Financial tips from Snowe Saxman Money Oracle

Snowe’s Bio

Snowe Saxman is a Success, Wealth & Women’s Expert + two-time Amazon Best Selling Author, also known as the Money Oracle.  She was a millionaire at age 25, living on food stamps + bankrupt by age 35 and now she is earning multiple six figures on her way to Millions again. She is married to love of her life, Paul. They have 7 children and 2 grandchildren.  Yes, Snowe is a Glamma.  Someone way too young and gorgeous to be called Grandma.  She has been able to channel a painful past into a purposeful future and rebuild her global empire by teaching women God-Inspired success, financial & business strategies. Snowe had been featured on The Huffington Post, US News & World Report,, Fast Company and hundreds  of radio stations across the country.


How to decide what kind of at home business a busy mom should start?

There are three questions you want to ask yourself when you begin to think about starting your own business.

1) How much time do I have to invest in a business per week?
Today we have so many options to help us work from around our families because of the internet. It truly gives you the freedom to design your life and reach billions of people all around the world, which I did not have when starting my first business almost 20 years ago. However, you still need to sit down with a weekly plan sheet and figure out exactly how much time you can devote to a business each week especially as a busy mom.  A more traditional business like becoming a beauty blogger, coach or a service based consultant is going to require more of a time investment than the many wonderful direct sales and network marketing opportunities. They allow you to ability to step into a business model

Without having to develop the entire business plan.  

2) What financial resources do I have available?

just like the time consideration, you must figure out how much money you have to invest and how long you can work a business without profiting.  More traditional businesses require a bigger financial investment.  You can “boot strap”, but that means you are not taking a profit, so you have to figure out how long you can do that.  Direct sales and network marketing opportunities do not require the same amount of financial investment, but you will need to invest something, so you need to know up front how much do I have.  More traditional businesses can take as long as 3 to 5 years to be totally profitable.  Direct sales and network marketing can be 3 to 5 months, so understanding this when starting out is so important.

  1.  What gifts, talents of experience can I monetize?  
    I truly believe that everyone has something they can monetize and turn into a business.  Begin by taking an inventory of the things you are really good at, so that you can begin to find what you can turn into a business.  Ask yourself, what can I do with my eyes closed?  What do people always ask for me help with?  And what would I do for free?

These are really great questions to figuring out what to monetize.  And this is another reason why I am hosting an exclusive online this Sat, called Financially Free. Learn more here and grab your free divine financial gift bundle

How to create more money and work around children at the same time

A weekly plan sheet is a great building block to use for your success! Take time at the beginning of each week and actually hand-write you schedule and goals for the week. The time that you spend actually writing everything down solidifies those times in your mind because it turns on a system in our brains which signals it's importance, meaning that you’re more likely to follow through with your plan.

Your weekly plan should be mapped out in blocks of time, so that you can work without interruptions and so that you do not multitask.  Multitasking reduces our brains potential.  For a busy mom this can mean nap time, while the kids are at school, or once everyone has been put to bed.
So instead of trying to work while taking care of a baby, wait until your little ones are asleep.  

Spend your morning blocks that you have available for your creative thinking; use that time to focus on marketing and other income producing activities. Then use your afternoon and evenings for responding to e-mails, scheduling and other things that require higher brain activity.  First thing in the morning has been scientifically proven to be the best time to create.  

The number one thing in order to allow yourself to be able to work while having young children is communication. Divide your time so that they understand that there’s “mommy’s work time” and “their time” and help them understand the differences. The greatest way to make this a success is ensuring that during “their time” they have your undivided attention. This allows for quality moments and intentional conversations that can be the foundation for your family’s growth as well.

More tips to becoming a smarter business woman can be found during my exclusive online event “Financially Free” this Sat. Learn more here and to get your free divine financial gift bundle.  

Creative ways to make more Money in 2017 & The best ways moms can increase their income

Health/Beauty, Finance, and Relationships are the top things that people are always willing to pay to get wisdom and advice about.   Can you offer relationship advice? How about a financial service or a fitness guide?  If so, then you maybe on your way to financial success this new year.  Or you could choose a direct sales or network marketing business that specializes in one of these areas.

What gifts, talents of experience can you monetize?  

I truly believe that everyone has something they can monetize and turn into a business.  Begin by taking an inventory of the things you are really good at, so that you can begin to find what you can turn into a business.  Ask yourself, what can I do with my eyes closed?  What do people always ask for me help with?  And what would I do for free?

