When you want to keep going. Push yourself just a bit more. I'm not sure who took this photo and edited it but its amazing.


Such an inspiring young woman.

Need some Instagram motivation for your daily yoga practice? I recently started following Laura Sykora on Instagram and she is beautiful, inspiring, motivating and very real. She even post bloopers of her attempts at some poses. This shows us that even though she is very talented at what she does she isn't super human. I love that!


9yr old Sam Gordon is now the first female football player to be on a box of wheaties.


I teamed up with Adam from www.Iwontlose.com for a female fitness motivational video. I shot this just days before undergoing my ACL surgery so remember all of these exercises I have a completely torn ACL. Nothing can stop me.

I love stories like this and I am a huge D Rose fan.

Eric Thomas is at it again. I cannot get enough of this guy. Here is his new TGIM Video - QUALITY & QUANTITY: The unbeatable combination

