
Interested in a healthy, 0rganic, 100% natural form of energy? There are tons of supplementary options that exist. Algae and seaweed forms of energy are on the rise in popularity. Check out Energy Bits. What are they? According to the site they are made from Algae. Energy Bits and Catharine Arnston,  Founder and Chief Executive Officer states that "Algae is for everyone.  By the way, as you will find, we sell two kinds of algae, spirulina algae and chlorella algae. Each one does completely different things for your health and your body but both of them have the highest concentration of protein, antioxidants, chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, iron and beta carotene in the world. Both are just ONE calorie per tab."

I got the opportunity to try them first hand. According to the directions you can swallow them like a pill or chew them. I suggest chewing them unless you like that earthy, from mother nature, plant type taste. They did however leave me feeling more energetic and alert despite the foul taste. Im sure eventually it can become an enjoyable acquired taste.

The Bits boast a lengthy list of benefits that include athletics, beauty, children's health, colds, dance, detox and cleanse, energy and fatigue, extreme sports, hangovers (yes you read that right), jet lag, mental vitality, pet health, and even weight loss. There is a bit for everyone one of your desires. There are energybits, reoverybits, vitalitybits, and even skinnybits. Below are a list of each type of bit, their ingredients and their benefits.






Although each type of bit packs tons of benefits, vitamins and minerals the bits tend to be a little on the pricy side. If you have the extra cash to invest in your health I highly recommending adding Energy Bits to your supplementary routine. You can see more info and purchase the bits from their official webpage.




Check Out my new pill case that I can store my pills in for breakfast lunch dinner and bedtime. I bought it on eBay for under five dollars including shipping.


