Study Reveals Men & Women Are Equally Miserable About Their Body 
  • A study in the Body Image Journal looked at 12,176 online surveys gathered by NBC News and Today, and found that the amount of women disliking their bodies is around the same as the amount of men who feel the same about theirs. So it's not just a women's issue.
  • 6% of men and 9% of women reported that they were very to extremely dissatisfied with their looks. 15% of men and 20% of women said that they felt very to extremely dissatisfied with their weight. 28% of men and 26% of women said they were very to extremely satisfied with their looks.


CanPrev - Core Performance Shake - Review coreshake

I recently had the opportunity to try CORE by CanPrev. It is a performance shake. They have both a mens and women version. The shake mixes well with water, juice or the milk of your choice.  It is enhanced with daily nutrition that is good for bone health, UTI support and helps balance blood sugar. So it provides proper nutritional support if you suffer from any of those problems. In addition with a healthy diet it is a great way to get the nutrients that your body needs. This is also a Canadian company and I love that. If you are wanting to try it their website gives a list of retailers as well as if you go to the website and you can even get a coupon and get $1.50 off.



According to their site: whether you’re a road warrior, an ultraracer, or ready to retire (but not from life!) you take your health seriously so you can keep doing the things you love. It shows in how you eat, how you exercise and how you live.When you need an extra healthy foundation, turn to CanPrev Core .

Two scoops pack 18grams of easily digested plant protein alkalizing leafy greens and antioxidant-rich berries like goji and acai equivalent to eight servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, therapeutic levels of cinnamon for balanced blood sugar, lycopene for the prostate and CoQ10 for the heart. Plus every serving contains 28 vitamins and minerals at dosages naturopathic doctors recommend.
Pure ingredients free of dairy, wheat, soy and nuts. Vegan with no artifical sweeteners. All in a finely tuned advanced formula you’ve ccome to expect from CanPrev.

Supercharge your day by adding CanPrev Core to your morning smoothie,juice or even cocoa

Recommended Use: Bone health and UTI support. Enhanced daily nutrition and balanced blood sugar


Not much to say here folks. WOW. Why can't all pro athletes look like this in their underwear. Thank you Ronaldo for our daily does of fit and sexy! Ladies? Do you agree? Is he hot or not?!?! I personally would like to thank the photographer who took this shot. But that's just me.

Ronaldo - train it right - underwear

Yoga Pants Prank - This Is Hilarious


Did you know that May is Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention month? Because this very important month is often overlooked. I am spreading awareness.  This is a graphic that outlines some facts & risk factors about the disease. For example, one out of every two women and one in four men over 50 will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in their lifetime. Staying active is one of the top ways to prevent this disease. Get active and get your family members active at any age! We can make a difference. For more information click HERE

Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce says that there should be more head to head match ups in the 100m. She slams the men for backing down on matches and not racing each other often enough. We couldn't agree more. If you train so hard put it on the line and compete! The origional article can be found here: