Reputed Body Transformation Expert Joel Bushby Shares Valuable Information About TNT and Other Aspects of Fitness and Life

Joel Bushby introduces natural, safe and effective body transformation training techniques.

“The passion for helping others was triggered in me about five years ago and the success I got from my endeavors were spectacular,” says Joel Bushby about his early stints as a fitness coach. “I am happy to have played a role in many life-changing stories. My TNT process has helped in positively impacting people’s lives every day and naturally.”

In a recent interview, The Natural Transformer has shared his views, business goals and important steps needed to become a Pro Natural body builder. According to Joel Bushby, at one stage of his life, winning body building and fitness competitions were a priority and he competed and won several of them. However, now the priorities have changed. His goal is to help others achieve success in winning competitions, Pro Cards and even in other areas of their life.

Joel Bushby has some valuable advice for body builders. He urges them to be patient and consistent in their efforts. Having tried nearly every bodybuilding program available, he states from his experience that everyone has to discover a program that best suits their body type. It must also be congruent to the muscle groups they want to focus on.

At the same time, Joel also stresses on the relevance of nutrition in every aspect of fitness regardless of whether the focus is on muscle growth or weight loss. He says that meal timing is important for gaining muscle and so is protein intake.

Joel Bushby aims at impacting people’s life every day and has an impressive client list. His training processes and advice has helped many people achieve their fitness goals.

The reputed fitness and transformation expert is of the opinion that any transition from spring/summer months to winter season does not require any dramatic changes in exercise routines. Joel lives in Queensland, Australia which has a tropical and sunny weather all year round. This makes it easy for him to maintain the workout routine regardless of the change in season.

Joel Bushby also offers advice to competitors on how to earn their Pro Card. They have to first determine their reasons. According to Joel, a Pro Card is not just for increasing their business. The real intent of getting the Pro Card must be to push themselves to their limit and stretch their capabilities.

Joel says that he enjoys training others because it can touch and change the lives of others. To bring about life-changing transformation in others can give anyone a tremendous sense of satisfaction.

About Joel Bushby:

Joel Bushby is a highly respected name in the fitness training domain. With his innovative and dedicated approach, Joel has been impacting the lives of people consistently. The Natural Transformer (TNT) offers a 12-week transformation program that can transform people in the most effective way.

For more information, visit The Natural Transformer website

Joel Bushby's social media pages:

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Hey guys! I definitely need to update my transformation photo page on my site. However. If you guys want to see some amazing transformations check out my instagram fee:

For now I want to share my clients Sue's journey through her words and photos below. Hopefully it inspires you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, chase after your dreams and not to let anything stop you!

"My Journey!

Not a lot of people know about me and my journey, I am getting a lot of messages regarding my transformation ,what motivated me and how I got into fitness so here I am sharing with you my journey .

Let me introduce myself, I am married and have 2 kids age 13 and 8. Just like a lot of busy mommies out there I hardly made time for myself , I was always busy with my full time job and taking care of my family . I ate unhealthy food and never went to the gym my excuse was I don’t have time, I was over weight . In 2010, when I was going through my old pictures I realized how much weight I have gained.  I missed how I looked in high school and it was then the first time a thought to lose couple of lbs , so I joined a near by gym and followed  some random  diet plan from the internet. At the gym when I use to see fitness competitors I just wished I had their physique they always inspired me and I wished I was one of them , but then I knew it was not possible, too many obstacles  my background, young kids , culture, and I knew my family would never support me. In 2011 I managed to lose some weight however, didn’t follow a proper diet nor a workout plan just random online plans. I continued eating healthy and going to the gym.

In November 2015, a thought “why can’t I compete, if they can do it why can’t I “ haha I had no clue what the process was , had no coach, didn’t know how to walk in heels and never went to see a show . I did not know where and how to start yet, I set a goal for myself that I will compete. I wanted to do something for me , I wanted to take a challenge and prove my self and wanted to follow my dreams.

