Supplement Spotlight: Phosphatidylserine (PS)

What is it?

A naturally occurring phospholipid found in cell membranes throughout the body, comprised of both fatty acids and amino acids. It serves to maintain optimal cell function and communication but most importantly, is a key building block for brain cells.

For us bodybuilders however, possibly the most attractive benefit of this supplement is in it’s potential to suppress the release of cortisol when taken after a workout. It should come as no surprise that contest prep places a great deal of stress on the body and mind. And when your cortisol levels aren't kept in check, it can really work against you - making it more challenging to drop those last few pounds of excess weight as well as staying full and dense through carb-restricted phases. Supplementing with something like PS can help to balance cortisol levels so you have one less factor working against you during the process.

PS is considered to be part of the nootropic family of supplements (aka smart drugs) and has demonstrated some impressive cognitive-enhancing benefits in research as well – including: boosting mental focus and task performance, preventing short term memory loss, helping with ADHD, combats depression/improves mood, improves Parkinson’s symptoms, improves symptoms and delays the onset of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.


600-800 mg daily split over two doses with one dose typically taken in the post-workout period or after intense activity.

600 mg is the common research administered dose per day.

Smaller athletes and females may be able to use 400 mg/day , split over two doses.

Coach Notes

Not the cheapest cortisol support supplement, but on my own trials and with clients, it does seem to provide some great results – both from a physique enhancing perspective and cognitive performance. I usually gauge how well it’s working, by how full and hard a client’s muscles stay while dieting over a period of a month, as well as changes in abdominal fat distribution (i.e. if a client is able to drop body fat a little more efficiently in the core).

(Attached photo - proof you can find it locally. This was at Healthy Planet.)


Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) encourages everyone to try new and healthy foods

Although March is officially National Nutrition Month, anytime is a good time to eat more nutritiously, points out the Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE). SOPHE offers 12 tips to help Latino-Americans eat more nutritiously.

“National Nutrition Month is an opportunity to learn more about nutrition and try new and healthy foods. Eating healthy foods can help weight management and lower risk for many chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer, which especially affect many Latino communities,” said Elaine Auld, CEO of SOPHE. She offered the following tips:

Go fresh. Choose fresh seafood, lean poultry, and beans as your protein source. If using ground meats, choose 93 percent lean ground turkey or ground sirloin beef.

Make fresh salsa or black bean dip. Store-bought salsa is often loaded with sodium. If you plan to have more than a tablespoon or two, fresh salsa is a much better option. Guacamole contains healthy fats, but is high in fat and calories.

Measure portions. It is easy to overeat on snacks. Measure one serving so you can save room for the main course.

Favor whole grains. Brown rice is a whole grain and has more nutrients than white rice. Use corn and whole wheat tortillas instead of those made with flour. Buy or bake whole grain breads and baked goods.

Use the plate method. Fill half of your plate with non-starchy vegetables. Fill one quarter of your plate with a lean protein. Then fill one quarter of your plate with a starchy food, such as beans or brown rice.

Use healthy cooking methods. Grill your chicken, fish, or vegetables. You can also try baking, steaming, or broiling. Small amounts of vegetable oil, olive oil, or cooking spray are better options.

Beans make a great protein source. Use dried beans when you can. They are lower in sodium than canned varieties. Always drain and rinse canned beans to remove excess sodium. If you are buying canned refried beans, buy fat-free varieties. Or make your own by blending whole black or pinto beans in a food processor with spices.

Go easy on the cheese. Cheese is high in saturated fat and in sodium. Queso fresco is a great choice if used in moderation. You can also try reduced-fat cheeses.

Substitute healthier options for sour cream. Non-fat Greek or plain yogurt and non-fat plain yogurt have a similar taste and texture to sour cream for much less calories and fat.

Cut your portion size when eating out. If you eat out, split the meal with someone else, eat half the meal and bring home leftovers, or order a kid-sized meal.

Snack on fruits and vegetables. Keep a bowl of fruit out on a table or counter to encourage healthy snacking. Pre-cut veggies and make “grab and go” packets.

