Float Stress Relief and Wellness Centre

Last weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to go float at the Float Stress Relief and Wellness Centre 3477 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4N 2M2. My friend and photographer extrodinary Ajani Charles has been talking about it for months so I had to try it for myself. He kindly invited me to go. Upon arrival I loved the calm atmosphere. The owner was very knowledgable and friendly  and talked me through the whole process. He even offered me tea. 10/10 for welcoming atmosphere and knowledge about the idea of floating for stress relief.

The multi-purpose facility features float rooms, which measure 8 ft long x 4 feet wide x 8 ft tall, registered massage therapy and naturopathic doctor services. Each room offered a beautifully laid out area with a shower, towels I even got to choose the nature sound I wanted to float off into relaxation and meditative space. I think its great to be able to choose because what I may find calm and soothing someone else may hate. I also loved that it was an enclosed tank. I wouldn't recommend this if you were clostrophobic. Although you always have the option to leave your door open. The talk starts off with a light that slowly softens and eases you into a good darkness. There were times when I was floating that I fell asleep and when I woke up I would be on the complete opposite side of the tank. Speaking of tanks the tanks are filled with pounds and pounds of epsom salts. So much so that you just float in them. The salts help extract toxins from your body, exfoliate your skin and tons of other good things for you. The water contains close to 1000 lbs. of medical grade Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate), giving the water a relative density of 1.25 (regular water is 1.0, so it’s 25% denser than regular water). But what is the best part of this experience is the pure stress relief that you get from relaxation caused by floating. I have been in the dead sea but in now way was it relaxing with the bright light, heat and other visitors.

Thank you so much for the great experience and I definitely will be implementing floating into my regular Train It Right routine.

They can be found: https://www.facebook.com/comefloat and http://www.comefloat.com

Check out the pictures of my experience below. All photos by: Ajani Charles




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Hey Guys!

I recently came across an awesome new product that is a kickstarted project. It was invented by a man named Eric and it is a massage track with balls. I think it's pretty cool and I could definitely use it for my clients and my athletes.





What is it?

Massage Track offers patent pending tools for doing deep tissue massage, either guided by a therapist or for self-care after instruction. The Body Track and Neck Track are both designed to position massage balls bilaterally, for example targeting the paraspinals. The tools accommodate ordinary tennis balls, lacrosse balls or baseballs but can also be purchased with a specially designed massage ball set of varying hardnesses.

How is it used?

The massage track tools are designed to function using gravity for comfort and power. The user rolls the tissue structure on top of the massage balls applying body weight, similar to the way you would use a foam roller. It’s very helpful to have a physical therapist guide the user initially to explain pressures, hold times and trigger point release.

What are the features?

Both the Body Track and Neck Track are soft polyurethane and pliable to avoid injury and designed to offer variable positioning. The Body Track has four tracks with two different spacings so that massage balls can be positioned very close to each other, a finger width apart or with one or two empty tracks in between them.

The variable spacing makes the body track especially useful for working the back, gluteus and hips, but can be used for much more. The Neck Track has close tracks on the top and a wider position on the bottom (to allow for targeting of the side of the neck or the jaw). The Neck Track’s height allows the user to comfortably release the suboccipital muscles but also can be used to target the psoas, gluteus and upper hamstring area.

What makes these tools unique?

  • ability to customize the pressure easily by changing massage balls
  • great versatility created by a variety of ball spacing options
  • dual angles of pressure created by the track wall support
  • great simplicity

Do you think that this is a product that you would use? Let me know in the comments below.

Kobe suffered an injury to his achilles tendon last night against the Golden State Warriors. I know how he feels about injuring himself and coming back. Achilles is one of the hardest injuries to recover from. I had ACL and apparently it doesnt even compare to the achilles, and ACL was tough. Is tough.

Kobe took to his facebook yesterday:

He posted  "Why the hell did this happen ?!? Makes no damn sense. Now I'm supposed to come back from this and be the same player Or better at 35?!?"

He then adds;  "One day, the beginning of a new career journey will commence. Today is NOT that day."


Today at physiotherapy my therapist used Voo Doo Bands on my knee. I have been working on flexion and with that I had lost some extension. He put these bands on my knee and did some manual work for only a few minutes. Then low and behold my extension was perfect. I suggest these bands be a staple in any athletes collection of gear! I need to get a set of these! So if anyone knows Rogue Fitness let them know I want a set.