A huge thank you to GoFit for sending me the Revolve Roller! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been using it regularly, and I’m absolutely loving the results. It’s been a game-changer for my recovery, helping me target tight muscles and improve mobility with ease. I’m so grateful for this amazing addition to my routine and highly recommend it to anyone looking to level up their recovery game. Thanks again, GoFit, for creating such an innovative and effective product!

Watch me try it out HERE!

This revolutionary roller lets YOU customize your recovery. Check out the Benefits of Foam Rolling + A Game-Changing Upgrade!

Foam rolling isn’t just a fitness trend it is a powerful tool for recovery and performance. Here’s why you should make it a part of your routine with the new GOFIT roller:

✨ Improves Circulation: Enhances blood flow, delivering nutrients and oxygen to your muscles.
✨ Releases Tension: Targets and relieves tight knots and trigger points.
✨ Boosts Recovery: Reduces soreness after workouts, helping you bounce back faster.
✨ Increases Flexibility: Prepares your muscles for optimal performance during workouts.

💡I LOVE THE REVOLVE Massage Roller!

✔️ Features 9 Adaptive Massage Rings in three sizes.
✔️ Offers superficial to deep tissue compression.
✔️ Adjustable ridged patterns target circulation and trigger point release.

How It Works:
Slide rings on and off to create limitless configurations tailored to YOUR needs. From pre-workout warm-ups to post-workout recovery, it’s the ultimate recovery tool!

Huge thanks to GoFit Fitness Equipment for sending me this innovative roller to review and try!

Skins RY400 Recovery Long Tights and Long Sleeve Top

Some time ago Skins reached out to me and wanted to send me both tights and a top. I did some research on their products and agreed. Not only because I am a competitive athlete but I am a strong believer in recovery; recovery is very crucial when you put your body through high intensity training. If you are not fully recovering between workouts you will peak and not be able to perform at your best.

After reading up about the benefits of Skins recovery leggings and long sleeve top I figured I would give them a try. After my workout I through on my leggings and long sleeve shirt, skins recommends that you wear your recovery clothes for a minimum of 3 hours after your exercise allowing you to circulate blood faster feeding your muscles more oxygen.

The next day I did notice what I wasn’t as sore as I typically would be. As for comfort level the leggings were super flexible, and the elasticity was durable and held up making it easier by not having to constantly pull up. The long sleeve shirt sat perfectly around my neck and wasn’t too high as some long sleeves are. I definitely recommend Skins recovery line to any athlete to help speed up recovery.

Interested in learning more? Click the link below:

Yellow-Compression Guide_Original

If you're interested in snagging yourself a pair check them out:


Statement by Rita Notarandrea, CEO, on Recovery Month

OTTAWA, Sept. 12, 2017 /CNW/ - The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA) is pleased to add its voice in support of Recovery Month in order to build awareness, challenge stigma and celebrate the fact that people can and do recover from addiction.

CCSA's mission is to address issues of substance use in Canada by providing national leadership and harnessing the power of evidence to generate coordinated action.

CCSA applauds the coordinated action on recovery, which will happen throughout the month of September when communities across Canada will host recovery events and shine the spotlight on problematic substance use and addiction. These events will draw attention to the stories of individuals who found a pathway to recovery, and the needs of those who are still charting their path to recovery and an improved quality of life.

For this Recovery Month, Canada's opioid crisis, and the unprecedented number of overdoses and deaths, looms large. The health and social impacts of this crisis on individuals, families and communities are devastating, and the healthcare system is struggling to cope. The opioid crisis requires involvement by the people and organizations who lead education, prevention, treatment and long-term recovery initiatives, working in close coordination with the decision makers who set the course for action.

To this end, CCSA looks forward to working collaboratively with Canada's new Minister of Health, the Hon. Ginette Petitpas Taylor, and her provincial and territorial colleagues in reforming the system of care to ensure access to much-needed services and support for opioid misuse, problematic substance use and addiction. We know that impactful reform requires cross-disciplinary collaboration using evidence-based best practices and tools to address comprehensively the needs of each individual, and CCSA is working to do its part.

We know recovery is possible, achievable and sustainable with access to the right evidence-based treatments, supports and quality services. That is why CCSA is leading a number of activities (please see the attached Backgrounder) that are contributing to increasing understanding of an often misunderstood issue, and providing policy makers and experts in the field with the evidence and the resources to inform their approaches.

A trusted counsel, CCSA will continue to provide national guidance by harnessing the power of research, curating knowledge and bringing together diverse perspectives to inspire collective action. Our efforts, like so many others, will continue beyond Recovery Month as we work to achieve our vision of a healthier Canadian society where evidence transforms approaches to substance use.

