How to Change Your Environment to Improve Your Health

From Elizabeth DeRosa of Finding The Way Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Author

The number of serious and chronic health issues facing children, individuals, and families continues to increase year after year. Some of these health concerns include an increase in diabetes, cancer, heart disease related diagnosis, mental disorders such as depression and anxiety, digestive disorders, obesity, and asthma, These health concerns effect not only our physical health, but just as importantly, our emotional and spiritual health. Important steps to better daily health includes advocacy, education, empowerment, and action. Taking control of your health is one of the greatest gift you can give yourself. By creating a healthy environment, you are creating the opportunity for overall wellness on many different levels.

Tips for creating a healthy environment:

  • What concerns do you have about your health or what goals have you set for yourself in terms of overall wellness? Keep a journal and make this a priority in your life. If you suffer from a medical condition, get your medical records and become your own advocate.
  • Look at the food you eat daily. Most people consume the Standard American Diet (SAD) that is composed of chemicals, preservatives, added sugar, “white” flour, unhealthy oils, GMOs, pesticide and antibiotic residue, artificial coloring and flavors, and more. The SAD is typically void of the proper nutrients our bodies require to sustain maximum health. Can you begin to make small changes each week to transition to a Green, Living, and Alkalizing Diet (GLAD)? Including whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, pasture raised meats, wild caught seafood, and healthier oils in your daily diet is important. Read labels and know where your food comes from. This also includes your beauty products and cleaning supplies. For example, the average women is exposed to 168 chemicals daily from her beauty products and most of these have never been tested for human safety.
  • Get the proper amount of sleep each night:

School age children (6-13 yrs.) 9-11 hours per day

                              Teenagers: (14-17 yrs.) 8-10 hours per day

                              Younger adults: (18-25 yrs.) 7- 9 hours per day

                              Adults: (26-64 yrs.) 7-9 hours per day

                              Older adults: (65+) 7-8 hours per day

Due to stress and increased daily demands, we are living in the sympathetic nervous system or the fight, flight, or freeze mode. In this state, our body is constantly releasing hormones to compensate. The parasympathetic nervous system, or rest and digest, is where we want to reside. Sleep is a very important process that assists our body in recovery and rejuvenation from the inside out.

  • Proper hydration is important. Drinking adequate water daily is essential for normal bodily function. Water intake can also include incorporating juicing, smoothies, teas, broths, and soups.
  • Get the body moving! Exercise is important for the lymphatic system and removal of toxins from the body. Develop a daily routine of getting some form of exercise.
  • Mediation/prayer is a great way to center and balance yourself in this fast- paced and stressful world.


Train Hungry. I’ve always preferred to train weights about 2-3 hours after a meal and there are few good physiological reasons for this.

1) With no food in your stomach you have more readily available blood to flood your muscles with for the pump, because less blood is being used for digestive-related distribution. The pump can be one key driver of muscle hypertrophy when applied correctly.

2) Your pre-workout supplements will tend hit you harder when they’re not being mixed in with food that’s already in your stomach. You’ll get more of a concentrated, high potency effect – the intended effect actually. 

3) I’m a big proponent of intra-workout supplementation and going into a workout on a relatively empty stomach can boost insulin sensitivity – making your intra-workout anabolic cocktail (carbs, bcaas, insulin sensitizers/mimickers) even more effective from a nutrient uptake perspective.

4) Your weight training session isn’t really fueled by what’s currently in your stomach or what you ate an hour before your lift. It’s primarily fueled by glycogen – the carbs stored in your muscles and liver over the past 12 hours. The purpose of the intra-workout drink is more of a bonus kickstart to the recovery process and a means to offset catabolism than anything else. By driving key nutrients to your trained muscles, your body can start anabolic processes before you even touch a post workout shake.

5) Training hungry minimizes the risk of losing your pre-workout meal on the gym floor.

Training hungry isn’t for everyone and particularly not for those with poor blood sugar control issues. It’s not even something I enforce with all clients. But it will always be the way I train. Comment below if you also prefer to train hungry. -Coach Sean. Photo cred: @jasonbreeze


New Serum Test Identifies Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) to Help Treat Patients Suffering from Irritable Bowels, Malabsorption, Fatigue and More

PHOENIX (MARCH 22, 2017) –Small intestine bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, is a notoriously challenging disorder to diagnose, due in part to the fact that its signs and symptoms can be confused with many other conditions. For example, many of the millions of people suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) may also have unidentified SIBO, so there is a pressing need for a more accurate assessment of this disorder. Cyrex Laboratories, a clinical laboratory specializing in functional immunology and autoimmune reactivity, is leading the charge with their new Array 22- Irritable Bowel/SIBO Screen.

