Alicia Bell IFBB Figure Pro and Bodybuilder

I am going to make blogging a daily thing from here on out. Since pre covid I have been inattentive to this blog and my own passions for helping people become the best version of themselves. And that is partially due to the fact I wasn't being the best version of myself. I was in a bad place after a bad relationship and a bad breakup and multiple unhealthy competition preps.

I am making 2024 my mission to find myself again and get in control over everything in my life:

  • Personal
  • Professional
  • Passions
  • Bodybuilding
  • Blogging
  • Vloggng
  • Podcasting
  • Re-building my brand

I wan to show up as the best version of myself. But not just for me but for others.

What does that mean for this blog?

It means content in blogs, reviews, news and all things health and fitness. I love it - even if no one is reading this or seeing my content this platform, YouTube and my podcast are more like journals/documentation of things I love and enjoy. And if I can positively impact anyone while sharing then that brings me joy.

This post is to keep me accountable. So thank you to those who made it this far.


Alicia Bell IFBB Figure Pro - Paige of Swords Podcast Feb 2021

Check Out My Most Recent Podcast Interview!

I had a great time on this podcast! Check it out if you want to learn a bit more about me and my journey and whats going on as far as prep for me right now!

New YouTube - Current Supplements and What's In My Gym Bag

New V-log Posted To The Train It Right Youtube Page

Train It Right - Alicia Bell
Train It Right - Alicia Bell

Working my butt off for an upcoming figure show - vlog002


Alicia's Entry To The Model Search

Hey Guys! I have decided to enter the 2017 model search! Please take a look at my entry video! Don't forget to subscribe to my channel , like the video and leave a positive comment! Thanks so much!


My First Video Blog

Alicia Bell - Fitness Trainer with exercise band.
Alicia Bell - Fitness Trainer with exercise band.

Hey guys! Im super excited to announce that my first video blog is live on my new youtube channel.

There is lots of great content coming! Vlogs, exercises, motivational workouts, Q&A and more! Go subscribe, like and comment. Yes I know I need thumbnails for my videos but I am pressed for time lately. They will be coming soon!

Make sure to comment and let me know what you would like to see or if you have any Q&A's for me!

Thank you for your support!

Train It Right Youtube Launch

Have you had a chance to check out the Train It Right Youtube?  Go subscribe! Like the videos! Share them! Leave some comments! Thanks!

Tons of great content to come including exercises, Q&A, Vlogs, and Workout's!

Some of the content includes videos like:



Launching Soon Vlogs - Workouts etc on my Youtube


Im super excited to start my youtube channel and do it the right way! Ive been inspired lately by a lot of bloggers and v-loggers and I've decided to up my youtube game. I hope that I inspire more people and that you will enjoy getting to know me a little bit better!


COLUMBIA, Mo. — More than one-third of children in the United States ages 6 to 19 years old are overweight or obese. Over the past 30 years, the number of obese adolescents has more than quadrupled, which also has led to an increase in children diagnosed with diabetes. To combat this trend, Aneesh Tosh, M.D., adolescent medicine physician at University of Missouri Health Care and associate professor of clinical child health at the MU School of Medicine, recommends that sugary drinks be removed from adolescents’ diets.


“The sharp rise in childhood and adolescent obesity is alarming,” Tosh said. “Being overweight is the biggest risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. We want to prevent diabetes in adolescents to avoid the serious medical problems associated with the disease. One very important step to preventing these complications is to stop drinking sugary drinks.”


Through clinical experience and research, Tosh has found that eliminating sugar-sweetened beverages is the most significant lifestyle change that children and adolescents can make to lose weight and improve health. Sugary beverages can add up to 200 empty calories per serving to an adolescent’s diet that provide no nutritional benefits. Sugary beverages include juice, soda, sweet tea, sports drinks, energy drinks and coffee drinks, all of which can be high in calories.


“It is very important that a developing body gets plenty of water and milk,” Tosh said. “We realize those can get boring for some of our patients, so adding zero- or low-calorie flavorings to water is fine every once in a while.”


As adolescents progress toward adulthood, they become increasingly responsible for their own beverage choices. Many of the beverages adolescents have available at school, home and social gatherings contain significant amounts of sugar.


Sports drinks have become the drink of choice for many teenagers because they incorrectly assume the drinks are healthier than soda. Tosh said most children and adolescents, even when involved in athletics, do not actually need the electrolytes in sports drinks, and some of these sports drinks have more calories than regular soda. Energy drinks, which also are rising in popularity, not only contain sugar but also caffeine. Energy drinks can lead to other health problems, such as poor sleep, headaches and heart irregularities.


“It really is about education, because many parents and young patients just don’t realize how many calories there are in sugary drinks,” Tosh said. “My patients who cut sugary beverages are the ones losing weight. Conversely, I’ve found that patients who struggle to switch to water and milk are the ones who have not been successful in losing weight.”


One successful patient is Andrew Roberts. At age 13, Roberts weighed 307 pounds and was in and out of the hospital because of obesity-related health complications.


“It was not uncommon for me to drink 2 liters of soda a day,” said Roberts, who is now a 23-year-old personal trainer. “I lost 115 pounds in about a year and a half by cutting out sugary drinks, junk foods and sweets, and getting exercise.”


Roberts said it was easy to see where excess calories were coming from once Tosh had him keep a food log that included drinks.


“Limiting consumption of sugary drinks to once a week for special events rather than daily is a significant step toward healthy weight loss for many children and teens,” Tosh said. “When children and teens spend time hanging out with their friends — not just when they’re at school — it’s important that sugary drinks aren’t their go-to beverage.”




About the MU School of Medicine

The MU School of Medicine has improved health, education and research in Missouri and beyond for more than 165 years. MU physicians treat patients from every county in the state, and more Missouri physicians received their medical degrees from MU than from any other university. For more information, visit