5 Tips To Help You Lose Weight

aliciabell - train it right

Here are 5 tips to help you lose weight and it’s easier than you think.

1. Don’t be afraid to lift weights.  Total body strength training is one of the best ways to get improve your metabolism. Lean muscle burns more calories than fat. Try strength train between 2-3 times a week and it will help you tone up and lose weight faster.

2.  Do cardio. If you’re doing cardio make sure you are doing intervals on any of the machines between 15-30 seconds long are the best. Try going at a good pace for 15-30s then increasing the resistance and intensity for 15-30 seconds. Do tis for 40-60 minutes.

3. Get into a proper sleeping pattern. Get to bed at the same time most evenings. The best sleep you can give your body to recover is between 10 to 12pm. So try and time your sleep between those hours. The ideal amount of sleep is between 5 hours to 8 hours.

4. Eat 3 to 5 times a day with healthy snacks in between! Make sure to have a protein and a dark green with every meal. If this snack is a shake, be sure to add more than just water to your protein, and try to make a delicious smoothy with your favourite fruit.

5. Identify the mental and emotional stressors in your life. Try to write out everything in your life that is a stressor and decide to a) get rid of it, b) change the stressor or the situation or c) accept the stress and move on. Stress also causes your brain to release cortisol (a hormone that causes fat storage).

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hexoskinHave you guys heard of Hexoskin? According to their site 'Hexoskin is a smart shirt packed with high precision health and activity sensors. Hexoskin measures your body metrics and gives you insights about your training, your health, and your life on many levels." On top of all of this it is a personal trainer, sleep quality reader, and GPS app and "When you wear the shirt, your health stats are digitized and uploaded in real-time. You can get detailed reports on your training and general health in a web browser on any device.


What a cool idea. I wonder how accurate it is. It is machine washable and "It does a lot more than your old heart rate strap, without the strap. Our dual band sensor technology offers a high-quality ECG signal with RR intervals measurement, and a unique precise breathing volume measurement that uses 2 sensors. This is the most precise way to measure breathing without wearing a mask."

Hopefully someday I can get my hands on one to try and blog about!


In the meantime check them out at:
