Last month I had the opportunity to model for Albedo100. It is a reflective spray that you can put on any clothing and stay safe running/walking etc at night time. This is me below in the photo:

Albedo100 was ranked #5 of the top 17 must have items for Canadian Winter ahead of winter coats, hats, slippers, touchscreen gloves, snow boots, winter tires, Advil and Netflix!
See link below:
Also check out the Albedo100 Canada Facebook page for more info:
And the Albedo100 Canada webpage is www.reflectivespray.ca

Photo source
If you are busy juggling family life with a full-time job, you’ll know just how tough fitting fitness into your routine can be. No matter how busy you are, you shouldn’t use this as an excuse not to exercise. After all, running is perfect exercise for any time of the day. So why not start running once the kids are in bed at night? You may be put off slightly by running in the dark, but you can guarantee a peaceful run. There’s be no busy traffic or crowds to get in your way!
Want to know how to run safely at night? Here are our five top tips.
Run a Familiar Route
Stick to a route you are familiar with to cut down your chances of getting lost. Not only will getting lost increase your mileage, but it could also be tricky finding your way back in the dark. Running in an area you know well also means you’ll know where there are street lights. If you jog in a well-lit area, you will be able to see exactly what is happening in your surroundings, helping you to feel safe.
Run with a Buddy
Ladies, listen up! Pair up with your friend or partner and go out pounding the streets together. This is a great way to stay motivated throughout your run, and you will also feel safer in numbers. If you do not know anyone who enjoys running as much as you, see if there are any local running clubs in your area. As well as helping you with your running, you’ll be able to meet new people and make more social connections!
Stay Bright
It is important that you can clearly see traffic and pedestrians in your vicinity, but they also need to see you. So brighten up your clothes! Wear colourful running gear and, if possible, wear high-vis materials. Your local sports shop will sell fluorescent arm bands, which are a great investment. Running headlamps are also readily available. Not sure which one to go with? Check out what personal trainer Andrew Rockwell thinks.
Don’t Run With Music
I know we often go on about how great music is for your workouts. However, when running at night, it’s a good idea to leave your iPod at home. This will help increase your awareness. You’ll sooner notice if anyone suspect is following you or if there is something else occurring near you that you need to be aware of.
Bring a Cellphone and ID
Always take a cellphone and ID with you if you are running after dark. The cellphone will help you contact a friend or relative if you have an accident. If things take a turn for the worse, the emergency services may need to contact someone on your behalf. They will be able to get important information using your ID. Don’t forget to charge your cell fully before you head out!
Running in the night is a fantastic way to squeeze fitness into your packed schedule. It’s important to put your safety first!