Pack your lunch. Skip eating out and bring your lunch.

Substituting foods and even small dietary changes can lead to positive results, notes Auld. Researchers report that more than 40 percent of Latinos are obese.[1] Auld is working with SOPHE members and other partners to decrease those numbers.

“We want to help Latino communities, families and individuals overcome the barriers to good health,” Auld added. “We want to make healthy living easier where people live, learn, work, and play.”

The Society for Public Health Education is partnering in a three-year nationwide project called the National Implementation and Dissemination for Chronic Disease Prevention, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There are 97 projects in communities across the nation assisting people and communities in living healthier lives. Learn more at #Partnering4Health and

Some tips adapted from the National Diabetes Association.

Honey Colony is Having - 20% Off Superfoods

Honey Colony is Having - 20% Off Superfoods. I reviewed their Equilibrium product a while ago on my blog. Definitely worth checking out.

Click here to see what's on sale:

20% Off Superfoods

Hey guys! If you have protein powder in your diet this week and are craving a sweet treat give this recipe a try!

Ps this recipe was sent out in my newsletter so if you aren't subscribed makes sure you do! either click the popup or scroll to the bottom.

Healthy Chocolate Lava Cake

This recipe is for those of you who desperately are craving a sweet treat but know enough not to stray too far off of your diet. If you do IIFYM you can easily fit this into your macros.

1 Scoop Protein Of Choice
1 tsp cocoa
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tbsp PB2 (peanut butter without the fat)
1 Packet of stevia or liquid stevia drops
Almond Milk/Cashew Milk (amount will vary depending on protein)

1. Mix all of the dry ingredients together into a bowl or mug.

2. Add Almond milk slowly and stir until brownie batter is achieved.

2. Microwave 1-2 minutes until there is only a small centre of "goo" in the middle. Think lava cake. I suggest checking every 30s to see.

3. ENJOY! But beware it is addictive!

Artificial Sweeteners

The following is a very simplified overview of my five main issues with artificial sweeteners.

Re-enforces the craving for sweets and overeating. Sends a very strong signal (stronger than sugar) to the control centers in the brain to remind and push to consume sugar because it creates pleasurable feelings. What ends up happening is people end up craving sugars even more and end up getting it eventually and when they do, it’s more than they would have eaten had it not been for the artificial spike. Eliminating artificial sweeteners from your contest prep diet honestly makes dieting 100 times easier because you’re not providing a constant reminder to eat more sugar.

Changes the way foods are metabolized. Research confirms that artificial sweeteners can negatively impact the way the body processes and metabolizes certain foods. So even if you are eating healthy, your body may not be processing the nutrients appropriately and partitioning them accordingly how they should be. (i.e. more gets potentially stored as fat, not muscle cells). Research has also suggested artificial sweeteners can impair glucose metabolism.

Creates an artificial insulin spike. Mixed research on this but enough in my mind to warrant mentioning it. Artificial sweeteners can send a signal to the body that sugar has just been dumped into the blood. In some individuals, this can actually cause the body to produce insulin (a storing hormone). While in contest prep, we try to suppress insulin with the exception of very specific times. Stimulating it’s release multiple times through the day is not the best way to get shredded.

Long term use linked to changes in the brain-metabolism balance. Artificial sweeteners can create an energy imbalance that mimics the actions of fasting on the brain – which can be highly detrimental to the metabolism. The pathway here is the AMPK causing certain cells to produce NPF – a peptide that promotes hunger.

Studies have correlated artificial sweeteners with weight gain and metabolic syndrome.  While correlation is always up for debate, it shouldn’t be just overlooked.

I was recently sent some new protein to try. Its Called Bipro. They sent me vanilla, chocolate and unflavoured. I tried them before I entered prep and I was really impressed. The Vanilla is 90 calories, 0g of fat, 1g of carb with 22g protein. The chocolate is 90 calories, 0.5g of fat, 2g of carb with 20g protein. The unflavoured is 80 calories, 0g of fat, 0g of carb with 20g protein.

