Ener-C Announces NSF Non-GMO True North Certification

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 15, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Pauling Labs, the maker of Ener-C multivitamin drink mix, is extremely proud to announce that Ener-C has achieved NSF Non-GMO True North certification of all ingredients.

Since the birth of the brand in 2013, their goal has always been to attain third party certification of Ener-C's non-GMO status. Although Ener-C has always been non-GMO, they hold a firm belief that if you claim it you need to verify it by a respected third party. Pauling Labs chose to work with NSF True North because they are an internationally recognized verification and testing organization.

Ener-C Power Up The Taste
Ener-C Power Up The Taste
NSF Certified Products all carry this logo
NSF Certified Products all carry this logo

Since 1955, NSF has been committed to protecting human health and safety worldwide.  Athletes who wish to compete in the Olympics and world sporting events can only take NSF certified supplements.  "NSF is the gold standard for all supplement testing worldwide, which is why we decided to go with NSF's True North Non-GMO testing regime for Ener-C," said Richard Pollock, President, Pauling Labs.

Pollock and his team believe that consumers have the right to know what's in their products and have the right to make the healthiest decisions when purchasing those products.  Although there continues to be a debate over the health effects of GMO ingredients, Pollock believes there should be no question as to who owns the seeds and plants: Mother Earth, not corporations.  "Pauling Labs and Ener-C are committed to continually doing better and improving the lives of our consumers, our employees, and our communities," said Pollock.

About Ener-C and Pauling Labs: 
Ener-C is a multivitamin drink mix made with real fruit powders that was created to address two important basic human truths.  The first truth is that we are all, by nature, thirsty creatures.  The second is that we all could do with more energy.

There were very few choices out there when it came to finding a product that was healthy, natural, non-GMO,  caffeine and stimulant free, low in sugar, and made by companies consumers could trust and respect. Pauling Labs saw this as an opportunity to create a product people could enjoy taking and feel good about. Pollock stated, "Everything we do at Pauling Labs is based around the belief that we can all be better, do better, and feel better."

Get The Perfect Body With This Magic Elixir

Get The Perfect Body With This Magic Elixir

Do you want a slim waist? Perfect, glowing skin? Want to lose 10 pounds easy? Are you ready for it... Wait for it... Okay here it is... The magic Elixir is actually available to just about anyone reading this. It's available at a super low cost, sometimes you can even find it free... Have you guessed what it is?

The magic elixir is WATER!! Yes water can guarantee you a slim waist, perfect, glowing skin and you can lose 10 pounds easy, if you start drinking the right amount for you. Granted, to see lasting results of weight loss, you would have to also abide by a healthy diet and workout regularly (meal and workout plans are available here at TrainItRight.com/programs).

Many underestimate the power of water or believe they just can't down the amount that they're supposed to have. Speak with any nutritionist and they will tell you that you should be drinking a specific amount for your body. The formula that many use is to take your body weight, divide it by 2 and that'll give you the number in ounces of how much water you should consume daily. So, if you're 150 pounds you should do 150 divided by 2 to find you should be drinking a minimum of 75 ounces of water. To break down further, thats a little under 4.5 standard bottles (16.9 ounces) of water.

What are some of the immediate benefits of water?

Well for one, drinking 1-2 bottles of water within the first hour of waking up will help wake up your entire body, leading to activating all of your internal organs. It'll also help you lose that 'sleepy' feeling and help you get your day off to a more positive start.

Drinking water also helps with digestion's. If you start drinking 1 glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal, you'll be doing your digestive system a favor. You'll also find that you are less likely to overeat. So next time you're out to dinner, try to down an entire glass of water before you start your meal.

Drinking more water also leads to healthier hair and nails, beautiful, glowing skin, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of stroke and heart attacks and so much more.

Did we also mention that it helps with weight loss? Yes! Those that drink more water usually have a better handle on their weight and those that increase their water intake find that they are more likely to lose weight. Increase your daily intake to about a gallon a day and you may notice immediate weight loss within a week.