Across the country, Canadians are engaging in conversations and storytelling about recovery and reinforcing what is possible. Without question, recovery from addiction is possible. This month, and every one that follows, let us remember that a person who is ready to embrace recovery and improve their quality of life is a person with a health condition who is asking for help; asking for nothing more than the care they need and deserve. Their voice and the voices of so many others who are at different points in their journey deserve to be heard and their needs addressed.

To help share these important messages and findings about recovery, CCSA has created a communications toolkit designed to facilitate public discussions on the survey findings. The toolkit, which includes posters, infographics, social media images and other content, is available on the CCSA website and can be used throughout September, and beyond, to facilitate discussion on recovery.

Speak up. Speak often. We're listening.

Rita Notarandrea, M.H.Sc., C.H.E.
Chief Executive Officer

Contact: media@ccsa.ca | Twitter: @CCSACanada

Visit RecoveryDayCanada.com for more information on events and activities throughout Canada.

Rita Notarandrea will be speaking at this year's Recovery Capital Conference of Canada event (Vancouver, September 7–8) and the Recovery Day Ottawa event (September 23).


Backgrounder on CCSA's Initiatives In Relation To Recovery

Changing the Conversation: Life in Recovery from Addiction In Canada

In 2015, CCSA hosted the first-ever National Summit on Addiction Recovery to put forth a common vision and overarching principles to guide a strength-based recovery approach to the treatment and care of substance use disorders in Canada, now known as A National Commitment to Recovery from the Disease of Addiction in Canada.

As its next step, CCSA established the National Recovery Advisory Committee (NRAC), made up of individuals with lived experience to inform and guide recovery related activities. To that end, CCSA and NRAC undertook the first national survey of people in recovery from alcohol and other drugs. The Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada survey was conducted in 2016 and the full technical report was released in May 2017.

The survey gathered information and stories from 855 people across Canada who generously shared information on their experiences with addiction and the barriers they faced. More importantly, it describes their journey of recovery: what encouraged them to seek recovery, the supports that helped and the quality of life they have experienced since attaining recovery.

For the first time in Canada, we have a detailed picture of the lives and experiences of people in recovery and it is a good news story. The results showed that recovery is linked to a return to positive citizenship: engagement with family, friends, the community and the workforce. A remarkable 91% of participants in the survey reported their quality of life was either excellent, very good or good after recovery had been initiated.

These findings provide hope for individuals and families affected by addiction and give much-needed evidence to service providers and policy makers to enable informed decisions that reflect lived experience. Results from the Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada survey will be used to increase understanding and address the stigma associated with addiction and recovery, drive investment in treatment and recovery support services, and improve overall access, thereby removing barriers to recovery.

Moving Towards a Recovery Oriented System of Care: A Resource for Service Providers and Decision Makers
As part of its efforts to increase understanding and reduce barriers to recovery, later this month, CCSA will be releasing Moving Towards a Recovery Oriented System of Care: A Resource for Service Providers and Decision Makers. This resource will provide actionable examples of policies and practices that service providers can implement to support the principles of recovery that are outlined in the National Commitment to Recovery from the Disease of Addiction. This resource highlights the six principles of recovery:

There are many pathways in recovery: A variety of interventions and approaches can lead to successful long-term recovery. There is no one pathway in recovery that works for all those struggling with addiction and as a result, a successful journey can be different for each person.

Recovery requires collaboration: A recovery-focused system of care includes collaboration between service providers and community support systems, as well as between professionals across health care and social service sectors.

Recovery is a personal journey toward wellbeing: Recovery is unique to the individual with optimal services tailored to strengths, needs, perceptions and experiences, including trauma and mental health issues.

Recovery extends beyond the individual: The recovery process includes not only the individual, but the individual's family, friends, workplace and community. Everybody can play a role in supporting an individual's recovery.

Recovery is multidimensional: Recovery involves addressing the multiple dimensions of a person's health in addition to their substance use.

Recovery involves everyone: Everyone can contribute to creating a culture and society that is compassionate, understanding and supportive of people in recovery and those struggling with addiction. This begins with overcoming stigma and dispelling the common myths that are associated with both having a substance use disorder and being in recovery.

Selected findings from the Life in Recovery from Addiction in Canada survey are also included in this resource to highlight the experiences and journeys of people in recovery, and illustrate the relevance of these principles. This resource is a living document. CCSA will continue to update it to reflect the perspective and feedback from service providers and decision makers, as well as the latest evidence and emerging research.


