Teen Body Builder - Is She Too Young?

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Teen reconciles studies, work and training to fullfill her dream of being a successful bodybuilder.

Karina Chaves just turned 16 years old and will participate on Sunday in the South American Championship. The competition, organized by the WFF federation and to be held in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil will be the fourth of the young athlete's career.

Karina decided to change the dolls to iron bars at the age of 13 and began training alone at home imitating Youtube training videos without nutritional counseling or diets. The teen did cut out some foods, snacks, soft drinks and any kind of sweets, including chocolate although she loved it so much. All in order to fulfill her dreams of becoming a bodybuilder.

" I started training early because I used to see my brother go to the gym. It made me realize that I could actually lose weight and no longer be the chubby girl as I was called by other children at the time , "recalls Karina.

Even with her family's financial difficulties, it didn't stop Karina: "I never had financial support from anyone, but on the other hand, I can't complain about the moral support given to me by family and friends."

At 14 she began working as a receptionist at a gym and only then she began to eat better and buy supplements. It was also there that she met a bodybuilder Victor Soares, responsible for presenting the championships to Karina. At the time she did not know that at her age she already could attend these events. Her passion for the sport increased more and more.

Today Karina trains from Monday to Saturday for about an hour and a half accompanied by professionals, while following a strict diet recommended by a nutritionist, which is based on good carbs, fats, proteins and sometimes some fruits.

With all this dedication, when she was 15 years old, the teenager competed in a Brazilian Championship and won first place in three categories.

" It was all due to discipline that got all these victories and I hope all will go well on the next one too ," she says proudly and confident.

With the fully defined body, the young girl, who lives in the city of Apucarana, Parana, Brazil is constantly questioned and criticized by colleagues, but says she does not mind.

" Once I was using the stair master and a lady asked me:
- Why is your body all deformed? - I will never forget that day! How can someone compare definition with deformation? I found a bit of an exaggeration on her part , "sighs.

Karina says that even with all running around all day, she can still get good grades in school, be a good worker and a promising athlete.

" I need to always commit myself to school, I plan to study physical education in the future and cannot give in ," she adds.

The 16-year old has become an inspiration for other young people who end up following a heavy workout routine. However raising once again questions about the risk of starting weight training as an adolescence.
We decided to talk to Rickson Moraes, a Brazilian Orthopedic doctor and post graduate in Sports Medicine. During the interview, the doctor confirmed that there are benefits of weight training for teens and adolescents. It has been proven by the medical literature, however, it is essential that the exercises are done under the supervision of professionals used to working with young people, using load and volume and appropriate training.

" The exercises in this age group has always created a lot of discussions among physicians. Not long ago, it was not uncommon that these young people were prohibited from performing these activities, because many were afraid the practice could compromise somehow, growth and development , "concluded the doctor.

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