fitness, workout, gym exercise, lifestyle and healthy concept. Close-up Legs and feet of women walking on the treadmill in the gym for good health and strength at sunset.

Before outlining my tips, it is important to mention some key points about human psychology and the difference between goals and processes.

It is believed that people are creatures of habit, and not just at the mercy of their genetics. The significance of this is that routines can be put into place which become habit over time and then further evolve into a lifestyle. With this in mind there are a number of strategies which can be used in order to get more efficient and steadily progress.

If there are no goals then there will be nothing to work towards. Having a goal gives motivation. One of the main purposes of life is to achieve goals. Lazy people cannot be lazy if they have goals, as goals are what sets lazy people apart from active, motivated people. Write down your goals and all you want to achieve. Sign it with your name. And stick it onto the wall. This means that your goals are now tangible, and you have committed to achieving them. 

A process is something that you will do everyday. A lesser known tip is that in order to reach goals you have to set processes. A goal might be to write a Novel. A process might be to write your novel everyday, or to write 1000 words every day. You cannot fail to achieve a goal if you commit to doing processes everyday, as ultimately your goals will be achieved. 

The following are Seven self care tips for Lazy people. Some might seem obvious at first, however it is important to bear in mind that not everybody has the same levels of motivation or enthusiasm, and everyone is different. Make use of goals, processes and signatures to put the following tips into action and to integrate them as part of a healthy lifestyle. 

1 – Exercise

Obviously you need your body in top physical condition. Use the goal/process/signature protocol mentioned above to exercise 3-4 times a week minimum. If you are sitting in front of a desk for 8+ hours a day looking at a computer monitor, then stretching is of the utmost importance, as well as fresh air. Exercise outside is best  as nothing can trump fresh air, which will also help you sleep. There are several hit and tips on GGP about how to motivate yourself to work out for extended periods of time.

2 – Establish a Morning Routine

A good breakfast will set you up for the day in terms of what you eat. But a good routine will set you up for the day in all ways. Establish a morning routine which incorporates a period of meditation, eating a healthy breakfast, looking at the goals you need to achieve and saying positive affirmations. This will put you into a positive mind frame for the day instead of just rushing out the door in the mornings in order to beat traffic and make it into work on time. 

3 – Have a Skin Care Routine

Skin Care is perhaps the most overlooked area of physical health. The skin is the largest organ in the body. However, little attention is paid to skin care. There are ample opportunities to absorb much needed nutrients through the skin. The shower is completely under utilized and is a prime opportunity to allow vital minerals to soak into your skin. The shower is the ultimate form of skin care. Get an organic, high quality body lotion and just allow it to soak in. Your skin is “eating” the lotion in the same way that the mouth “eats” food. It is also very important to be aware of what types of skin products your skin care regime includes – makeup, sunscreen and hand lotions often contain harmful chemicals. Organic is best. 

4 – Eat healthy

This means an increase of fruits and vegetables, and a decrease in animals and animal products. It does not have to be a big deal, you can just give up sugar, alcohol and processed foods at a moment's notice. Simply stop eating them now and put focus towards eating healthy. 21 days is the time it takes to establish a habit. Thus if you can manage to eat a certain food for this time period it will no longer be a strain, it will be incorporated as part of your lifestyle.

5 – Drink Water

Aside from skin care this is perhaps the most overlooked area of physical well being. The advice to drink lots of water is well known. What is perhaps lesser known is that the quality of water indicates if you should be drinking it in the first place. A water meter can be purchased on Amazon for $10. The difference between drinking water with 0 Parts Per Million(PPM) and 200 PPM is quite literally the difference between drinking water that is pure and water that is poisonous. Most bottled water has PPM in the range of 200+. Test your shower water as well as the skin is efficient at absorbing water. 

6 - Destress

Stress is touted often as the main cause of disease and mental illness. There is never any reason to stress. Even if it's a self help tip such as to drink clean water, do not stress if you cannot put the tip in practice right now. Do what you can when you can and don't stress about the rest. 

7 – Unplug

In order to engage in maximum productivity it is best to know how the mind works. Study after study has proven that best results are achieved by 40-50 minutes of focused attention, followed by 10-15 minutes of focused relaxation. Thus even if you feel you could work for longer than 50 minutes it is best to stop for a few minutes, take a few deep breaths, relax completely and utterly and resume work after your relaxation period. Most people actually take their work with them on their break, as their work related thoughts keep replaying in their minds. This is counterproductive. Time off is essential for mental maintenance. 