CCSA was created by Parliament to provide national leadership to address substance use in Canada. A trusted counsel, we provide national guidance to decision makers by harnessing the power of research, curating knowledge and bringing together diverse perspectives.

CCSA activities and products are made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada. The views of CCSA do not necessarily represent the views of the Government of Canada.


SOURCE Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction



Although chryotherapy has gotten more and more popular thanks to celebrities such as Jessica Alba, Jennifer Anniston, Mandy Moore and even master motivator Tony Robbins; there are many out there still unaware of what it is, how it works and its benefits. Dr. Lenoard Hochstein, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and owner of Hochstein Med Spa in Miami who offers the treatment to models, athletes and high powered entrepreneurs offers some facts to help you determine if cryotherapy is for you.


What is Cryotherapy?


Whole Body Cryotherapy is the exposure of the entire body to extreme cold lowering the client's skin surface temperature to approximately 30 degrees Fahrenheit in 30 seconds. This remains nearly constant throughout the entire session which at Hochstein MedSpa, is 90 seconds. Skin receptors sense the cold and send signals to the brain to promote regulatory functions.


“Cryotherapy is a great treatment because it stimulates the body's natural response to decrease inflammation, pain, spasms and promote healing. Endorphins are released into the bloodstream, which relax the body allowing toxins will be flushed out. It’s fast and effective,” explains Dr. Hochstein.


Chryotherapy’s Beauty and Weight Loss Benefits 

The immediate release of endorphins can help with insomnia which means better beauty sleep. The accelerated production of collagen improves skin elasticity and texture, reversing skin aging and the appearance of cellulite. “Anyone wanting to maintain a toned body will appreciate that studies have shown a 500-800 calorie after burn associated with the body’s process to warm itself up. Whole Body Chryotherapy boosts the body’s metabolic rate, accelerating weight loss. Pro athletes rely on chryotherapy as a powerful treatment to decrease recovery time and increase athletic performance,” explains Dr. Hochstein who is a fan of the treatment and has done it himself.


Other benefits include…

* Alleviation of headaches/migraines and physical/mental stress

* Improvement of skin complexion and certain skin disorders

* Improved rheumatoid and osteoarthritis

* Can help reduce itching and inflammation in serious skin conditions (psoriasis/eczema)

* Enhances sports performance and increases muscular resistance to fatigue

* Increases libido/sexual stamina

* Stronger hair and nails

* Helps to provide relief from nerve pain

* Stronger, fuller hair

* Psychological competitive edge



It’s very important you have the procedure done with a professional staff able to oversee the treatment plus adequately screen the client. The best candidate for cryotherapy is a healthy person, and that health history will be carefully reviewed prior to treatments.


Most people are surprised to feel how tolerable a cryotherapy session is given such extreme temperatures. The cryosauna requires a standing positon where then nitrogen creates a “dry” cold, which is much more comfortable than an ice bath. A trained technician should be on hand to talk you through it and make the three-minutes pass quickly and easily,” says Dr. Hochstein.


How often should I do cryotherapy?

“We recommend that our patients do 8-10 sessions within the first 2 weeks and then ideally move to 3 times per week depending on what you’re looking to treat. The evaluation process will help determine how many treatments would be optimal for you,” explains Dr. Hochstein. Many benefits such as a rush of endorphins and better sleep can be experienced as early as the first session, however maximum results are obtained with repeated treatments.


Who is a good candidate for cryotherapy?

People from a wide range of lifestyles and ages are a good candidate for this treatment. While it is certainly helpful to athletes and those with chronic pain, it is also highly recommended for individuals who simply want to improve their overall health and appearance. “The results as a treatment for cellulite is quite good and many people with pain find that they come for the beauty benefits and have their aches and pains treated too,” adds Dr. Hochstein.


Dr. Lenny Hochstein is a board certified plastic surgeon in Miami, Florida. World renowned for his meticulous attention to detail, symmetry and overall excellence, including published scientific papers, awards, early entry directly into medical school where he graduated valedictorian; Dr. Hochstein has two decades of experience, over 20,000 surgeries with breast augmentation as his main specialty. His dual accreditation of American Board of Plastic Surgery and American Society of Plastic Surgeons speaks to his high standards and reputation of providing exceptional care to all his patients. In 2017, Dr. Lenny Hochstein added Hochstein MedSpa to his Miami practice to offer lesser invasive treatments and anti-aging solutions adhering to the same values of high standards and quality. Anyone selected to be on his team must be exceptional, credentialed and committed to offering excellent care.

