As summer is in full swing, it’s important to put your best hair forward with healthy and gorgeous locks that are sure to impress. From taking essential vitamins to a simple head massage, hair restoration expert Dr. Baiju Gohil breaks down some easy ways to get enviable hair this season.


Dr. Gohil is a board-certified surgeon and Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, dedicated to hair restoration and hair loss treatment. He opened Robotic Hair Restoration Long of Island (RHRLI) in July of 2015 and continues to transform the lives of his male and female patients.



His hair expertise is unparalleled with over 10 years of experience and you can check out his hot hair tips here:


  1. Vitamins: Vitamins A, C and E can play a vital role when it comes to having beautiful and healthy hair. Adding biotin, zinc, magnesium and niacin can also have significant benefits.
  2. Eat Right: Eating the right foods can provide essential nutrients for your scalp and hair follicles. Foods high in protein and iron are extremely important, as well as enriched foods containing omega-3.  It's also important to be careful of those crash diets that can void your body of these vitamin enriched foods and proteins.
  3. Hair Care: External hair care is vital if you want healthy hair. Weekly deep conditioning is crucial for maintenance and limiting the use of heat (curling irons/hair dryers/flat irons) will minimize damage to your hair. Finally, applying essential oils 2-3 times a week and limiting hair washing to every 2-3 days can also be beneficial.
  4. Massages: Massaging the scalp as often as possible is also very helpful in promoting healthy hair. This increases the blood flow to the follicles, helping to provide important nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles.
  5. Therapy: If someone is suffering from hair loss, there are three FDA cleared and approved therapies that can help to slow down and possibly stabilize that process in both men and some women, depending on the underlying cause. Low level laser therapy, finasteride (Propecia/men only), and topical minoxidil (Rogaine-5% for men and 2% for women) may all be helpful depending on your situation.

Pregnant women should increase vitamin D levels - new studies suggest

TORONTO, ON – New studies have shown how important it is for pregnant women to have optimal blood levels of vitamin D to help lower the risk of their babies developing multiple sclerosis and autism.


newly published study in Neurology from Danish researchers has found that babies born within the lowest quintile of vitamin D levels had twice the risk for future multiple sclerosis (MS) as infants born in the highest quintile. This led the researchers to conclude that low concentrations of neonatal vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of MS.


Earlier this year, a study published in JAMA Neurology on data from the Finnish Maternity Cohort also found that maternal vitamin D deficiency during early pregnancy was associated with a 2-fold increased risk of MS in the offspring compared with women who did not have deficient vitamin D levels.


Adding further support for increased vitamin D supplementation for pregnant women is a new study published in Molecular Psychiatry on autism. The large population-based cohort of mothers and their children found that gestational vitamin D deficiency was associated with an increase in autism-related traits in 6-year-old children linking gestational vitamin D deficiency and altered brain development. The authors concluded: “It is feasible that a safe, cheap and publicly accessible vitamin D supplement in at risk groups may reduce the prevalence of this risk factor. Just as prenatal folate supplementation has reduced the incidence of spina bifida, we speculate that prenatal vitamin D supplementation may reduce the incidence of autism.”


Dr. Reinhold Vieth, Scientific Advisor for the Vitamin D Society and retired professor at the University of Toronto, says that in addition to lowering the risk of developing multiple sclerosis and autism, a clinical trial now shows that risk of premature birth is lower if American women raise their blood vitamin D levels that match amounts that are naturally present in the blood of women living in the tropics.


“Getting vitamin D levels of pregnant women that are ‘natural for human beings’ will have a beneficial effect on infant health that will last a lifetime,” says Dr. Vieth.


Vitamin D scientists recommend that everyone including pregnant women reach a vitamin D blood level of between 100-150 nmol/L. Pregnant Canadian women, especially through winter, should consider taking up to 4,000 IU/d of vitamin D3 supplement for the best health of their future baby. You should test your 25(OH)D blood level after 3 months and see if the 100 nmol/L level has been achieved. If not adjust your dosage.


At the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), The Protect Our Children NOW! Program was launched by GrassrootsHealth and MUSC in 2015. The program helps pregnant women achieve a vitamin D level of greater than 100 nmol/L and frequently requires doses of 4,000 IU/d. It is expected to produce best practice procedures that can be replicated by hospitals worldwide and is based on research conducted by Dr. Hollis and Dr. Wagner of MUSC.


The Institute of Medicine (IOM) and Health Canada have recommended that the tolerable upper intake level (UL) of vitamin D for pregnant women is 4,000 IU/d. This represents the maximum daily intake that is unlikely to cause adverse health effects. Previous randomized controlled trial studies have proved the safety and effectiveness of pregnant women taking 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 supplementation per day.


“This new research adds valuable scientific evidence proving the importance for pregnant women to have optimal vitamin D levels between 100-150 nmol/L for the health of their new infant,” says Perry Holman, Executive Director of the Vitamin D Society. “The Vitamin D Society encourages medical professionals to advise pregnant women to take up to 4,000 IU of vitamin D3 supplementation per day and to reach the required serum level. It’s a safe, easy and inexpensive way to help ensure that they give their infant the best chance for a healthy life. This change to current clinical practices could help prevent future cases of multiple sclerosis and autism in Canadian infants.”


About the Vitamin D Society:

The Vitamin D Society is a Canadian non-profit group organized to increase awareness of the many health conditions strongly linked to vitamin D deficiency; encourage people to be proactive in protecting their health and have their vitamin D levels tested annually; and help fund valuable vitamin D research. The Vitamin D Society recommends people achieve and maintain optimal 25(OH)D blood levels between 100 – 150 nmol/L (Can) or 40-60 ng/ml (USA).

To learn more about vitamin D, please visit


About GrassrootsHealth:

GrassrootsHealth is a US based non-profit public health research organization dedicated to moving public health messages regarding vitamin D from science into practice. It has a panel of 48 senior vitamin D researchers from around the world contributing to its operations. If you’d like to learn more about GrassrootsHealth Protect our Children NOW! Project, please contact Jen Aliano, Project manager, at or visit


8 Vitamin-packed Foods to include in your Diet for Beautiful Skin

Do you love to have healthy, glowing, beautiful skin?

Well, who doesn’t?

But, the truth is, only people who take very good care of their skin manage to impress others (with their skin). Factors like nutrition, pollution, and stress play an important role in the well-being of the skin of a person.

Even aging does. Did you know that natural aging process for human beings begins in their early 30’s itself? As you grow older, your diet and other external factors will have a big say on the appearance of your skin as well as your physiological functioning.

If you desire to have beautiful skin, then you need to motivate yourself to have nutritious food and exercise every day. Lack of nutrition, in particular, can lead to skin diseases like acne, wrinkles, rosacea, and eczema besides many others. But don’t worry, face creams and masks can help to some extent.

Our body needs vitamins, minerals, proteins, and good fats to function properly. Among these, vitamins are considered the very basic essentials of a healthy body and skin. They help protect the skin from bacteria and also boost the regeneration process. In the rest of the post, you will discover a list of vitamin-rich foods that will help you fix your skin.

  1. Cabbage

Cabbage is one of those vegetables that is abundantly rich in Vitamin B6. It also contains adequate quantities of manganese, folate, collagen, and fiber – all of which are very important for the skin. Additionally, cabbage also consists of calcium which is essential for bone strength, and potassium which helps controls blood pressure.

What’s more, cabbage is also a powerhouse of antioxidants and vitamin K which help improve skin elasticity.

  1. Red bell pepper

Your skin needs plenty of vitamin C on a daily basis and one of the best ways to obtain that is to include red bell pepper in your diet. Having adequate quantities of vitamin C helps regulate moisture in the skin and prevents wrinkles as well.

  1. Avocado

Avocado is known to be a powerful source of vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, Vitamin B6, potassium, folate, and folic acid. Including avocado in your diet can help cure dry skin problem and prevent the breakage of the skin. Vitamin E is known to protect the skin from the sun’s harmful rays. What’s more, avocado also provides the required antioxidants and vitamin C to your skin to help improve its firmness so that you look younger than your normal age.

  1. Pomegranate

People don’t call pomegranate the “fruit of Gods” without reason. It is one of the best sources of antioxidants among all foods – in fact, it has higher antioxidant content than green tea and wine itself.

The vitamin C present in pomegranates can help your skin look radiant and look younger. As for the health, this fruit is believed to help minimize the risk of cancer.

  1. Papaya

Papaya is a natural source of iron, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Having enough vitamin E in your body helps keep your skin moisturized, and look soft and smooth. It also prevents the formation of dark spots and stretch marks, which are common among ladies. Studies say that one fresh papaya can supplement 17% of your daily vitamin E requirement.

  1. Lemons and Oranges

No prizes for guessing, lemon and oranges are the go-to fruits for everyone who is looking to get vitamin C in his or her body naturally. In fact, having more vitamin C also helps boost collagen, which plays a major role in the appearance of your skin. People who take collagen regularly are safe from wrinkles and many age-related skin problems.

  1. Mushrooms

Including mushrooms in your diet is a good idea because they are loaded with vitamin B2 and Riboflavin. In particular, vitamin B2 is said to be water-soluble in nature and helps safeguard the cells from regenerative damages. Lack of vitamin B2 can cause wrinkles and other health problems like migraines, cracks, and sore throat. What’s more, mushrooms also contain collagen which is believed to improving the elasticity of the skin.

  1. Kale

Kale is rich in several important vitamins for the skin. It has vitamin A which helps repair the tissues during radical damage. It has vitamin K which is known to prevent dark eye circles and pigmentation problems. Most importantly, it also has vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant. On the whole, you need kale to get a radiant skin that is free from blemishes and abrasions.

Also, taking kale on a daily basis helps boost cell growth and even prevents dryness.


The foods covered in this post are loaded with the most important vitamins that prevent everything from dryness to acne to age-related problems. What’s even better is that they are also delicious and can be eaten raw or half-cooked. If you have a great cook at your home, then try tossing these foods to make a tasty, health-rich recipe and have a fun way of protecting your skin.

To learn more about the types of vitamins and their benefits, please take a look at this Infographic

14 Potent Vitamins for Younger and Healthier Skin

Fitness Supplements: Which Is The Cheapest And Which Is The Best?

There are dozens of different fitness supplements on the market, and all of them have different pros and cons. Whether you want to bulk up, shrink down or stay largely the same, there’s a supplement to help you accomplish your goal.


Of course, shopping in this market with so many options can be daunting, but luckily, help is at hand! This post will act as your supplement shopping guide, giving you some general pricing and info about the five top supplements on the market. Happy shopping!


Via Pixabay


  1. Casein Protein


Casein protein, much like whey protein, is very common. As such, it can be found from pretty much every retailer at low prices. This means that it’s affordable, and the fact that it works wonders doesn’t hurt, either.


Casein is a form of protein that releases its benefits slowly, and as such, is best used before bed. This way, you’ll be supplied with a steady flow of protein while you’re sleeping and unable to eat. It’s also useful before long car journeys, or any other time where you’ll be unable to consume food.


  1. Whey Protein


As mentioned previously, whey protein is extremely common. It’s the most-used kind of protein supplement, and as such, is very affordable. Because it’s the most common, it’s also given discounts and offers the most, and it’s easy to find more info on these.


Don’t let these low prices put you off, however. Whey protein isn’t a budget product. It’s used by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts across the globe, and with good reason. It provides a quick fix of protein that can help repair and recover your body from an intense workout or injury.


  1. Creatine


Creatine is usually on the more expensive side of the supplement range, but it’s no less useful. Creatine is naturally produced by the body, and increases your ability to produce more energy rapidly. If you have more energy, you can lift more, and you’ll gain more muscle.


Creatine is best used in high intensity sports that don’t last very long such as weight training and sprinting. It’s mixed with a liquid - preferably fruit juice - in order to be absorbed by the body a lot quicker. If you’re looking to gain a slight edge over the competition or want to be able to move more weight, creatine is right for you.


  1. Pre-workout


Pre-workout is similar to whey and casein protein in price, but different in functionality. As the name implies, it’s meant to be taken before a workout to give you that high kick of energy and enthusiasm. You’ll feel more alive, more electric and more ready to tackle any form of physical activity.


This in mind, it’s best to be taken in moderation. You don’t want to only be able to perform after a dose of pre-workout. You want to be able to perform all the time! Pre-workout should only be used to get an extra rep or two, or to run an extra metre or two. It shouldn’t be the foundation of your whole session.


  1. Multivitamins


Everybody needs vitamins, but it can be hard to get them all. Multivitamins are probably the cheapest supplement on this list, and can be found in pretty much any store.