Array 22 is designed to identify specific bacteria in the small intestine that have migrated from the large intestine, potentially compromising essential barrier integrity and setting the stage for autoimmunity. This serum test is recommended for patients with irritable bowel symptoms, signs of malabsorption such as weight loss, fatty stools or anemia, and conditions such as fatigue, reflux, obesity, food intolerances or skin disorders.

Array 22 assesses potential breach of the intestinal barrier by bacterial cytotoxins and evaluates immune reactivity from their entry into circulation. This cutting-edge serum antibody test improves upon the standard breath tests for SIBO, by not only eliminating the need for exhaustive dietary restriction and collection protocols for patients, but also by providing better specificity and sensitivity.

“With the new Array 22, we’re specifically targeting the immediate need for a more precise evaluation of SIBO to give physicians the most accurate information possible to treat their patients,” said Jean Bellin, president of Cyrex Laboratories. “We’ve developed the Array 22 with the unparalleled quality standards and value that Cyrex Laboratories has become known for throughout the healthcare community.”

Patients suffering from irritable bowels or who suspect SIBO are strongly encouraged to ask their physicians about Array 22. Healthcare providers may request a consultation to discuss testing results with a member of the Cyrex clinical consulting team. Physicians and other licensed healthcare professionals, as well as patients, can learn more about Array 22 and the other unique arrays that comprise the Cyrex System, at
About Cyrex Laboratories
Cyrex is a clinical immunology laboratory specializing in functional immunology and autoimmune reactivity. Cyrex offers multi-tissue antibody testing for the early detection and monitoring of today’s complex autoimmune conditions. Cyrex develops innovative testing arrays through continuous collaboration with leading experts in medical research and clinical practice. Cyrex technology is built on four pillars of excellence, including the antigen purification system, optimized antigen concentration, antigen-specific validation and parallel testing technology. Cyrex is a CLIA licensed laboratory based in Phoenix, Arizona and holds a Medical Device Establishment License in Canada.

Stretch Mark Solutions…What Can Be Done Safely?

Women of all ages regardless of height, weight, or parental status are susceptible to stretch marks. This is a simple fact. Another fact, which will hopefully make you feel a bit better, is that supermodels yes, the bikini models you see in Sports Illustrated and Victoria’s Secret, have stretch marks. If you’re like the 95% of the women out there you prefer them gone. Dr. Kirk Brandow, founder and director of the Brandow Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery who has appeared on national programs such as Good Morning America and 20/20 offering insights on cosmetic surgery, shared the real deal on stretch mark solutions with several facts on popular procedures and topical options to prevent and remove stretch marks. Here’s what he has to say.


Option #1: Topical Creams & Preventative Foods

“There are a variety of topical treatments, the ones with cocoa butter are the trend, but they won’t do much if anything to improve severe stretch marks. These creams and oils perform better when used as preventive measures because fully developed stretch marks are rarely skin-deep,” explains Dr. Brandow.


Gelatin powder has been suggested as a great way to get more collagen into your system. Coconut oil mixed with beeswax is said to prevent stretch marks especially when applied throughout the day. Eating foods rich in vitamin C can help prevent stretch marks from the inside out. Adding things like red peppers, parsley, broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts are good bets.


Option #2: Lasers

Many women who have post pregnancy stretch marks turn to lasers to eliminate this unwanted scarring. Kim Kardashian recently announced via her Snapchat that she would undergo laser treatments to rid her stretch marks. The Coolbeam laser, which is the one Kim Kardashian is going with, requires up to 5 treatments at around $5,000 per treatment which adds up to $25,000. Lasers are known for high level of safety and efficacy and most patients come away very pleased with the result. The treated area heals rather quickly, within a week to three weeks.


“Lasers are far less invasive than a tummy tuck, which has a much longer recovery time. Lasers do have some risk in that they can burn the skin or cause tissue damage. Therefore, it’s very important to choose a doctor who knows what they are doing,” advises Dr. Brandow.


