Huge congrats to a long time personal friend of mine Lita Lewis. Who recently won her class in her very first figure competition and took the overall win. Who is Lita you may ask. The follow is an interview I did with her prior to her competition when she was still considering competing in bikini before deciding on figure.

Q: Full Name/Nick Names (why)? Lita Lewis, also called Xena but not because I am a princess but  because I am a warrior ; lol

Q: What is your favorite sport and why? To pick just one is difficult but if you had a knife to my throat I’d say Track & Field. Primarily because it was the first sport my parents introduced me to as a kid. I immediately grew a love for it that not only meant 12 years of competitive pursuit but a love, appreciation and respect that I still have for the sport & the athletes today.

Q: Who inspired you to be fit? Earlier, my parents. My parents told me that as a toddler I had way too much energy they could handle so mum signed me up to the local Little Athletics team so I could burn all my energy running around a track. Because my involvement in sports became a passion it then essentially became a goal to maintain ultimate fitness and health so I was able to perform at my best and be fit. In more recent years, Alicia Marie, an IFBB Pro, Fitness Model,  Multi-media personality, Health & Fitness Guru, Publisher Author. About 3 years ago I saw her picture in a magazine publication and said to myself, yup, I want to look like her! Ha!

Q: Do you have a trainer? If so who? I don’t have a trainer but I am working with a specialist. He is a strength & conditioning coach, he specializes in literally everything I can think and under his guidance he has helped me shake things up. Since following his programs I’ve seen amazing results, increased my strength, endurance, flexibility and muscle definition. More recently I have joined Team Blade, a professional training & nutrition team that caters primarily to athletes currently in and pursuing various categories in the sport of Body Building. I look forward to starting specific training and a diet in preparation for my first Bikini competition.

Q: Can you tell me about your diet? Do you have cheat days? If so what do you like to have? My diet is relatively clean, by that I mean I’m eating 85% healthy, which consists of a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean meats like fish, salmon, and chicken (red meat maybe once every 8 weeks). I typically start the day with a big breakfast; oatmeal, blueberries, cottage cheese, almonds, white eggs. Eat grilled chicken or salmon during lunch and again for dinner in a smaller portion. In between meals I snack consistently throughout the day on unsalted almonds, a berry mix of fruits, trail mix. I drink a green juice every day, and drink plenty of water. I also add in a protein shake in the late afternoon. Cheat days?! No such thing, I have a cheat meal 2-3 times a week – which for me is usually dark chocolate covered mints & truffle friend fries.

Q: What does your typical workout include? Does it vary each day? How many days a week? My workouts vary each day, I currently work out at least 5 days a week alternating each day with a lower or upper body attack. Some weeks I’ll target 2 or 3 specific muscles and exhaust only those muscles solely during the one workout. Each workout starts with a core warm up, followed by 3-4 sets that make up 3-5 different movements that I will perform without rest. I conclude with 300 reps of any core exercises, stretch, take in some protein and pray I can make it down the stairs to the locker room without tripping from exhaustion, lol.

Q: Top 3 exercises you like to do in the gym? Outdoors? Gym; Weighted Hip Thrusts, Kettle Bell deep seated squats and Bicep Drop sets. Outdoors; Hill/Bleacher Sprints, Pull Up-to-Burpee-to-Push-Up combo and Running/Workouts on the beach.

Q: Any upcoming projects? I’d say so! Currently in training for my first Bikini competition. I’m amped about it!

Q: Where do you see yourself in the future with your health and fitness? The ultimate goal is to become a nationally recognized health & fitness icon. This goal sits on the very top of the golden list, however stepping stones towards achieving such status will involve many things, some being; becoming a true competitor in the sport of bodybuilding, fitness modeling, providing training & consulting services, motivational speaking, creating fitness DVDs, writing books and developing programs for our youth to encourage and promote healthy lifestyles. The latter being one I am very passionate about.

Q: Words of wisdom to others or favorite quote.... One of my favorite quotes is a Japanese proverb – “Fall seven times, and stand up eight.” This speaks to having resilience and adopting a true warrior attitude. Many greats have fallen or failed at some point along the journey to success but it is the will to pick yourself up and continue on that separates good from great. I say, be consistent in your actions & your thoughts while in pursuit of your goals. Success is at the end, you will only meet defeat if you stop.


Twitter: @FollowTheLita

Instagram: FollowTheLita