So next time you go to grab sugary juice or soda go for water instead and watch the endless benefits!!!

Check back with TrainItRight.com in the near future for tips on how you can start drinking more water... It's actually easier than you think.

Hey Guys!

I was at my local health food store browsing the cooler. Since Im currently on prep and sweetners haven't been cut yet I tend to look for sugar free, low carb drinks to satisfy cravings. I happened to see a new bottle that I didn't recognize. It was called Kevita. This is a sparkling fermented drink. There were a few kinds so I checked out the back labels. I found one: Lemon Cayenne. That sparked my interest.

The drink is certified organic, 10 calories, 20mg sodium 1g sugar and 1g cab (not significant). So I decided to keep reading the ingredient list. What I thought was very interesting is that it contained apple cider vinegar, cayenne from the whole plant extract, lemon extract, stevia leaf extract and then fermented lactic acid. I was intrigued. It all had bacterial cultures. These aid in digestion along with apple cider. It was also gluten free, non -dairy and vegan. And to top it off its lightly carbonated to satisfy the bubble desire since I can't have real soda.

All in all I would give this product a 9/10. This is because it does have maple extract which is what I would presume the 1g carb, 1g sugar comes from. So Kevita if you feel like sending me a case of these for the rest of my prep I wouldn't be mad!


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New York based artist in Optic Modernism inspires newly launched ultra-premium line of naturally gluten free vodka with his signature Zebra Love collection

EMORY Vodka – the country’s first ultra-premium product to be conceptually inspired by one of today’s leading artists and the only vodka to originate from the art world since Romero Britto aligned with Absolut.

EMORY Vodka is one of the first artist-inspired creations to enter the ultra-premium beverage market as a 100% corn based product that is naturally gluten free while being six times distilled and triple-filtered using charcoal during fermentation.  This low-calorie alternative has a purity that vastly reduces the morning-after effects of consumption as a result of this process.

New York based artist Blake Emory, one of today’s most innovative pioneers in the “Optic Modernism” movement, has developed a unique extension of his existing Zebra Love oil on canvas signature collection for the brand design of EMORY Vodka. Michael Alden, CEO and President of Blue Vase Marketing, in partnership with Emory, has translated the Zebra Love concept on to frosted glass, releasing the limited edition premium vodka supported by one of the country’s leading strategic marketing firms for the beverage industry, Pearson & Pearson.  Bottled by the newly formed Zebra Love, LLC parent company, Emory’s Zebra Love design is embossed on to a signature artisan bottle, complete with Emory’s trademark red stiletto.  Emory Vodka marks the first brand extension in the Zebra Love series and features Emory’s “Shauna1” design for the inaugural product adaptation.  A portion of proceeds from the sales of Emory Vodka are being donated to the ASPCA to help prevent cruelty to animals.

“We are pleased to announce the strategic roll-out of EMORY Vodka in key markets nationwide,” says Michael Alden, CEO and President of Blue Vase Marketing.  “We understand the premium spirits business and know how important it is to develop something marketable and unique for the consumer in an over saturated marketplace.  The exceptional design portrayed in Zebra Love by Blake Emory creates a strong artistic impression and will form tremendous brand recognition for the product.  This unique design element also allows us to develop alternate configurations for the new line while remaining creative and diverse.  Launching a one hundred percent corn based vodka that is naturally gluten free while being six times distilled will also deliver the ultra-premium taste that vodka lovers will expect.”

Priced at $29.99 for 750ml, EMORY Vodka is fully underway with its off premise campaign, targeting high volume cities around the country known for their trendsetting consumer audience, including Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and Miami. The brand is currently on-shelf in New York, Texas and Massachusetts and is anticipated to be on shelf nationwide in established retailers such as Total Wine & More and Binny’s, as well as other major retailers, by Spring of this year.