Addiction and Perception Disorder: 6 Things You Should Know
By Charles G. Hanna

Drinking water

As September is National Recovery Mont I wanted to share with you the below article by recovering addict, Canadian CEO and author of the new book, Higher: Awaken to a More Fulfilling Life, Charles G. Hanna, “Addiction and Perception Disorder: 6 Things You Should Know.”

Addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful, and even after my surrender it kept trying to manipulate my mind to make me slip and destroy my recovery.

I am alive today only because of the miracle I experienced on my third day in treatment. As I entered my room and walked by a mirror, I glimpsed something I had never seen before. I jumped back to take a second look, but it was gone. Gone but not forgotten.

It was like the movie The Fly, where the man is lost within a monster. For a split second, I saw that monster. In that moment, I realized that I was possessed by a demon: addiction.

That was 28 years ago. I now realize that, long before I fell into substance addiction, I was already addicted to a way of thinking that provided the perfect hotbed for addiction. I call this way of thinking Perception Disorder.

Perception Disorder starts as mild discomfort or anxiety and can progress to a total inability to cope or function.

What is Perception Disorder?

Perception Disorder is a condition that causes us to view ourselves as the center of the universe. We see our world from a self-centered perspective and we evaluate everything based on whether we feel it is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for us.

For example, we may enter a room just as people burst out laughing. If we suffer from Perception Disorder, we might immediately fear that they are laughing at us.

Or a partner may be troubled and want to talk to a friend, and instead of feeling empathy, we become afraid that they don’t value our opinion. This can cause strife and mistrust.

Without open dialogue, we cannot process the negative feelings we experience through our Perception Disorder.  And over time, this can severely erode our quality of life.

How do I know if I have Perception Disorder?

Here’s a short questionnaire to detect the presence of Perception Disorder:

  • Do you think of yourself (or have others described you) as self-centered, close-minded, oversensitive, negative, fearful, or childish?
  • Do you worry excessively, lack empathy, feel shame, say that life is unfair, have enemies, hold grudges, or fail to take good care of yourself? (i.e. smoking, poor dietary habits or sleep patterns)

If you said ‘yes’ to either question, or if you often feel ungrateful or unhappy, then you probably suffer from Perception Disorder to some degree.

Perception Disorder develops during early life when a child is not given adequate attention and time for intimate talks that help her integrate into society with proper grounding.

Such a child is unlikely to share her feelings openly. And this may lead her to develop distorted perceptions about herself and her world. In extreme cases, these children become acutely insecure and vulnerable as they grow into young adults.

How is addiction connected to perception?

Addiction is a disease of perception.

Severe, progressive Perception Disorder can lead to addiction and substance dependence.

The first time a person experiences the numbing effects of any sort of drug or potentially addictive behavior, they may feel incredible relief and a sense of belonging. This emotional relief can initiate their dependence on a substance or behavior.

Over time, and through repetition of such behaviors, the person becomes increasingly isolated from society until the pain is so great that substance use and/or compulsive behavior becomes a repeated distraction, an anticipated relief, and ultimately a necessity.

So in its advanced stages, Perception Disorder can lead to substance abuse and/or behavioral disorders such as compulsive gambling, work, sex, love, or eating, and codependency.

6 Things to Know about Addiction and Perception Disorder

  1. Perception Disorder is a progressive disease and over time may result in severe mental illness, such as addiction.
  2. If you suffer from a substance abuse problem, get help to tackle that first. Nothing will help you before you stop using.
  3. Addiction is a disease that wants to kill you. For this reason, abstinence is not recovery; it is only a prerequisite to recovery.
  4. The underlying Perception Disorder was present before the abuse. It has become exacerbated by the abuse, so treating the Perception Disorder is imperative.
  5. Even if you find yourself completely down and out - perhaps hospitalized or incarcerated – don’t be discouraged. This may be your greatest opportunity to grow in a more meaningful way than would otherwise have been possible.
  6. If you suffer from an advanced stage of Perception Disorder, such as addiction, then getting outside help to arrest the disease must be your sole priority.

Charles G. Hanna is the Chairman, CEO, and founder of a third-party technology provider that he began in a basement in 1979 and built into a leading service consolidation company with offices across Canada. A devoted father of three children, Hanna is involved with a range of charities, including organizations that help with cancer treatment, Canadian artists, and displaced and handicapped people. He has a particular soft spot for children and animals, and contributes his personal time in various ways to youth shelter homes and animal shelter groups. He divides his time between Toronto and Los Angeles. For more information, please visit www.charleshanna.com, and connect with him on Twitter, @hanna_higher.


