Forever Fit: How to Maximize Your Workout Plan & Get Results
As the summer time emerges, many people are working hard to get in shape. However, it's best to just maintain a healthy lifestyle and remain forever fit. If you'd like to change your approach to physical fitness and achieve the best body you've ever had, consider implementing these four ideas into your lifestyle.
Try HIIT Workouts
HIIT is an acronym that stands for High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT workouts are great for maximizing your workout plan because they're time-efficient and physically effective. When you work out at a high level of intensity, you physically can't do that for long periods of time. No one sprints a marathon. Usually, a sprint is no more than a few hundred meters. One example of HIIT training involves going back and forth between sprinting and jogging. Sprint for a minute. Jog for two minutes. If you do this for 20 minutes without stopping, the bursts of high intensity will allow you to get more of a workout than jogging for an hour.
Avoid Ruts
If you do the same workout repeatedly, your body will get used to it. The key to getting the best workout plan involves challenging your body. Your body naturally wants to go with a comfortable flow. Switching it up will keep your body guessing. Try outdoor running on Monday. Dance in a cardio dance class on Tuesday. Do a boot camp on Wednesday. Hop on a stationary bike and enjoy spinning on Thursday. Use Friday for a good session of yoga. Take Saturday off and go for a walk on Sunday.
Get Special Training
For those who need someone else with them on their health journey, getting specialized training from a trainer, gym or some other source is a great way to go about it. When you sign up for a training session, such as those at Halevy Life, you’ll learn what it takes to reach your fitness goals. After all, it's hard to see the picture when you're in the frame. During training, you’ll be most likely surrounded by professionals who are well-versed in the schematics of the human body and will push you to greatness. Just make sure to do your research and find a trainer or training system that's notorious for delivering results.
Rest and Eat
In order to stay physically fit, it's important to remember that it's not just about exercise. There are other moving parts to the equation. You've got to remember to rest and allow your body to recover from the workouts. You also need proper nutrition and hydration. Diet and exercise go hand in hand. However, society will make you think it's important to push and take no breaks. If you'd like to become more fit and get results with your workout plan, remember to rest.
These four tips will truly take you far in your fitness goals. As you continue to develop your physique, you'll naturally experience a better quality of life. As long as you remain consistent and listen to your body, you'll be able to maximize your workout plan and get results.
Try This Push Up Burpee Heisman Circuit - Train It Right
Warm Up for 5 minutes (easy jog, brisk walk or on any machine of choice)
Push hard for 30 seconds of the circuit
Recover for 10 seconds
Repeat 8x
Cool down 5 minutes
Stretch 5 minutes. Hold each stretch for a minimum of 30 seconds
For more tips and workouts follow me on twitter @trainitright
How To Do A Burpee Properly
The ultimate cardio exercise is the burpee. Once you can do 100 in a row you can call yourself a burpee master. Until then just try and do one more today than you did yesterday.
The secret to sexy abs isn't crunches. Flexion of the spine caused by crunches isn't always a good thing. Especially if you have back issues. So I wouldn't suggest doing crunches that involve flexion. Also you can do all the crunches in the world but unless you shed that fat over your stomach you will never see your abs that are underneath. You have to lose those layers in order for you abs to show.The following tips will help you get those sexy ab's that you'v always wanted. So get Training It Right for your abs!
One of the first things that people don't realize that leads to a sexy stomach and abs is your diet. Your diet directly affects your body's ability to burn fat efficiently. To clean up your diet to help remove abdominal fat make sure to drink 2-3L of water a day, eat smaller more frequent meals and snacks. I suggest 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day. No more than 2-3hrs spread apart. Eat lean protein, and healthy fats. Avocado is a great healthy fat and fish high in Omegas help you get that as well as protein. A good amount of protein to aim for is 0.8g per pound of body weight. Stay away fro high salted foods, fried foods and processed sugars and sweets.
The second thing is to stay away from long steady cardio. It's ok to sometimes mix it up but try and stick to interval training that is to say HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training. Why it works? It helps your bloodstream uptake fat out of stage where it can be used for energy. Make sure to alternate the high intensity with lower intensity so you can survive the workout. For example walk for a minute at an incline of 3 and speed of 3, then pick it up to run at speed of 7 and repeat for 20-40 minutes. I suggest to start with 20 and work your way up to the 40 or more.
The third thing would be to still work on your core without the crunches by using planks. There are so many types of planks. Make sure to mix it up. Front planks, side planks, reverse planks, one hand planks, one leg planks, forearms on bosu, feet on boss, use a trx, use a bench etc.
Good luck and Happy Training It Right!