Get Fit! How to Drastically Enhance Your Athletic Performance

All athletes want to live their dreams and compete professionally as long as they can. You have the skills, and you have impressed enough people. You know you have a fighting chance, but the numbers can be pretty harsh. The chance of making a living out of what you love is pretty slim, meaning you really have to do your best to make it. You have to push the limits at all times, and continue to drastically enhance your athletic performance. The following are some tips to help you do just that.


Enhance Your Brain

You might not think your mind has much to do with your athletic performance, but it does. Your brain is one of the most important parts of your body, and making sure that it is running optimally should help enhance your performance. This is why you need to stimulate your mind using cognitive training among other tools. One thing you can do is solve a complex puzzle in your free time. Playing strategy games can keep your mind nimble. A sharper mind makes it easier for your brain to make quick but effective decisions, which is vital for any athlete.


Eat Right

The body can only use what it is given, so making sure you are giving it the very best is crucial. This means sticking to safe, healthy, and organic food. Beyond that, it is also important to seek out foods that are known to help improve athletic performance, such as probiotics. These organisms can be found in fermented foods and drinks, such as yogurt or kombucha. They help the body digest food and absorb more nutrients than it would otherwise, which makes them quite important.


Get a Cellular Boost

Okay, you have taken care of your diet and are doing what you can to enhance your brain’s ability to think, but you can also address your cells. Companies dedicated to athletic performance like ASEA sell products that have the ability to optimize cells within the body. This helps cells perform at their very best. You will likely produce more energy and be the very best version of yourself by simply making sure your cells are in tip-top shape. You should talk to a health professional to find out other ways to boost cellular function.


Lifestyle Revolution

You are young and may be drawn to things that could be hurting your athletic performance. For example, many people stay up late and end up losing sleep. You cannot afford this as an athlete because your body needs sleep to repair itself after training or a harsh game. You also have to find ways to balance your emotional and mental health. Both of these are vital because they directly correlate with your spirit. Every athlete knows that the spirit gives you that last burst of energy or power when you need it the most. Consider joining a meditation class to help you stay grounded and peaceful, or practice yoga to find ways to keep your mind and emotional health in good condition.

5 Tips that help you to reduce weight quickly


Gaining few pounds has become a dilemma and you’re looking for some healthy, sustainable way to lose weight? There are plenty of ways to slim yourself down. You have to cut your calories, exercise regularly, resist junk food, stick on water instead of juice or soda, walk 30 minutes a day etc. loosing and maintaining a healthy weight can be tougher or you may find trouble to get motivated. Joshua C. Klapow, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist at the University of Alabama at Birmingham stated:

The key to staying motivated to lose weight is similar to the [amount of] fuel in a car—you don't need the motivation tank to be full to drive, you just need to prevent it from running empty. If you notice that your weight loss motivation is waning, give yourself a break from your diet or exercise plan for one to three days.


  • Cut your calories and appetite

It can be very difficult to stick to a low-calorie diet but it is essential to cut your pounds in an effective way to sculpt your best body. Try eating a bit less sauce i.e. ketchup and mayonnaise in your food, avoid sugar-sweetened drinks like soda, coke, and other beverages, avoid adding sugar in your tea or coffee, use a smaller plate, have a half glass of water and walk before dinner, eat more vegetables and chose whole fruits instead of juices. But make sure not to eat fewer than 1,000 calories in a day.


  • Walk 30 minutes a day regularly

You don’t need a super sweaty high-intensity workout daily. Just 30 minutes’ walk would not only help you to shed some pounds but also to have a healthy dose of cardio regularly. Moreover, it will also boost metabolism, improve blood circulation, lower LDL-cholesterol, and ward off heart disease. Walking is the best way to maintain a healthy weight, burns belly fat and tone the abdominal region.


  • Switch-off the TV at mealtime

The research found those who chew slowly, eat without distraction, and concentrate on the food and eat without any conversation, lose six times as much weight as other slimmers. Paying more attention to your meal would keep you overeating and mindful eating can help you to make healthier choices.


  • Sleep

This is surprisingly true that sleep and weight loss are interconnected. Lack of sleep alters the way your brain works. It increases appetite which stimulates hunger, makes you crave fat and carbs. Moreover, poor sleep makes the body’s metabolism work less efficaciously, leaves more unexpended energy to be stored in the body as fat. Research shows that people starved to sleep make bad food decisions. They want more calorie-rich food.