There isn’t much to say here, other than that if you have a deficiency, or are unable to eat a certain food, vitamins can help you out. You can bring up the area in which you are lacking, all by consuming a single tablet.
Do you have any supplement experience? Let us know in the comments below!

Peaches and Green - A Trusted  Specialty Health Store


Have you ever gone to a health food store, drug store or supplement shop in hopes of finding supplements, foods and information that will help you reach your goals? Have you ever gotten there and felt overwhelmed with mass amounts of products, foods and bottles? We all have had that experience. I know I have in the past and my current clients get this feeling all the time. Its hard when you are new to the healthy lifestyle to know what you should or should not be taking. I have had little to no help from the staff at these places.

As a personal trainer I know I want my clients to take good clean, tested and high quality products. I often give them a list of options and they still end up emailing, face booking or texting me from the store because the person behind the counter is telling them something different that I did. And most often times the information is wrong. I want to send my clients to a well established business but also where the staff is knowable, helpful and not just trying to sell you the most expensive product so that they can make a better commission.

According to their site "At Peaches & Green, we want our customers to feel confident that every product they purchase has been thoroughly reviewed for its integrity and efficacy. As one of the leading boutique health food stores in Toronto, we carry a wide variety of nutritional supplements, botanical remedies, and homeopathics. We also have a carefully selected assortment of therapeutic skin & body care, as well as delicious whole foods chosen especially for those with food sensitivities and dietary restrictions.

We support suppliers and manufacturers in our industry who are leaders in product innovation and research. Like us, they share a commitment to protecting our environment, and promoting the health of the individuals in the communities we work and live in. Visit our Products page for a complete list of the brands available. Peaches & Green is a proud Health First Network Member store - learn more about Canada's leading independent health & wellness retailers here."


I discovered Peaches and Green a few weeks ago when I was contacted to go in and experience the shop for myself. I said yes and made my way east where they are located on 1561 Bayview Avenue in Toronto. Peaches & Green is a specialty health food store in Toronto dedicated to supporting individuals on their path to wellness through natural health products and education. Located in the heart of Leaside, we have been the top destination for natural health and wellness products for over 25 years. I was greeted immediately by a smiling woman named Elizabeth and then George the owner. They were smiling and friendly from the start. Its always nice to have a warm welcome. They told me about the history of the store, the types of products that they carry and they really seemed to have a passion and desire to help give people good knowledge and help them get towards their goals. George was so intelligent about the products and the science behind them. I also discovered he knows a lot of Toronto health professionals that I know and respect. This is comforting and just really shows what 25 years of experience can provide.


After speaking with both George and Elizabeth and getting to experience the store first hand I high recommend that you shop for your health food products at Peaches and Green.  I left with some new protein, himalayan sea salts and lots of yummy samples. If you go to do you health food shopping at Peaches and Green you won't feel lost and you will leave confident that you have got the products that you need to help you get to where you want to go!

Thank you Peaches and Green for serving our community so well. I wish you all the success in the world for the next 24 years!


If you have any inquiries or want to check out the store yourself:

Tel : 416 488 6321

Fax : 416 488 7061

Store Hours:

M - F : 9:30 am - 6:00 pm

Sat : 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Sun: 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Thank you to the folks over at BODYARMOR for providing me and my athletes with some cases of their product a few months back. Its delicious! If you are looking for a drink that has electrolytes, vitamins, coconut water, and is low in sodium gibe this stuff a go It has Vitamins A, C and E in it.


It is also used by top athletes like Andrew Luck, Rob Gronkowski, LeSean McCoy, James Harden, Mike Trout and Buster Posey. For additional Information check out their website.




This morning I woke up and grabbed a vitamin water as I walked out the door. I took it because it was available, not because I'm an advocate or even because I believe it has health benefits. I then started taking sips of it and kept taking it in and out of my bag. Then I noticed the cap was half screwed on and it had leaked all trough my bag. It's water right? It shouldn't do that much damage. As I was cleaning the bag out I noticed it was sticky. So clearly there is added sugar. Not so heathy. Right then and there I started to think more about the "vitamin water." I came to a realization I not only get it sometimes because I'm feeling that color but hve been known to buy xxx because of its name. I haven't even been drinking it to its health purposes at all. Who else does this?