
5 Tips To Help You Lose Weight

Here are 5 tips to help you lose weight and it’s easier than you think.
1. Don’t be afraid to lift weights. Total body strength training is one of the best ways to get improve your metabolism. Lean muscle burns more calories than fat. Try strength train between 2-3 times a week and it will help you tone up and lose weight faster.
2. Do cardio. If you’re doing cardio make sure you are doing intervals on any of the machines between 15-30 seconds long are the best. Try going at a good pace for 15-30s then increasing the resistance and intensity for 15-30 seconds. Do tis for 40-60 minutes.
3. Get into a proper sleeping pattern. Get to bed at the same time most evenings. The best sleep you can give your body to recover is between 10 to 12pm. So try and time your sleep between those hours. The ideal amount of sleep is between 5 hours to 8 hours.
4. Eat 3 to 5 times a day with healthy snacks in between! Make sure to have a protein and a dark green with every meal. If this snack is a shake, be sure to add more than just water to your protein, and try to make a delicious smoothy with your favourite fruit.
5. Identify the mental and emotional stressors in your life. Try to write out everything in your life that is a stressor and decide to a) get rid of it, b) change the stressor or the situation or c) accept the stress and move on. Stress also causes your brain to release cortisol (a hormone that causes fat storage).
Follow Alicia on twitter