Initially I wanted to do a show in 2016 started the process and within 2 months I dropped out due to medical and health reasons . It was a set back, took a long break from the gym and diet however that  didn’t stop me , I couldn’t wait to get back to the gym and start training . All I could think of and dreamed about was the stage. In 2017 I decided that this year will be my year and I will do what ever it takes to reach my goal.

I had few coaches and was not happy with them . Then in July 2017 , A friend of mine referred me to Team Trex,  after meeting Alicia I just knew I found my coach, now I  have all the right tools and I can do this , I felt pretty confident. Alicia gave me the right training, motivated me and gave me the right support and guidance that I was looking for . She really cared about me , always checking in making sure I am following the plan and were on track.

I use to hit the gym twice or sometimes three times a day , work full time, participate in all my kids activities, do my meal prep on Sundays and my one on one training sessions with my coach twice a week which was 1-2 hrs of commute .

I have made many sacrifices as they say nothing comes easy , so many hardships and life curve ball thrown at me I overpowered them all . I also lost my job when I was 8 weeks out from my show , it hit me hard yet, I didn’t give up. My biggest supporter is my husband, and a million thanks to this man for the amount of love and support I received from him through the entire prep. I still remember when I first told him “hun I want to compete “ he just looked at me nodded his head and walked away.. lol he thought I was out of my mind, I am in my  mid 30’s , mother of two, not in the greatest shape , don’t have a coach, plus it was a culture thing  so wearing a bikini and walking on the stage was a no no lol . However, he saw how dedicated and determined I was and my love for the sport , he understood and decided to  support me .He supported me mentally and emotionally, motivated me, pushed me to work my hardest at the gym and stood by me all along . This  wouldn’t have been possible without him .

When I stepped on the stage on November 18th it was the best feeling ever, the dream that I have been chasing for the past 2 years come true . I won bikini masters short and I came 3rd in open bikini. I am so proud of what  I was able to accomplish and bring to the stage.  My hard work paid off. It was a lot of hardwork, sacrifices , dedication and discipline to get to were I am today.

We all have our stories what gets us started and this is my story.

I believe “Keep your goals in mind and never underestimate what you are capable of . Dream big !work hard and stay focused "


Now accepting registration for the Train It Right Transformation Program Round 2



Initial payment will reserve your spot.

IMG_3739The Transformation Program Runs 12 weeks! (the next program starts in January. Exact date TBD). All entrants will be notified upon start date. YES we are in it for real change! 3x workouts with Alicia at OTC and 2-3 workouts provided for you to do on your own (dependant on your goals).

Why group transformations? It isn't for everyone but some people like the group atmosphere:

• Less Money than 1 on 1 pt: Small-group training offers clients a great way to split training costs for the same great personal-training experience.

IMG_3717• More Support: Clients are more motivated to train regularly and consistently, knowing they have like-minded training partners who push them and hold them accountable.
• Greater Adherence: Knowing that a partner is counting on them increases adherence and loyalty.
• More Fun: A shared personal-training experience is often more fun for clients.

• Avoids Burnout: Small-group training allows clients to xperiment with different equipment and different formats, which helps avoid boredom and burnout.


Where: (A brand new facility in Etobicoke). 222 Islington Avenue. This is a studio there is no membership just trainers like myself with great clients like you!

When: Tuesday 7pm, 8pm Option, Thursday 7pm, 8pm Option, Saturday 8am, 9am Options (the odd occasion may be switched to a Sunday due to track and field coaching obligations). If you cannot make the odd switch to a Sunday you will get to make up for it in a bootcamp at the end of the 12 weeks.

What else?  We will do before photos and progress photos each and every week. We will also track your measurements along the way so we can adjust the program accordingly.

Why isn’t this for everyone? Because I am going to help you with your nutrition every step of the way. That means meal planning, meal prep, food journaling and tracking!!!!! Myself and the other ladies will be your support

You will also have 24hr access to an exclusive group Facebook where you can share questions, recipes or have open discussions and questions with me and the other ladies in the group.

Cost: The cost is $1000.00 plus HST for all 3 months of training 3x a week, nutrition guidance and off day workouts!