A little bit about the company and my findings:

BiPro whey protein isolate has been available in the U.S. for more than 30 years and is used by elite and major league athletes, coaches and sports nutrition experts. Starting in July 2016, BiPro will finally be available in Canada through It will also be sold in specialty stores as of this fall.

High in protein, including branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), to help enhance training and improve endurance

  • One of the purest WPI products on the market, with a 97% purity level
  • Made with 100% whey protein isolate, with no other protein sources added
  • Fast-absorbing and easy to digest
  • NSF-certified
  • Naturally gluten-free
  • Short ingredients list

BiPro will be offered in a 907 g (2 lbs.) jars as well as boxes with 14 individual packets. You have the choice of Unflavoured, Chocolate or French Vanilla.

I was honestly really impressed with the taste and quality. I like that it is high in protein with BCAA in it. It was easy to digest and I believe it that they say its one of the purest whey's on the market with a 97% purity level. Its also naturally gluten free and there are only a few ingredients therefore it clearly isn't packed with fillers or chemicals.


Five Ways To Spring Clean Your Health & Lose Weight - Interviews Available With Doctor

Dr. George's tips are:
1. Start exercising
An increase in activity of as little as 20 minutes 3 times a week can make a difference in your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. You don't have to get fancy with a gym membership. Try taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, or park further from the entrance when you go to the market or mall.
2. Eat Smaller portions
You may not want to give up your junk food or fried food, but try to limit your portions. Instead of buying a six pack of soda, buy a two liter bottle. You can better control the portions along with your intake of calories.
3. Drink more water
The average person should be drinking 1 ounce per kilogram of his/her weight in water per day. (1 lb = 2.2kg). Studies have shown that people eat more when they are dehydrated because the signals in the body can confuse hunger with thirst. If you are hungry, try drinking an 8-12 oz glass of water before you decide to eat that snack.
4. Avoid salt
The average American diet consists too much salt. Salt is found in everything from canned foods to frozen foods. Not only does salt make your body retain water, it also dulls your sense of taste when it comes to sugar. As a challenge, decrease the amount of salt you eat for about 1 week, then drink a non-diet soft drink. Not only will you lose about 3- 5 lbs of water weight, but you will see that the soda is incredibly sweet. In addition, try to use sea salt.
5. Avoid high fructose corn syrup
Studies have shown that most products in this country are made with high fructose corn syrup that is contaminated with mercury (a known neurotoxin). Instead try to choose foods made with cane sugar. When you drink soft drinks that are made with sugar you will be less likely to crave salt and be able to stop with one soda because there is no 'sugar high' that leads to the craving that makes you want to have more.
About Dr. Elaina George
Atlanta, GA Based - Dr Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology. She received her Masters degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. She is on the advisory council of Project 21 black leadership network, an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research. Dr George hosts her own radio show, "Medicine On Call" and she is also a keynote speaker many organizations. As a solo practitioner in private practice who is also a small business owner, she has a unique perspective on the problems of health care delivery, the true costs of healthcare and viable solutions.
TV CLIP of Dr. Elaina George on Fox Business News 

Get The Perfect Body With This Magic Elixir

Get The Perfect Body With This Magic Elixir

Do you want a slim waist? Perfect, glowing skin? Want to lose 10 pounds easy? Are you ready for it... Wait for it... Okay here it is... The magic Elixir is actually available to just about anyone reading this. It's available at a super low cost, sometimes you can even find it free... Have you guessed what it is?

The magic elixir is WATER!! Yes water can guarantee you a slim waist, perfect, glowing skin and you can lose 10 pounds easy, if you start drinking the right amount for you. Granted, to see lasting results of weight loss, you would have to also abide by a healthy diet and workout regularly (meal and workout plans are available here at

Many underestimate the power of water or believe they just can't down the amount that they're supposed to have. Speak with any nutritionist and they will tell you that you should be drinking a specific amount for your body. The formula that many use is to take your body weight, divide it by 2 and that'll give you the number in ounces of how much water you should consume daily. So, if you're 150 pounds you should do 150 divided by 2 to find you should be drinking a minimum of 75 ounces of water. To break down further, thats a little under 4.5 standard bottles (16.9 ounces) of water.