Zebra Love is the latest anthology by the New York artist Blake Emory, whose collective series of theoretical works is capturing the attention of not only the fine art world, but also the country’s leading brand visionaries within the marketing community.

Emory’s Zebra Love series represents the artist’s inspired discovery of what he refers to as “nature’s grand design” that encapsulates an artistic expression of retro fashion with love, passion and “divine geometry” from the animal kingdom.  Zebra Love portrays an underlying theme based on a fluid visual depiction of Zebra stripes that are carved to form the foundation of a multi-dimensional approach to acrylic on canvas. Using an individual female model and form as the muse for every piece of work, the curvaceous and nude silhouette of each chosen woman is juxtaposed against the Zebra design and blended within the center of the frame to convey a layered optical illusion at first glance. Emory describes his final touch as a “passionate step in to the world of love needed to liberate us from the human construct,” illustrated by a retro-style red stiletto worn on one foot – giving the black and white design its signature dash of vibrant color, fashionable overture and overtly sexual connotation.

“I like to think of my work as representing the unity of mankind,” says Blake Emory.  “The Zebra is one of nature’s grandest designs and I fell in love with this beautiful formation and found that its geometry gave me a new form of expression in Optic Modernism.  The female figure represents the world of love and what I believe is a type of ‘social silhouette.’ Sharing my vision and inspiration through EMORY Vodka is an exciting new step in my career as an artist and I hope the impressionable brand design resonates with people everywhere.”

Each piece from Emory’s collection is entitled after the women whose voluntary participation is part of the creative process.  “Josephine” is Emory’s most beloved and original work of art, with “Flove” cited by Emory as the most “sexual” and “controversial’ from his collection. Other example names of his artwork include “Shauna,” “Billy Leigh” and “Levon.” 

Joint marketing efforts for the new line of EMORY Vodka by Blue Vase and Pearson & Pearson are being supported by a national PR campaign, social media and traditional advertising.

For further information on EMORY Vodka, visit www.emoryvodka.com.

Silk Meatless Monday Night - Take the Challenge! #MeatlessMondayNight #SidelineMeat


Hey Everyone! Its Alicia Bell here from Train It Right! This post was sponsored by Silk but the opinions are solely my own and do not represent those of Silk. It has been a long wait but it is finally football season! Get ready for NFL Monday night football with your family and friends by hosting a Meatless Monday Night. Myself and Silk are inviting you to take the challenge along side of me. You can use this to kick start a family tradition, and you also can win a giveaway from www.silk.com when join the challenge.

Why join the #MeatlessMondayNight Challenge?


My personal reason for trying the Silk #MeatlessMondayNight Challenge is this football season is because plant based foods keep you active during sports, fitness events and day to day living. There are many benefits of plant based foods but some of the most interesting benefits have been known to include:

1. Lowering your blood pressure

2. Helping with blood sugar levels

3. Lowering your risk of developing cancer

4. Lowering cholesterol

5. Linked to weight loss

And I think those are all good reasons to increase the amount of plant based foods in my diet and so should you. For my very first Silk Meatless Monday Night #MeatlessMondayNight I plan on making a smoothie. You can make your own Silk #MeatlessMondayNight recipe or make mine. Make sure to post your photo and recipe and hashtag #MeatlessMondayNight


Train It Right's Silk Meatless Monday Night Smoothie




2 Cups Silk Almond Milk (unsweetened) Or Silk Product of Choice

1 Cup Kale

1/2 Frozen or Unfrozen Banana

1 tsp Matcha Powder

1 Scoop Vanilla Protein of Choice (I use Sun Warrior)

1 Cup Ice


Pour Silk Almond milk in first and add in all other ingredients with protein being last. Blend all ingredients into a blender until smooth. And serve with or without a straw!

Happy #MeatlessMondyNight Challenge

Use our store locator to find Silk products in your area.

Visit www.silk.com/sidelinemeat (Live September 14th, 2015) for more recipes and and a chance to win a giveaway. www.silk.com

This conversation is sponsored by Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.