Option #3: Platelet Rich Plasma with Micro-needling

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been around for the past two decades and used to help athletes like Tiger Woods and Alex Rodriquez recover from injury. A few years ago, the “Vampire Facial” made headlines when Micro-needling was added to the procedure offering a vibrant, smooth, flawless complexion. The results were so great that cosmetic surgeons started to explore other parts of the body such as stretch marks on the buttocks, breast, arms, thighs and abdomen.


This calls for blood to be taken from the patient then put into a machine that separates the platelet rich plasma from the blood. It is then spread over the face after the micro-needling is completed. The micro-needling is a process where a pen-like tool with several tiny needles at the tip is carefully guided over the affected area making microscopic holes on both the outer and inner layers of skin. These holes are so small that they heal within a few hours. The process triggers a healing response in the dermis layer which is what causes the fast fading of stretch marks. Doctors recommend micro-needling with PRP over any other treatment because the results are significant and the cost is about $1000 per session. “Micro-needling with PRP is a combination that offers a fast, in office option, with excellent results and is less costly than lasers,” explains Dr. Brandow who was recently on TV speaking of the procedure.


Dr. Brandow adds that the advantage of micro-needling with PRP for stretch marks over lasers is a lesser chance of scarring and skin discoloration. “Skin on the body is more susceptible to hyperpigmentation than on the face making Micro-needling is a safer option for ethnicities with varying skin tones. This is a big advantage over cool beam lasers, IPL or chemical peels,” he explains.


Option #4: The Tummy Tuck

This is the gold standard offering the best results however it’s invasive and the recovery time is longer. Known as abdominoplasty, the procedure removes excess skin in the abdominal region and tightens the muscles. The stretch marks below the belly button are discarded along with the excess skin. “The tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that comes with risk so typically candidates must be non-smokers in good physical health as certain they will not want more kids after surgery. It’s is the only option for complete and permanent stretch mark removal. Recovery time can be up to 6 weeks and again it is critical that one chooses a reputable doctor. A botched tummy tuck can lead to off-centered belly buttons, long thick scars, and dangerous infections,” warns Dr. Brandow.


Ultimately stretch marks are an unfortunate reality that comes with pregnancy, puberty and any other weight or muscle gain where the skin is stretched. There are preventative measures one can take. Be very weary of anything that seems too good to be true and always consult with a credentialed doctor when considering any kind of cosmetic procedure.



About the Doctor:

Dr. Kirk Brandow, founder and director of Brandow Clinic for Cosmetic Surgery is a plastic surgeon with 2 locations in the Philadelphia metro area and a 3rd one at the jersey shore. Named a “Top Doc” in Plastic Surgery by Philadelphia Magazine as well as nationally recognized for one of America’s “Best Plastic Surgeons” of this decade, Dr. Brandow is a trusted expert who has developed many innovative, minimally invasive procedures for the face, body and skin. He has been featured on local, national and international television programs including 20/20, CNN’s Headline News, Good Morning America.

From Elizabeth DeRosa of Finding The Way Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Author

Tips to Help You Navigate the Grocery Store


Trying to choose healthy foods while navigating the grocery store can be confusing and overwhelming. Here are my top 10 tips for a successful trip. Eating healthier “whole” foods increases your intake of necessary vitamins, minerals, and other disease-fighting antioxidants.

  1. Shop in the outer perimeter of the store. This is where you will find the fresh and perishable food choices.
  2. Read labels and know where your food comes from. Watch out for sneaky ingredients and beware of fortified foods. The shorter the ingredient list the better.
  3. Reduce packaged and processed foods that contain added sugars and many synthetic chemicals. Avoid the center aisles of the store.
  4. Download the Environmental Working Group’s phone App that highlights the yearly list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen produce to buy and stay away from. (www.ewg,org). Try one or two new veggies a week.
  5. Purchase organic and/or pastured raised meats.
  6. Purchase wild caught fish instead of farm raised fish.
  7. Reduce products that contain “white” flour (breads, cereals, pastas, bagels, etc.)
  8. Increase the purchasing of healthier foods including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and healthy oils.
  9. Be suspicious of the labeling of food as “natural”. You often see this label on many food items. There is no legal regulation or oversight for companies to mislead consumers.
  10. Purchase organic milk which is free from synthetic hormones, antibiotic residue, a grain-fed diet, and overall more humane treatment of the animal. Organic milk is lower in Omega 6’s and higher in Omega 3’s.



3D Printing Applications for Healthcare Will Transform Medical Devices and Pharma Industries

 Pharmacy distribution is expected to be disrupted by 3D printing that simplifies drug customization, finds Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision team


3D printing technology is the ideal solution for the healthcare industry’s need for the efficient production of complex and personalized products. A large number of market majors have shown deep interest in adopting 3D printing for its ability to customize drugs, active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and medical devices, driving an era of personalized medicine. The field that is most likely to be disrupted by 3D printing is pharmacy distribution of drugs because of the ease of obtaining customized dosage quantities of medication.


“Using 3D-printed tissues for drug testing, clinical trials and toxicity testing will have a huge impact in the pharmaceutical sector, as they will help eliminate costly animal testing and use of synthetic tissues,” noted Frost & Sullivan TechVision Research Analyst Madhumitha Rangesa. “However, traditional, large-scale manufacturing is still more economical for mass production of drugs; 3D printing will be viable for small-volume production in orphan diseases.”

3D Printing for Healthcare Applications, recent research from Frost & Sullivan’s TechVision (Medical Devices & Imaging) Growth Partnership Service program, finds that there is a slow shift in pharma toward continuous manufacturing (CM), which can shrink production time to less than 10 days. When this practice is merged with 3D printing, pharma companies can develop various dosage forms for a specific, customized demographic. 3D printing will also bring about a change in the structure of the medication, making it easier to swallow or dissolve, and more attractive to children by printing them in any shape and size.

Click here for complimentary access to more information on this analysis and to register for a Growth Strategy Dialogue, a free interactive briefing with Frost & Sullivan’s thought leaders.

Currently, the most researched and popular tools for the development of drugs/medication using 3D printing techniques are thermal inkjet printers, which can be used with powder-based medications. The tablets/pills manufactured can be customized to the patient’s requirements by structuring them layer by layer, with precise dosage of each ingredient, at a granular level. The use of 3D-printing technology in designing and prototyping will also tremendously reduce material wastage.

Despite all the progress being made, the pharma industry is facing challenges in securing approval from various government regulatory bodies for medical application of 3D printing. Furthermore, there are high chances of counterfeiting in the market.

“Current products being developed using 3D printing are largely in applications areas such as medical implants, surgical guides, prosthetics, orthotics, orthodontics and anatomical models for surgery,” noted Rangesa. “Furthermore, a wealth of opportunities is opening up in future healthcare applications areas such as creation of bone structures, airway tracheal splints and medicine.”

About TechVision

Frost & Sullivan's global TechVision practice is focused on innovation, disruption and convergence, and provides a variety of technology-based alerts, newsletters and research services as well as growth consulting services. Its premier offering, the TechVision program, identifies and evaluates the most valuable emerging and disruptive technologies enabling products with near-term potential. A unique feature of the TechVision program is an annual selection of 50 technologies that can generate convergence scenarios, possibly disrupt the innovation landscape, and drive transformational growth. View a summary of our TechVision program by clicking on the following link:

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants. For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Contact us: Start the discussion


6 Foods That Can Help Save Your Skin From Sun Damage


Just as an unhealthy diet can have a negative effect on your skin and health, a healthy diet high in antioxidant-rich foods can help protect your body, even from the sun. Since antioxidants help reduce inflammation and free radicals, loading your diet with them will go a long way against sunburn and skin damage as a result of UV rays. We connected with Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O., a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine for his list of foods that help prevent sun damage.


To be clear, Dr. Calapai is not saying you should completely replace using daily use of sunscreen with food, but what you eat can offer additional protection for your skin. So if you’re looking for some ingestible sun protection, add these six sun-friendly foods to your next shopping list.


  1. Berries & stone fruits

Strawberries, blueberries and cherries contain high levels of vitamin C, which can reduce free radical damage caused by exposure to UV radiation. Vitamin C also stimulates collagen production, important for skin’s youthful appearance. As a bonus, cherries contain melatonin, which protects skin from UV radiation and repairs sunburn damage.


  1. Leafy greens

If it’s green and it’s got leaves, chances are it’s good for sun protection. According to one study, spinach, kale and swiss chard can reduce the risk of squamous cell skin cancer by 50%. Broccoli is also a good choice: it’s full of sulphoraphane, an antioxidant that helps your cells protect themselves against UV radiation.


Fresh herbs like parsley, basil, sage and rosemary are also packed with free radical-fighting, skin-protecting antioxidants. Not sure where to start? Check out our guide to cruciferous vegetables.


  1. Red & orange produce

The antioxidant lycopene has been shown to protect the skin against sunburn and is at least twice as effective an antioxidant as betacarotene when it comes to blocking UV light. It also helps rid the body of free radicals. Chow down on tomatoes, papaya, guava, red bell peppers and pink grapefruit. Watermelon is an especially good choice: it contains 40% more lycopene than tomatoes.


  1. Micro-algae

Spirulna has been dubbed “the next great superfood,” and for good reason. This micro-algea, along with chlorella, contains the antioxidant astaxanthin, which has been shown to protect the skin and eyes against UV radiation. It also fights free radicals and inflammation to prevent sun damage by preventing UV-induced cell damage.


If micro-algea isn’t exactly your cup of tea, you can find this powerful antioxidant in shrimp and salmon.


  1. Chocolate

As long as it’s dark chocolate you’re eating, you’ll be ingesting plenty of flavanoids, which can improve your skin’s ability protect against sunburns and other UV-induced issues.


Research found that people who ate about one ounce of high-percentage dark chocolate every day for three months could withstand twice the amount of UVB rays before their skin started to turn red, compared to those who didn’t.


  1. Green & black tea

The myriad health benefits of tea are well known, but it’s nice to know that the cups you’re drinking can also help protect against sun damage. Green and black teas are packed with polyphenols that can help stop cancer development by limiting the blood supply to the cancerous area. Green tea can even help prevent non-melanoma skin cancer by enhancing DNA repair.

Ontario Shores and Mozzaz to Launch Mobile Mental Health App

Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) and Mozzaz are set to formally unveil their patient engagement mobile app which delivers personalized mobile interventions to patients.

Ontario Shores, a specialty mental health hospital in Whitby, Ontario, and Mozzaz, a digital health company based in Waterloo, Ontario, are engaged in a project that elevates the patient experience by providing a tool which engages patients in their care at their convenience.

The launch event will feature a demonstration of the mobile app along with remarks from Ontario Shores President and CEO Karim Mamdani and Rini Gahir, co-founder and Chief Business Development Officer at Mozzaz.

Date: Thursday, March 23, 2017
Time: 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Place: Main Lobby (Building 5, Level 2)
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences
700 Gordon Street
Whitby, Ontario


About Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences:
Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) is a leader in mental health care, providing a range of specialized assessment and treatment services for people living with complex mental illness. Patients benefit from a recovery-oriented environment of care, built on compassion, inspiration and hope. Ontario Shores engages in research, education and advocacy initiatives to advance the mental health care system.

About Mozzaz:
Mozzaz is a digital health company specializing in patient engagement technology for individuals with complex care needs and the care teams that support them. With a versatile mobile intervention model, Mozzaz can support patient engagement programs for a wide range services including disabilities, behavioural and mental health, and chronic care conditions. Through personalized mobile care plans, Mozzaz can collect data to enable providers and health plans to connect, measure and predict clinical and financial outcomes of quality care keeping patients safe and supported.

SOURCE Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences

Fitness, food and friendship combine through luxeFIT luxury fitness retreats

New boutique travel company invites you to 'eat your heart out then work it off' during exotic vacations that relax, renew and rejuvenate

Two young businesswomen have found a way to combine their passion for travel and healthy lifestyles through a brand-new venture, luxeFIT. The company offers week-long luxury fitness retreats to exotic destinations, arranging workout sessions and activities, nutritious cuisine prepared by a private chef and opportunities for socializing and fun – all in a luxurious private beachfront estate setting.

LuxeFIT blends fitness, adventure and nutrition with the opportunity to explore new and exciting destinations worldwide. The first retreat is slated for April 30 - May 6, in Barbados. Activities will include yoga, paddleboarding, snorkeling, surfing and water-skiing, with numerous social opportunities — as well as free time — throughout. Excursions will be available to explore Harrison's Caves, tour Mt. Gay Rum Distillery, shop in Holetown and more.