Payments are non-refundable. If you miss sessions I will do my best to accommodate a finishing bootcamp at the end of 12 weeks to make up for the missed sessions but please do your best to attend them.
Instalment Plan #1

All Payments Include HST
Number of payments 4
No. Due* Amount
1 At checkout $565.00 CAD
2 after 4 weeks $282.50 CAD
3 after 8 weeks $282.50 CAD
4 after 12 weeks $282.50 CAD
Total $1,412.50 CAD
* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.
Sign up for

Instalment Plan #2

Transformation Payment Plan
Number of payments 2
Start payments At checkout
Due* Amount
At checkout $706.25 CAD
Every 4 weeks (x 1) $706.25 CAD
Total $1,412.50 CAD
* We calculate payments from the date of checkout.

Sign up for


Payment Plan #3

Full Payment including HST
Amount at checkout $1,412.50 CAD

Alicia Bell - Personal Trainer Transformation


I want to motivate anyone that I can. So When you think you can' can. In the past two years I've had two knee surgeries, a motorcycle accident that gave me 7 stitches in my hand and 7 rounds of chemo for a tumor, worked full time with no disruptions and I still managed to do this. Someone out there has it worse than you, are busier than you, and they still find ways that they CAN. So stop making excuses and just do it. I don't care if you're tired, angry, sore, etc.... You will be happy that you did in the end.

Alicia Bell - Transformation

Congrats to Snooki. She did an amazing transformation and she worked her butt off to do it. Yes it takes time and she did it gradually. Way to go girl! Check out her cover:


Okay, more than a few pounds. Waaay more than a few, actually: The four-foot-nine Jersey Shore personality and new mother shed 42 pounds in six months, and as she told Mehmet Oz, MD, yesterday on The Dr. Oz Show, she did it without starving herself or resorting to any other unhealthy tricks.

She just wants to be a good role model for Lorenzo, her seven-month-old baby, Snooki told Dr. Oz. Hey, she’s already a good role model for all of us who need to clean up a little, whether we’ve been acting out on TV or spending too much time in a seated position watching other people act out on TV. So here are Snooki’s rules for losing weight. The shorthand version: Don’t be like Snooki.

Anti-Snooki Rule #1: Be sensible. It was the first question Dr. Oz asked: How did you lose the weight? “You don't do anything crazy,” Snooki told him. “You just go to the gym. You work out.” She wasn't kidding about that: She goes to the gym five days a week or more. And no half-asleep trudging on a Stairmaster for her, either. Trainer Anthony Michael makes sure she keeps her heart rate up (she wears a monitor) and her core muscles working, with exercises like squats, plank jacks, mountain climbers and stars. She also eats right: lean protein and fruit and vegetables, and plenty of it. She sticks to 1300 calories a day, but with foods like those she can eat whenever she gets hungry. “I worked very hard to lose that weight,” Snooki told Dr. Oz. Sensible!

Anti-Snooki Rule #2: Be patient. Snooki lost a lot of weight fast, but she struggled for the first few weeks when she was doing everything right for no visible reward. “I went to the gym for probably, like, a month and a half and I didn't see any results,” she said. “I’m, like, what the hell’s going on here?” She kept at it, though, and soon enough the weight started to come off and the muscles started to show. Because that’s Snooki: She’s goal-oriented, deals well with frustration, and perseveres. Right? Well, that’s the new Snooki. The anti-Snooki.

Anti-Snooki Rule #3: Be centered. Snooki wanted to make a major change in her life and her body, but not because she hated herself. She was motivated by wanting to be a good role model for baby Lorenzo, and by wanting to be able to keep up with him when he starts to get mobile. “And also I want to look good,” she said (which she does). “I don't want to be skinny—I want to be strong.” Snooki’s bottom line for all of us trying to get from where we are to where we want to be: “You should feel great about yourself, because you're an awesome person.” Then she took a sip of a cocktail Dr. Oz mixed for her: grapefruit, lime juice, and tequila, in a portion-controlled 125-calorie cup. Snooki, here’s to you!

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Check out what the game is looking like on day 37 of his 60 days of fitness.
