Ever wonder what your favourite celebrity is doing for their cardio? Most likely they are doing interval training on a machine. Here are some examples of my favourites out of the 30 - 30 Ebook. 
Treadmill Terror #1

Walk 3 minutes Incline 3.5
Run 1 minutes
Walk 4 minutes
Run 2 minutes
Walk5 minutes Incline 4.5
Run 3 minutes
Walk 6 minutes
Run 4 minutes
Walk 7 minutes
Run 5 minutes
Walk 8 minutes
Run 6 minutes
Cool Down 5 minutes
TOTAL: 45 minutes
Battle of the Bike #1

Pedal 5 minutes Warm Up (choose your own resistance)
Pedal 3 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 1 minutes
Pedal 4 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 2 minutes
Pedal 5 minutes I
Sprint  Intervals on and off for 30s unti 3 minutes
Pedal 6 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 4 minutes
Pedal 7 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s until 5 minutes
Pedal 8 minutes
Sprint Intervals on and off for 30s unti 6 minutes
Cool Down 5 minutes
TOTAL: 45 minutes


Evil Elliptical #1

Warm Up Easy 5 minutes Level of your choice
Sprint 1 minute (choose your own steady resistance)
Easy 2 minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Easy 3 minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Easy  minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Easy 5 minutes
Sprint 1 minute
Cool Down 5 minutes
TOTAL: 30 minutes approx


Stairclimber to Heaven #1

Warm up 2 minutes Level of your choice
5 minutes stepping on every step Level of your choice
5 minutes stepping on every other step Level of your choice
Cool Down 5 Level of your choice
TOTAL: 15 minutes