Thank You @gatoradecanada #keepsweating



Did you know that losing >2% of body mass through seat has been shown to impair athletic performance? Hydration is so important! and Gatorade helps with that.


I came home the other day to a giant box delivered to my concierge. I lug it all the way upstairs and open it up to find a giant gatorade water jug filled with Gatorade products.  Some I knew existed and others I didn't. Who knew that gatorade made protein bars. Not only are they packed with 20g of protein but they are delicious. Every single flavour. Im a fan of the caramel one myself. They also gave me a towel for sweat while I workout and an arm band to keep my iPod in while working out. There was every flavour of Gatorade, g2, Gatorade protein shakes, a water bottle, and even information on the Gatorade Sport Science Institute. The GSSI has worked with athletes from NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, MLS, NASCARR, WTA, CHL, Ironman, NCAA football and even professional soccer. www.GSIweb.org/en-ca

The Train It Right household will be happily hydrated by Gatorade over the next few weeks! Thanks again Gatorade Canada! #keepsweating

HFACTOR Hydrogen Rich Water ReviewHfactor

I recently had the opportunity to try HFACTORHydrogen Rich Water. The water arrived in a nice package and its contents were quite interesting. The packaging was sheik and silver. The contents said that it contained hydrogen rich water. I have tried hydrogenated water before. However this water was lighter, tastier, and felt very smooth.  The smaller packaging made it easy to throw in my bag or my purse. I do however wish that there was a larger size as I drink a lot of water. There for I have to give this product a thumbs up but I am hoping they develop a bigger option for us thirstier athletes.
According to their website. Hydrogen Water has been shown to deploy a wide range of performance and therapeutic effects. Hydrogen, as it exists in normal water, is a light gas and evaporates quickly, preventing this incredible antioxidant from reaching our cells. Enter Molecular Hydrogen, which quickly circulates, into many locations of our body, including the hard to reach powerhouses of our cells.

HFACTOR naturally infuses Hydrogen into water at unprecedented levels, providing a saturation that is easy for our body to obtain and enjoy its benefits.

Free shipping on orders over $50! Use Promo Code: HFACTOR50

Visit their site: http://h-factor-water.myshopify.com


Alicia Bell - GP8 Sport Water

Fitness isn’t all about working out hard in the gym everyday. It's a lifes It is much more than that. It not only includes exercise but diet and hydration. I call water, “liquid courage.” It gives your body life, regulates your core temperature, lubricates joints, gives your skin a healthy glow, and keep you from being bloated. “Liquid courage” is particularly important during exercise. Your body sweats to get rid of toxins and to cool off your body. However, you need to rehydrate yourself before, during and afterwards.

Dehydration can cause drops in blood volume that can cause muscle craps, extreme fatigue and/or dizziness. You should always have a water bottle close by when working out. I always say if your thirsty it is too late. This is because at this point you are already well on your way to dehydration. That means you need to make sure that you are drinking water all day long and not just during workouts. Stay away from juices they contain high amounts of concentrated sugar and no one needs those excess calories. Also note that the body wants to turn sugars to fat. If you are performing endurance exercises for long periods of time you my want to consider something that has electrolytes. I suggest more natural electrolytes such as coconut water rather than powerade or gatorade.

Follow these tips to stay hydrated:

1. Drink at least 2L-4L of water a day
2. Carry a water bottle
3. Avoid prolonged periods in the sun

So keep that “liquid courage” close because it will help you succeed in your health and fitness goals.

I always drink GP Sport Water: www.gp8.c0m


What is a juice cleanse?

According to the Huffington Post “During a juice fast or cleanse, a person limits their diet to only fresh vegetable and fruit juices and water for anywhere from a few days to several weeks. The fast focuses on freshly made, unpasteurized juice, so the usual bottles of OJ that you would pick up at the corner store wouldn’t be allowed.” Juice cleanses also tend to be expensive if you buy them from a manufacturer. If you do decide that you want to do your own juicing the juicers can be costly and can be up to $300 for a top of the line juicer says Huffington Post.