"Our guests will work hard, sweat it out every day, meet like-minded people and have fun in some of the most beautiful places on earth!" said luxeFIT co-founder Loren Mayo. "Our retreats aim to be a place where guests feast on delicious, healthy cuisine, exercise in spirited and challenging sessions with top trainers, experience the sights and sounds of the area and, ultimately, return home looking and feeling better than when they left."

Just as food typically plays a central role in any travel experience, healthy eating is at the core of a luxeFIT adventure. One of the founding principles of luxeFIT is to provide wholesome, delectable, locally produced meals for guests to enjoy. The accommodations feature a private chef, who will offer meals that meet guests' nutritional needs, while taking great care to develop menus reflecting the culture of the destination.

Business partners Loren Mayo of Sarasota and Holly Morris of New York City at the University of Central Florida. Mayo's career is rooted in journalism and marketing. Morris worked in hospitality management before making a career change to human resources. Both, however, share a passion for fitness, healthy eating and exotic travel. The two launched luxeFIT in November 2016, engaging Mia Duval, an Orangetheory fitness instructor in Sarasota, FL, as head trainer for the venture.

Beyond the Barbados retreat, the duo is exploring additional options in the Caribbean and Mexico.

"From invigorating workouts to gourmet fare, this program is designed to nourish and energize our guests on every level, offering the perfect blend of cardio, rest and relaxation,” said Morris. “It’s paradise with a purpose — a better, more balanced you, in less than a week!"

Retreats are all-inclusive — all but airfare is included. Guests will enjoy six-nights in either a 5-Star villa or luxury condo, freshly prepared meals with an emphasis on local cuisine, fitness and yoga sessions, the ability to work out with a first-rate fitness instructor and round-trip transportation to group activities.

About luxeFIT

LuxeFIT blends fitness, nutrition, adventure and the opportunity to explore new and exciting destinations worldwide. Our fitness adventure experts coordinate all-inclusive, week-long luxury fitness retreats to exotic destinations, offering workout sessions and activities, healthy food prepared by a private chef and opportunities for socializing and fun – all in luxurious villa settings.

10th World Sleep Day - How Can New Technologies Improve Your Sleep?

Today we celebrate the 10th annual World Sleep Day. It is organized by the World Sleep Society, founded by the World Association of Sleep Medicine (WASM) and the World Sleep Federation (WSF), an international association whose mission is to advance sleep health worldwide.

Frost & Sullivan has been researching how digital health applications can improve our sleep experience. Nowadays, consumers are able to utilize everyday devices as a way to gain a valuable perspective about a critical aspect of their health – the quality of their sleep.  There are numerous applicationswearables and devices that can create an ecosystem that produces and analyzes vital information that can be used by professionals to help an individual.  As consumers create a technology-based ecosystem around their sleep experience, all the patient-generated datagathered will contribute to larger studies that will support sleep science. This will lead to breakthroughs that will help our society to resolve sleep disorders and improve health and wellness globally.


Transformational Health Principal Analyst Victor Camlek explains: “This year's World Sleep Day theme is "Sleep Soundly, Nurture Life." The good news as we move forward is that we can now measure the quality of our sleep using connected digital technology in the natural setting of our home.  Whereas in the past patients needed to check-in to specialized facilities to assess their sleep for serious health related issues, today we can determine information about many aspects of our sleep adopting easy to use sensorsand remote monitors.”


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the key technologies in the market that can improve our ability to measure sleep by interfacing with other platforms and by leveraging a voice interactive AI system. For example, the Amazon Echo device can become a new partner in our healthcare as it can help to intersect with other aspects of digital health, all within the connected home environment.

“These advances permit us to address the need for serious intervention much sooner and much easier than in the past. Frost & Sullivan actively tracks progress in the sleep technology market, as well as innovative companies who are contributing to the disruption of this digital health segment," concludes Camlek.

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, the global Growth Partnership Company, has spent more than 50 years guiding our clients toward transformational growth strategies. We focus on innovation opportunities driven by disruptive technologies, mega trends, emerging markets and new business models. Through our Growth Partnership model, we collaborate with clients to leverage visionary innovation that takes advantage of our convergence expertise, an experiential learning platform, 360-degree industry coverage and complete global perspective. Is your organization prepared for the next profound wave of industry disruption, increasing competitive intensity, breakthrough best practices, changing customer dynamics and emerging economies?