I stumbled upon this great article about the Athletic Stance. Too many coaching do not teach this properly. I even saw it on my LFL football team. The article is by Lee at Sport Speed Etc and I wanted to share it:

I am often asked how I coach the athletic stance. There are many potential stances. It all depends on the sport, position and situation. Most athletic stances are active like a tennis players. If you coach an athlete in a static stance here are some important points to remember:

First of all, I want my athletes to understand the importance of using all three of the major joints (hips, knees, ankles). If they properly load these joints, then the ability to accelerate faster out of the athletic stance is increased.

1. Hips are pushed back with the shoulder forward over the knees. This loads the posterior chain and locks the body into a stable position.
2. Knees are pushed forward in order to stretch the lower leg muscles and load the ankles for greater pre-stretch.
3. Feet are straight ahead and ankles are loaded (dorsi-flexed). This stabilizes the ankle joint and loads the lower leg musculature.

A really important aspect of coaching the stance is cuing. I will give the athletes a few cues so they understand what I want in the body positioning. Here are a few cues to use.

1. Rip the Paper Towel. If the feet are aligned properly and the knees are slightly inside so the feet can push out (see picture), then the thought of ripping the paper towel makes sense.
2. Push Hip Back. When an athlete sucks the hips under or rounds the back the loading of the posterior musculature is lost.
3. Stay Tight or Lock In. These two cues mean for the athlete to tighten up their athletic stance posture. Being loose in posture will result in a sluggish take off.
4. Play in the Tunnel. This allows the athletes to visualize staying low. When they are low, they are loaded in the key joints as compared to being too tall and unloaded.

I hope this helps you understand the coaching aspects of the athletic stance. Now put it to good use for each individual athlete, sport and situation.

Yours in Speed,

P.S. – Check out Ground Breaking 2 for more.


9yr old Sam Gordon is now the first female football player to be on a box of wheaties.



Thanks for the article guys!


alicia bell toronto

As the above photo shows, Toronto Triumph’s centre and defensive linewoman Alicia Bell is undoubtedly an attractive woman.

And in many ways, that is part of the problem facing the Canadian Lingerie Football League in their attempts to be taken seriously.  All the critics see is a group of pretty girls dressed up in lingerie, running around a football field.

However, I think it’s time for people to start revising their opinion of the LFL.  Check out these pictures that photographer Paul Trepanier took of Alicia:

alicia bell toronto
alicia bell toronto

Seriously, are you really telling me you want to mess with her?  No matter how great Ms. Bell looks, I still appreciate the fact that I would get destroyed if I ever attempted to confront her on a football field (not that I wouldn’t mind trying!)

Click here to link to Alicia’s website and see the rest of Paul Trepanier’s photographs.  You won’t be disappointed.

And if you decide you still can’t get enough of her, you’ll be glad to hear Alicia is one of the more active members of Twitter.  You can follow her @TrainItRight.

Photo credits: Paul Trepanier - http://trainitright.com

I am number 10 and get injured with 2 minutes left in the first half. I also get interviewed in the second half.

Check out my team the Toronto Triumph's 3rd game against the BC Angels. I only play in the first half and get injured around 2 minutes left. Check out these hard hitting ladies and myself.

Train It Right Vlog