What are some of the immediate benefits of water?

Well for one, drinking 1-2 bottles of water within the first hour of waking up will help wake up your entire body, leading to activating all of your internal organs. It'll also help you lose that 'sleepy' feeling and help you get your day off to a more positive start.

Drinking water also helps with digestion's. If you start drinking 1 glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal, you'll be doing your digestive system a favor. You'll also find that you are less likely to overeat. So next time you're out to dinner, try to down an entire glass of water before you start your meal.

Drinking more water also leads to healthier hair and nails, beautiful, glowing skin, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of stroke and heart attacks and so much more.

Did we also mention that it helps with weight loss? Yes! Those that drink more water usually have a better handle on their weight and those that increase their water intake find that they are more likely to lose weight. Increase your daily intake to about a gallon a day and you may notice immediate weight loss within a week.

So next time you go to grab sugary juice or soda go for water instead and watch the endless benefits!!!

Check back with in the near future for tips on how you can start drinking more water... It's actually easier than you think.

Tonica Kombucha - Review

What is Kombucha?

According to Wikipedia:

Kombucha is a variety of fermented, lightly effervescent sweetened black or green tea drinks that are commonly intended as functional beverages for their supposed health benefits. Kombucha is produced by fermenting tea using a "symbiotic 'colony' of bacteria and yeast" (SCOBY). Actual contributing microbial populations in SCOBY cultures vary, but the yeast component generally includes Saccharomyces and other species, and the bacterial component almost always includes Gluconacetobacter xylinus to oxidize yeast-produced alcohols to acetic and other acids.

Although it has been claimed to have numerous health benefits, there is no good evidence that drinking kombucha has such effects.[1] By contrast, there are several documented cases of serious adverse effects, including fatalities, related to kombucha drinking, possibly arising from contamination during home preparation.[2][3] Since the mostly unclear benefits of kombucha drinking do not outweigh the known risks, it is not recommended for therapeutic use.[1]

Despite their being claims there is no good evidence. I think it affects other people differently. The Tonica is naturally carbonated, only 45 calories per bottle, organic, raw and GMO free. Its also made in Canada. However a lot of carbs for a drink. I would rather not drink my carbs personally. However, it was really tasty and thirst quenching. But then again so is water. Until theres some good scientific background to its claims I probably wont be drinking any more kombucha any time soon.

The Tonica is bowed and bottled with natural carbonation over the course of a full 10 day ferment. According to them their brew preserves the integrity of ancient kombucha and delights todays customer with their certified organic tea infusions.

Its certified USDA Organic, Canada Organic and certified Raw.

Visit the website for more information



If you fall off track, hop back on

If you were given $24 and managed to lose $1 would you then throw away the $23 you had left? Of Course not! So why treat your days like that?

Often times, were on a program to help us accomplish goals. It may be a weight loss program, a muscle building program, a program for a competition or a eating program to help restore our health. Whatever the case, sometimes we mess up. But when we mess up, should we give up? Absolutely not! Everyday were given 24 hours but it's up to us to use them effectively.

If you find yourself cheating or deviating from your meal plan because you just can't beat your craving, you shouldn't beat yourself up. Instead, you should take note of what events led up to your deviating from your plan, how you felt after, what you can do next time to avoid messing up and finally MOVE ON. The same way you wouldn't throw away $23 if you managed to lose $1, you should never throw away an entire day to unhealthy eating or quitting your plan because of one disruption. As we've all heard before, things happen.

So next time you find yourself eating that cookie, or eating a slice of cake, remember that were all imperfect, things happen and you must move on and forward. Get back on course finishing the day healthy, strong and on track and continue to work towards reaching your goal.