Do you want a slim waist? Perfect, glowing skin? Want to lose 10 pounds easy? Are you ready for it... Wait for it... Okay here it is... The magic Elixir is actually available to just about anyone reading this. It's available at a super low cost, sometimes you can even find it free... Have you guessed what it is?
The magic elixir is WATER!! Yes water can guarantee you a slim waist, perfect, glowing skin and you can lose 10 pounds easy, if you start drinking the right amount for you. Granted, to see lasting results of weight loss, you would have to also abide by a healthy diet and workout regularly (meal and workout plans are available here at
Many underestimate the power of water or believe they just can't down the amount that they're supposed to have. Speak with any nutritionist and they will tell you that you should be drinking a specific amount for your body. The formula that many use is to take your body weight, divide it by 2 and that'll give you the number in ounces of how much water you should consume daily. So, if you're 150 pounds you should do 150 divided by 2 to find you should be drinking a minimum of 75 ounces of water. To break down further, thats a little under 4.5 standard bottles (16.9 ounces) of water.
What are some of the immediate benefits of water?
Well for one, drinking 1-2 bottles of water within the first hour of waking up will help wake up your entire body, leading to activating all of your internal organs. It'll also help you lose that 'sleepy' feeling and help you get your day off to a more positive start.
Drinking water also helps with digestion's. If you start drinking 1 glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal, you'll be doing your digestive system a favor. You'll also find that you are less likely to overeat. So next time you're out to dinner, try to down an entire glass of water before you start your meal.
Drinking more water also leads to healthier hair and nails, beautiful, glowing skin, lower blood pressure, reduced risk of stroke and heart attacks and so much more.
Did we also mention that it helps with weight loss? Yes! Those that drink more water usually have a better handle on their weight and those that increase their water intake find that they are more likely to lose weight. Increase your daily intake to about a gallon a day and you may notice immediate weight loss within a week.
So next time you go to grab sugary juice or soda go for water instead and watch the endless benefits!!!
Check back with in the near future for tips on how you can start drinking more water... It's actually easier than you think.
Thank You @gatoradecanada #keepsweating
Did you know that losing >2% of body mass through seat has been shown to impair athletic performance? Hydration is so important! and Gatorade helps with that.
I came home the other day to a giant box delivered to my concierge. I lug it all the way upstairs and open it up to find a giant gatorade water jug filled with Gatorade products. Some I knew existed and others I didn't. Who knew that gatorade made protein bars. Not only are they packed with 20g of protein but they are delicious. Every single flavour. Im a fan of the caramel one myself. They also gave me a towel for sweat while I workout and an arm band to keep my iPod in while working out. There was every flavour of Gatorade, g2, Gatorade protein shakes, a water bottle, and even information on the Gatorade Sport Science Institute. The GSSI has worked with athletes from NFL, NHL, MLB, NBA, MLS, NASCARR, WTA, CHL, Ironman, NCAA football and even professional soccer.
The Train It Right household will be happily hydrated by Gatorade over the next few weeks! Thanks again Gatorade Canada! #keepsweating
HFACTOR Hydrogen Rich Water Review
I recently had the opportunity to try HFACTORHydrogen Rich Water. The water arrived in a nice package and its contents were quite interesting. The packaging was sheik and silver. The contents said that it contained hydrogen rich water. I have tried hydrogenated water before. However this water was lighter, tastier, and felt very smooth. The smaller packaging made it easy to throw in my bag or my purse. I do however wish that there was a larger size as I drink a lot of water. There for I have to give this product a thumbs up but I am hoping they develop a bigger option for us thirstier athletes.
According to their website. Hydrogen Water has been shown to deploy a wide range of performance and therapeutic effects. Hydrogen, as it exists in normal water, is a light gas and evaporates quickly, preventing this incredible antioxidant from reaching our cells. Enter Molecular Hydrogen, which quickly circulates, into many locations of our body, including the hard to reach powerhouses of our cells.
HFACTOR naturally infuses Hydrogen into water at unprecedented levels, providing a saturation that is easy for our body to obtain and enjoy its benefits.
Free shipping on orders over $50! Use Promo Code: HFACTOR50
Did you know that water makes up one half to two thirds of your body weight? That means someone who is approximately 150lbs has about 10 gallons of water in their body at any given time. Keep in mind that each and every day you lose several gallons of water in urine, sweat and breathing. You need to replace the water that you lose. However, who has the time to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day?
According to recent studies on average most people consume all of the water they need. Nutritionist, doctors and fitness experts recommend that you drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. If you are more active you need to drink more. Soda and coffee etc do not count. Also keep in mind that if you eat a lot of vegetables or water based foods you don’t need quite as much water. This applies especially towards vegetables which are composed of a lot of water themselves. If you are wondering if you are properly hydrated keep an eye on your urine. If your urine is pale it indicates that you are properly hydrated. The darker it is the less hydrated you are. If you take vitamins it may darken or brighten your urine even if you are properly hydrated so don’t be alarmed. Another way to tell if you are properly hydrated is that you have to empty your full bladder at least once every 2 to 4 hours.
Drinking water also suppresses your appetite and burns calories. Studies have shown that drinking cold water temporarily burns more calories because your body has to warm it up once it is ingested. It also may facilitate weight loss because it helps people feel full. So drink up!!!!
Thank you to the folks over at BODYARMOR for providing me and my athletes with some cases of their product a few months back. Its delicious! If you are looking for a drink that has electrolytes, vitamins, coconut water, and is low in sodium gibe this stuff a go It has Vitamins A, C and E in it.
It is also used by top athletes like Andrew Luck, Rob Gronkowski, LeSean McCoy, James Harden, Mike Trout and Buster Posey. For additional Information check out their website.
I am in love with the Swell Bottle! They are the best looking water bottle that I have come across in a long time! I so want one for the gym!
The Stone Collection is 500 ml/17 oz and has a durable finish that has a chip-resistant color coating.
According to their site the bottle:
Keeps your drinks cold for 24 hours, hot 12
Safe for you and Mother Earth: 18/8 stainless steel, non-toxic, non- leaching and BPA free
Ergonomically designed to fit in your hand and your cupholder (stroller too)
The subtle stone texture keeps your bottle in your grip after a long run or a hot yoga session
Water won’t bead on the outside: hands, bags and papers stay blissfully dry
Mouth is big enough for an ice cube, small enough for drip-free sipping
Polished enough for the office, tough enough for any adventure
Available in:
Citrine (orange), Peridot (lime green), Blue Tourmaline (cyan blue), Amethyst (purple), Smokey Quartz (grey) and Moonstone (white).
What do you think? Which color do you like the best?
Evelyn shows us all why it's important to stay hydrated.
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