Massage Track and Neck Track - Review

massage track 2

Firstly the products were invited by a man named Eric (47) who has a rare illness (mercury and lead poisoning) which among many other nuisances causes tightness in the muscles and connective tissues. He created the patent pending Body Track™ and Neck Track™ for relief when he was really depressed and desperate. He now uses  them every day and on occasion several times during the course of the day.

massage track

For almost a year I (Alicia Bell of Train It Right) have been using the balls and the track for relief of tight/sore muscles from working out. They are great trigger point release balls and using them with the tracks helps keep them from slipping out of alignment and I am able to get them exactly where I want them placed. They come with a variety of light, medium and hard balls depending on your sensitivity or tightness. I highly recommend getting these if you are active in sports, the gym or suffer from any ailments such as what Eric has. We often all do the workout component of fitness and neglect the nutrition and recovery which are just as important. Thank you eric for helping me be able to focus more on the recovery component by creating this easy to use and great functional product!

Tech blog did a great video review that you should check out:


For more product information or how you can get your own set all of the info is listed on the Massage Track website:


How To Handle DOMS - Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Alicia Bell Run

1. Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout. Make sure to drink electrolytes or BCAA's during your workout. The essential salts will help regulate muscular contractions and nerve function as well as give you energy throughout your workout.

2.Espesso or coffee before your workout will increase muscle strength and endurance as well as help to reduce the chance of soreness.

3. Make sure to do a proper warm up and cool down. This will help clear out lactic acid, regulate the heart and help with blood flow.

4. Eat a post workout meal or snack that contains a ration of 4:1 carbs to protein. This will help restore muscle nutrients lost in the muscle during the workout. Chocolate milk is actually a great post workout options.

5. Massage, stretching, foam rolling, and trigger point release post workout also helps to increase circulation, help with tight muscles and reduce muscle tension like knots etc.

6. Take a cold shower post workout. This will help reduce inflammation to the muscles.

7. If you can't handle the cold shower a hot bath with epsom salts will also help blood circulation and inflammation of the muscles.

8. Proper rest. if you are training hard it is recommended that you get a minimum of 60-70hrs of sleep a week. This includes naps. Sleep is when your body recovers and rebuilds muscle. If you are training hard and often the more sleep you need to help those muscles.


I recently received a package from www.energybits.com which are a form of algae tabs. This is a natural supplement that is plant-based and vegan. They are made from one ingredient and are paleo-friendly. Did you know that algae has been used by Olympic athletes in Asia for over 50 years? I had no idea until I discovered the energy bits!

I was sent both the Energybits and the recoverybits that have a catchy slogan on them "it's ok to swallow" which I had a little chuckle about. They do however suggest swallowing rather than chewing them. The are quite strong "green" tasting.


Are a pre-workout performance fuel for athletes that include runners,  triathletes and endurance athletes. They are made from 100% organic spirulina algae, they have the highest concentration of protein in the world and deliver a stead stream of energy, without sugar, caffeine, chemicals, soy, or gluten.


Are a post-workout recovery fuel that are made from 100% chorella algae. The algae is organic as well and they have the highest concentration of chlorophyll and RNA/DNA in the world. Chorella builds the immune system, prevents colds, speeds recovery from injury, removes toxins and prevents hangovers when taken after drinking alcohol (I could have used this a few days ago when I went out for a friends birthday haha).

The only thing is that they are quite strong "green" tasting.  And  they also suggest swilling at least 30 tabs 10-15 minutes before your workout. For me this is tough because Im not good at swallowing pills and it takes me forever.

Check out there website for more info if you are interested in the bits! www.energybits.com

Kobe suffered an injury to his achilles tendon last night against the Golden State Warriors. I know how he feels about injuring himself and coming back. Achilles is one of the hardest injuries to recover from. I had ACL and apparently it doesnt even compare to the achilles, and ACL was tough. Is tough.

Kobe took to his facebook yesterday:

He posted  "Why the hell did this happen ?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player Or better at 35?!?"

He then adds;  "One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence. Today is NOT that day."


  Cold Roller Soleus Manipulation

• Maintains cold effectiveness for up to 3 hours
• Compact, travel friendly
• Patent Pending Design
• Patent Pending Gel Core  
• Stainless Steel roller resists scratching and breakdown
• Polyurethane Wheels for easy rolling and durability

How to use  
• Place in freezer for 2+ hours
• Wipe down with warm washcloth to remove frost
• Begin rolling with only light pressure allowing muscles to adjust
• Do not stop rolling while using Cold Roller