If you are busy and on the go a great way to get your daily nutrition can be through a shake. You can literally grab the packets and throw them into your purse, mix them up in little to no time and enjoy!

Skinny Shake recently sent us samples to try over here at Train It Right! Their chocolate and vanilla flavours contain 16g of protein, 25 vitamins and minerals and are only 140 calories.With the added benefit of:

Goji Berry
Chia Seed Powder
Horseradish Tree Leaf (Moringa)
& more!

If you look at the ingredients a lot of it comes from fibre. And we wouldn't really count what they count as carbs at all as most aid in the digestion process.

We found that it tasted good, clean and mixed well with water when we tried it. The company recommends to add about 8oz of liquid. At Train It Right we recommend water, almond milk or cashew milk for easy digestion. Mix it in a shaker cup for best results and enjoy. For recipes ideas visit their recipe section on their website. http://skinnyco.com/recipes

As an amazing bonus Skinny Shake has given me a code for you guys to get a discount. I do not make any referral fee this is strictly for you guys. Use your unique 20% OFF coupon code “GETSKINNY-154” to give you 20% off their entire order.

Go to www.skinnyco.com to learn more about and purchase the Skinny Shake™ product.

Use your unique 20% OFF coupon code “GETSKINNY-154” to give you 20% off their entire order.


How do you know what almond milk is best? Sometimes almond milk can be full of preservatives, added sugars and other chemicals. To avoid these and sometimes outrageous prices sometimes I make my own. I simply blend soaked almonds, water, vanilla extract, cinnamon and sometimes add dates. I don't really measure them out I just measure by estimates. I have never gone wrong with the test for the end result. Once blended I strain the contents through a cheesecloth into a container and voila...ALMOND MILK that is free of bad things and cost efficient.