Do juice cleanses work?

The answer is not for long. Some (not all) juice cleanses lack in calories. When you are calorie deficient it can slow your metabolism down. When your body has an improper amount of protein it can also cause muscle loss. Usually people who do juice cleanses want to drop fat not muscle. Therefore you will only be doing your body more harm than good when you deprive it proper nutrients and calories. If you do drop a significant amount of weight from a juice cleanse you’ll like gain weight immediately when you return to your normal eating habits. Therefore it is not a sustainable weight loss.

According to ABC News some people feel amazing after a cleanse. They say that they feel better physically and emotionally during a cleanse. Others have reported that they suffered from moodiness, irritation, depression, fatigue, constipation, constant thoughts of food, and rebound overeating.

Juice cleanses can also be dangerous for anyone who is doing chemotherapy, diabetics, people with nutritional deficiencies or people with kidney disease says Huffington Post. The high sugar in juice cleanses can increase blood-sugar levels in diabetics, This can can lead to problems with fatigue, blurred sight, hunger and thirst.

ABC News recommends that if you do a juice cleanse you should not workout at the same time. They state that the main reasons not to workout and do a juice cleanse are because it can cause tiredness, dizziness and leave you nauseas. They say that because of the lack of protein that causes the breaking down muscle mass can also increase your risk of injury.

If you do choose to try a cleanse make sure it is one where you are not depriving yourself of calories or protein. The moment you have negative feelings, dizziness, fatigue or any other negative symptoms stop the cleanse immediately and check with your doctor.

Follow Alicia on Twitter for more health and fitness tips.



The Uses Of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many uses. Not only is it good for you but it is also affordable. You can use it as lotion, hair treatment and you can even cook with it.  It is available at most local grocers, walmarts, health food stores and even some pharmacies.

According to Dr. Oz “Studies have show that intake of coconut oil can help our bodies mount resistance to both viruses and bacteria that can cause illness. Even more, it also can help to fight off yeast, fungus and candida.” He goes on to say that “one 2009 study found that women who consumed 30 milliliters (about 2 tablespoons) of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks not only did not gain more weight, but actually had lowered amounts of abdominal fat, a type of fat that is difficult to lose.” These are all very good reasons as to why you should add coconut oil into your diet. The following are some of my favourite uses for coconut oil:

Lotion – Coconut oil is  very moisturizing. It absorbs well and it also has anti-bacterial properties that are good for the skin.

Baking – Slight coconut taste but its not harsh. It is less fat and full of good omegas. That makes it better for your stomach.

Frying – Much healthier to fry foods with coconut oil. It works as a better medium than butter, and it has a higher smoke point than animal based fats.

Butter Replacement – It makes a great spread. Wherever you put butter you can put coconut oil. Eventually you won’t even notice the difference.

Infections – When applied directly to injury sites, it provides a barrier from additional debris/dust/jerms to aid healing.

Energy Booster – Coconut oils contain and excellent source of Omega-3 fatty acids which are great for boosting energy. Just put some on a table spoon and enjoy.

Hair Mask/Conditioner – Coconut oils can work as a great deep conditioner for the hair, and you can use it daily, as a rinse out; or weekly as a leave-in, under heat.

Sunscreen – Coconut oil actually contains roughly 5 SPF so if you don’t require a high SPF you can definitely lather on the coconut oil.

Base for Body Scrubs – If you mix coconut oil with sea salt it makes a great exfoliating scrub.

Toothpaste – Mix coconut oil, baking soda and mint extract together. Place a dab a little of the mix on your toothbrush and brush.

Deodorant - You can use coconut oil alone as a deodorant. However, it is more effective with combination of cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda.

Follow Alicia on Twitter: www.twitter.com/trainitright