Ever wonder what your favourite celebrity is doing for their cardio? Most likely they are doing interval training on a machine. Here are some examples of my favourites out of the 30 - 30 Ebook.
Treadmill Terror #1
Walk 3 minutes
Incline 3.5
Run 1 minutes
Walk 4 minutes
Run 2 minutes
Walk5 minutes
Incline 4.5
Run 3 minutes
Walk 6 minutes
Run 4 minutes
Walk 7 minutes
Run 5 minutes
Walk 8 minutes
Run 6 minutes
Cool Down 5 minutes
TOTAL: 45 minutes
Battle of the Bike #1
Pedal 5 minutes Warm Up
(choose your own resistance)
Pedal 3 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 1 minutes
Pedal 4 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 2 minutes
Pedal 5 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 3 minutes
Pedal 6 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 4 minutes
Pedal 7 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s until 5 minutes
Pedal 8 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 6 minutes
Cool Down 5 minutes
TOTAL: 45 minutes
Evil Elliptical #1
Warm Up Easy 5 minutes
Level of your choice
Sprint 1 minute
(choose your own steady resistance)
Easy 2 minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Easy 3 minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Easy minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Easy 5 minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Cool Down 5 minutes
TOTAL: 30 minutes approx
Stairclimber to Heaven #1
Warm up 2 minutes
Level of your choice
5 minutes stepping on every step
Level of your choice
5 minutes stepping on every other step
Level of your choice
Cool Down 5
Level of your choice
TOTAL: 15 minutes
We're still not sure about Lisa. She motivates and inspires lots of people but ummm why did she go overboard with her boobs, nose and lips? We think it was all unnecessary. However she is hardcore!
According to "greatist" the following is a list of apps that are great for fitness to download.
Circuit Training Timer for iOS
Circuit Training Timer. When a workout calls for 30 seconds of military presses, 20 seconds of calf raises, and a mere 10 seconds of recovery, who has time to worry about keeping time? Luckily, users can plug in their circuit workout to a “T” and let Circuit Training Timer let them know when it’s time to stop n’ go. Cost: $0.99, compatible with all iOS devices.
Intervals. From squat to sprints, users can easily customize intervals and circuits for the perfect heart-pumping workout. Features include various audio settings, warm up and cool down options, and a CrossFit WOD timer. Cost: $2.99, compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch.
Interval Training Apps
Bit Timer for iOS
Bit Timer. Probably the sleekest application of the bunch, Bit Timer cuts out the bells and whistles and goes for simplicity. Users plug in three main settings: work, rest, repeat. But heads up: The app only allows for a maximum of four-minute intervals — so Bit Timer is more fitting for intervals and Tabata training than longer circuits. Cost: $0.99, compatible with all iOS devices.
A HIIT Interval Timer. This no frills app is a simple way to time all those interval runs without fumbling with the buttons on a treadmill. Set custom workouts and follow the color-coded interface to know how many sets are left till it’s time to hit the showers. Cost: $1.99, compatible with iPhone and iPad.
HIIT Workout Timer. For a slightly busier (and cheaper!) app, Workout Timer has customizable options for beginner, intermediate, and advanced workouts, low and high intensity intervals, and of course — time for rest. Cost: $0.99, compatible with all iOS devices.
Seconds. Any app that includes “time wizards” is a winner with us. Customize infinite workout timers, assign music for specific intervals, and share your workout with other Seconds users. The sexy, easy-to-use interface might even help people want to run intervals every day. Cost: $4.99, compatible with iPhone and iPod touch.
Interval Run. Want a virtual coach in your ear buds? Then try out this app that tells users when to start running and when to (finally) take a breather. In addition to Tabata workouts, the app let’s users customize longer running workouts, from 5K plans to hour-long runs. Cost: $1.99, compatible with iPhone and iPod touch.
iSmooth Run. What’s cool about this app is users can plug in the pace and heart rate zone they want to achieve during each interval. The simple interface will make any workout, well, run smoothly. Cost: $4.99, compatible with iPhone.
Tabata Training Apps
Tabata Pro for iOS
Tabata Pro. Twenty seconds on, 10 seconds off. Simple enough, right? While this app won’t make those squats burn any less, it’ll take users’ minds off of worrying about timing a Tabata. Just set the number of cycles and hit start, and you’re good to go! Cost: $2.99, compatible with all iOS devices.
Tabata Trainer. What’s great about this Tabata app is that it comes preloaded with nine full Tabata routines, along with a customizable option to create your own. It’s sleek and simple too, and you can share your workouts on Facebook for a tech-savvy humblebrag. Cost: $1.99, compatible with all iOS devices.
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