How to protect yourself from the health effects of extreme heat

Did you know that when the outside air temperature is 23ºC, the temperature inside a vehicle can reach over 50ºC?

Many places in Canada have a high number of extreme heat events or heat waves. Extreme heat can put your health at risk, causing illnesses like heat stroke and even death. It is important to take precautions to protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones.

What are the signs and symptoms of heat illness?

  • Heat exhaustion can cause skin rash, muscle cramps, dizziness or fainting, nausea or vomiting, heavy sweating, headaches, extreme thirst, dark urine and decreased urination. If you experience any of these symptoms during extreme heat, immediately move to a cool place and drink water preferably.
  • Heat Stroke is manifested by a high body temperature, confusion and lack of coordination, dizziness or fainting, no sweating, but very hot, red skin.Heat stroke is a medical emergency! Call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. 

While extreme heat can put everyone at risk from heat illnesses, health risks are greatest for the elderly, infants and young children, people with chronic illnesses (like breathing problems, mental illness and heart problems), people who work or exercise in the heat, homeless people and people with low-incomes.

During extreme heat, the most important thing is to keep cool and hydrated. Remember that you should never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of liquids (especially water) before you feel thirsty to decrease your risk of dehydration (not having enough fluids in your body). You may be dehydrated even if you are not thirsty. Stay hydrated.

  • If you eat less, you may need to drink more water.
  • Drink water before, during and after physical activity.
  • Remind yourself to drink water by leaving a glass by the sink.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables as they have a high water content.
  • Flavouring water with natural fruit juice may make it more appealing.

For more tips, please visit Extreme heat events.

Health Canada, Ontario Region

Comment se protéger des effets de la chaleur extrême sur la santé

Saviez-vous que lorsque la température de l'air extérieur est de 23 °C, la température à l'intérieur d'un véhicule peut atteindre plus de 50 °C?

De nombreuses régions du Canada connaissent des périodes de chaleur accablante ou des canicules. La chaleur accablante peut causer des coups de chaleur et même entraîner la mort. Il est important de prendre des précautions pour protéger votre santé, ainsi que celle de votre famille et de votre entourage.

Quels sont les signes et les symptômes d’une maladie liée à la chaleur?

  • L’épuisement par la chaleur peut causer des éruptions cutanées, des crampes musculaires, des étourdissements ou l’évanouissement, des nausées ou des vomissements, la transpiration abondante, des maux de tête, une soif extrême, une urine foncée et une diminution du débit urinaire. Si vous manifestez l’un de ces symptômes en période de chaleur accablante, dirigez-vous immédiatement vers un lieu frais et buvez de l’eau préférablement.
  • Le coup de chaleur se manifeste par une température élevée du corps, la confusion et le manque de coordination, des étourdissement ou l’évanouissement, aucune transpiration, mais la peau rouge et très chaude.Le coup de chaleur est une urgence médicaleComposez immédiatement le 911 ou le numéro des services d’urgence locaux.

Bien que la chaleur accablante rende tout le monde vulnérable aux maladies liées à la chaleur, les risques pour la santé sont plus grands pour les personnes âgées, les nourrissons et les jeunes enfants, les personnes qui souffrent de maladies chroniques (comme les problèmes respiratoires, les maladies mentales et les problèmes cardiaques), les personnes qui travaillent ou qui font de l'exercice à la chaleur, les personnes sans-abri et les personnes à faible revenu.

En période de chaleur accablante, le plus important est de rester au frais et de s'hydrater. N’oubliez pas qu’il ne faut jamais laisser des personnes ou des animaux de compagnie dans un véhicule stationné ou à la lumière directe du soleil. 

Restez bien hydraté

Buvez beaucoup de liquides frais (surtout de l'eau) avant d'avoir soif afin de diminuer votre risque de déshydratation (quantité insuffisante de liquides dans le corps). Vous pouvez être déshydraté même si vous n'avez pas soif. Hydratez-vous.

  • Si vous mangez moins, vous devrez peut-être boire plus d'eau
  • Buvez de l'eau avant, pendant et après toute activité physique
  • Laissez un verre près de l'évier afin de vous faire penser à boire de l'eau
  • Consommez plus de fruits et de légumes, car ils contiennent beaucoup d'eau
  • Rendez l'eau plus attrayante en l'aromatisant à l'aide de jus de fruits naturels

Pour d’autres conseils, consultez la page Évènements de chaleur extrême

Santé Canada, Région de l’Ontario

Clearlight Infrared and Jacuzzi Inc. Announce a Licensing Partnership and Q & A


  1. How does Infrared Therapy help people live more vibrant, productive and balanced lives?


The simple habit of getting in the infrared sauna a few times a week can profoundly change peoples lives for the better. First I have outlined a brief overview of the mechanism that allows these changes to occur from a physiological perspective.


The infrared sauna restores balance in the body in many simple ways. Within a few minutes of sitting in the sauna the infrared is already penetrating into the soft tissue where vasodilation occurs. The blood vessels open causing the heart to beat faster (cardio effect) bringing oxygenated blood to areas that need healing and removing toxins at the same time. The deep heat reduces muscular and joint pain. The vasodilation automatically causes the body to go more into parasympathetic tone, which is also known as the relaxation response, the opposite of fight or flight. All these changes happen simultaneously.


When pain is reduced, people function at a higher level and experience more joy. Cardio conditioning allows the body to perform and function with greater ease and can increase longevity. Stress reduction can prevent or abate many diseases increasing life span and allowing for a better quality of life, better communication and relationships. Removing toxins can prevent cancer and other chronic diseases and can increase lifespan and overall function. Many auto-immune diseases also seem to be exacerbated by high levels of toxins in the body.


A non profit organization, Physicians for Social Responsibility have an in-depth overview showing the effects of toxins and our health:



  1. How could using this technology and product help improve weight loss?


A weight loss study done at SUNY Binghamton University concluded that participants who used a Clearlight sauna three times a week for 30 minutes over eight weeks lost an average of 4% body fat. Here is the study:



Kaiser Permanente also recommends regular sauna use and states on their website:


Sweat the pounds. Sauna bathing may even be a pleasant adjunct to physical exercise for burning calories and conditioning the heart. Sweating is an active physiological response to help lower body temperature. It involves the expenditure of a considerable number of calories; a person can burn up 300 to 800 calories during a sauna. Sauna bathing, like physical exercise, also places a stress on the heart and may to some degree improve conditioning.


Here is the link to entire Kaiser article on our website:


  1. How could one incorporate this into their everyday routine?


It is very simple to use the infrared sauna at home. It quickly sets up in any room and needs no venting or plumbing. Many one and two person models plug into any 15 amp 110 volt outlet. The sauna heats up quickly and is ready to use in fifteen minutes.


Most people will gravitate towards a time either in the morning or in the evening to take their sauna. This soon becomes a welcome respite away from others, cell phones and normal distractions of the day. Twenty minutes, three times a week, is all that is required to see positive changes and to improve mental, physical and emotional health.

  1. What are some health benefits of using these products?


Stress reduction

Reduced muscle and joint pain


Improved skin health

Weight loss

Immune boost

Fewer colds/flu

Better sleep patterns

Improved circulation


* It is important to note that the infrared sauna does not cure anything. Infrared is very natural and a large portion of the infrared wavelenghts produced by our heaters are the same wavelengths produced by the body itself. We are helping the body by boosting it's own natural energy.  Healing takes place of its own accord as the body comes back into balance.

Jacuzzi® Sauna Health Benefits Jacuzzi_Sanctuary_OneSheet_5 Jacuzzi_Premier_OneSheet_7

Jacuzzi® Sauna Health Benefits


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