These are really great questions to figuring out what to monetize.  And this is another reason why I am hosting an exclusive online this Sat, called Financially Free. Learn more here and grab your free divine financial gift bundle

Money Makeover Tips & The Importance of Having a Date with Your Finances Weekly

Put on your favorite dress, lip gloss and pour a glass of champagne!  Engaging with your finances should be something that is enjoyable and inspiring. Set aside time each week to be alone with your finances, so that you can review everything coming in and going out.  This is important for anyone, but imperative as a business owner.  I know lots of women, even myself, don't always enjoy looking at numbers.  This is why I teach women to have money dates and make it fun!!  

In order to have a successful business and be financially stable,  you have to be aware of where you are financially. Start with knowing exactly what bills you need to pay, even down to the simple things such as toiletries and clothing.  Literally, science has proven that people who write their goals down and review them, not only achieve them, but they earn 10 to 100 times more than people who do not.  We cannot avoid our money!  We must take control of our finances, so that we can live financially FREE!  

Make saving for an emergency fund a priority, having at least $400 aside for unexpected things that life throws at us.

If you’re ever going to overcome your debt you have to know where you are today and set goals for the future. What we focus on is what grows, so spend time understanding your financial situation and determine the best method for you to feed your piggy bank.  

More tips to being a savvy financial woman can be found during “Financially Free” an exclusive online event with Snowe Saxman

The Importance of Money Mindset & How Our Past Experiences Shape Our Spending AND our children's.

How we relate to money today is completely shaped by our past experiences and most likely a result of what we were taught between the ages of 2 and 5.

Between the ages of two and 5 our conscious brains begin to form and our core beliefs are developed by what we are taught directly and indirectly.  Then our life experiences either solidify these truths or totally change them.  

What you believe about something will determine how you act and therefore the results you see in your life. This all happens on a subconscious level, so you are not even aware you have a belief that limits you and holds you back.  I completely understand because I have been there myself.  This is exactly how I went from millionaire to bankrupt and living on food stamps.  We must begin to think about what we are thinking about, so that we can create the life that God intends.  

If you grew up being told that the rich get richer or that there was never enough money, you will take that belief on in your core and it will guide you without you realizing.  What we think about, we truly bring about. And what we model to our children will do the same thing in their lives.  

More tips to being a savvy financial mom can be found during “Financially Free” an exclusive online event with Snowe Saxman


Click Here For Financially Free


Mom's Empower Us Video by Coffee Block


Wow I saw this video and it gave me that much more respect for all of those Mom's out there. I love this! All the mothers out there I have so much respect for you.


Train It Right - Get Walking During Your Pregnancy

Train It Right
Train It Right

Fitness is very popular right now, between instagram, twitter, store shelves filled with fitness DVDs for pregnancy that include, cardio, strength training, Zumba, Pilates, and hip hop dancing just to name a few. But when you're pregnant learning new moves of the latest fitness fad is probably not a top priority on your to do list. That’s what makes walking so amazing!

Walking is a great way to stay fit during your pregnancy. Not only is it free but it’s low impact so you can even do it closer to your due date. Just make sure the farther along you are that you have checked with your doctor that you can be active. Unless you are having a high-risk pregnancy you should be fine.

If you walked often before your pregnancy you probably won't need to change your normal walking habits during your first trimester. Small changes may need to be made during the second and the third trimester. However, during all three trimesters if you find yourself unmotivated grab your husband, boyfriend or friend to join you on your walks. Make sure to set specific walking date nights at specific times. That way you don’t skip out on your exercise.

No matter what trimester you are starting your walking at make sure you have walking shoes that support the ankles and arches. If you go to a local running store they can assess your walking gait and get you fitted in the proper shoes. When you walk, keep your eyes up, your hips tucked under your shoulders to avoid a sway in your back. Swing your arms for balance and to intensify your workout. This is also known as power walking.

Make sure to bring drinking water with you to avoid dehydration. Try to avoid walking in the heat. If it is too hot you can get cramps, which are never a good thing for the baby. Try finding shade to walk in or an air conditioning mall to walk in so you can beat the heat.


Alicia Bell

BSc in Kinesiology


What are your thoughts on the photo of the breast feeding yoga pose? This photo went viral on the internet. I think it is quite beautiful. However some think its inappropriate. The woman(Amy Woodruff)  in the photo claims that it is not staged. However it looks pretty staged to me.

What do you think? Comments?

breastfeeding yoga

Check out Shakira on Self magazine. I have mixed feelings about this cover but she is looking great for being a singer/tv personality and a mother.

What do you think?