  • Drink a lot of water

Drinking water can help you to support your dieting efforts. It raises metabolism in your body and improves your fat burning rate. It will also make you feel full and consume less food at a meal. Drinking some water before a meal is also a good move that will pay off. Substituting all other beverages, coffee, tea, fruit juice etc. for a glass of water can help to burn calories.


Eating the right combination of food and make healthy changes in your lifestyle can help you to drop pounds and even drop them fast. It would be troublesome for some time to stop yourself when you may have a plate of brownies in front of you. If you’re struggling to stick with your weight loss motivation, choose an attainable or realistic goal. Never think that you’ll quickly lose 50 pounds in the next couple of weeks. Find a partner who may also help you out by cheer you on, and work out with will keep you on track. Be patient and give yourself small rewards (must not be food-related) to provide an incentive to keep going.


Author Bio

Michelle Hannan is a nutritionist, and she's on a mission to give you all the information you need to successfully lose weight. She also blogs regularly at


You are officially the first to hear about my new 8 week Challenge!

What better way to start off the New Year then with a new routine on the way to a new you!

Who is this program for? Non competition prep clients that are looking for a lifestyle change, new routine and an individualized program that they can do on their own, any time, any where.

What do you get? 2-Week training Split that will be updated every 2 weeks when you check in with me via email, weekly calendar overview of program, designated sets & reps for each exercise, individualized nutrition plan, individualized cardio, and access to the Train It Right private client Facebook page.

To sign up simply email me at: with Subject line: 8 week challenge

The clocks fall back, but you don't have to.

When we turn our clocks back an hour on Sunday, November 5, Canadians get an extra hour of sleep in the morning and a lot less light in the evenings. It's more important than ever to find time for regular exercise, and the week after the time change is a good time to get started.


According to Abby Johnson, team training specialist with GoodLife Fitness, exercise offers many benefits when it comes to adjusting to time changes, sleep interruptions and colder, darker days.


Exercise can:

Reset circadian rhythms – The switch out of Daylight Savings time can interrupt your sleep patterns for up to a week. Exercising at the same time each day can help you get your sleep back on track after the time change

Improve mood – With fewer daylight hours, many Canadians feel their energy and mood decline. In fact, as many as 15 percent of Canadians will suffer from seasonal affective disorder (a form of depression) in their lives. Regular exercise causes your brain to release feel-good hormones that can help regulate and improve mood.

Boost energy – More darkness, colder temperatures, and sleep disruption can leave us feeling distracted and lazy. It’s tempting to stay indoors and watch TV, eat and drink more and be less active. But physical activity increases heart rate, circulation, and mental focus. Regular workouts will leave you feeling energetic, stronger and more focused.

Johnson suggests connecting with a personal trainer or other fitness experts to brainstorm ways to use the fall time change to kick-start your winter health. Here are some ideas.


Use the extra hour to work out. This may be the only time in the year you wake up BEFORE the alarm. Channel the time change to build in some exercise. Commit to exercising in the morning for one week and see if it becomes a habit. Also, it will be light for the first few weeks, and easier to get to the gym or out for a run.


Don’t be deterred by darkness. Increase your exposure to bright light and physical activity during the day until late afternoon/early evening to help compensate for the overall reduction of daylight hours. Take advantage of morning and lunchtime to go for a run, bike to work, or get your co-workers together for a lunchtime walk to enjoy more sunshine and fresh air. During winter months, remember to take a vitamin D supplement.


Change your body and your outlook. Change your posture by pushing your shoulders up and back, take deeper breaths, look ahead. Keep moving, whether it’s walking to work, jogging in the morning, taking the stairs or playing outside with your kids.


Stay hydrated and choose healthy foods. Avoid caffeinated beverages, since too much caffeine can further disrupt your natural sleep rhythm.


Fit in full-body fitness moves. Exercises that use various parts of your body can kick-start your metabolism and give you more energy. Here are some examples of full-body moves to boost energy:

Superman: Lie face down and extend arms and legs. Flutter-kick legs up and down, simultaneously reaching arms toward feet, then back overhead. That’s one rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 10.

Goblet squat with a press: Hold a hand weight vertically; lower hips, bringing elbows inside knees. Return to standing and press arms overhead. That's 1 rep. Alternate sides with each rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 10.

Single leg deadlift: Hinge at the hips, lowering torso as right leg lifts. Working balance, try to touch fingertips to the floor, then come back to start. That's 1 rep. Do 2 or 3 sets of 10 on each side.

We can connect you with a personal trainer in your area who can discuss the best way to tackle the time change with exercise, as well as show some quick energy boosting workouts to tone your body, engage your heart and make you more alert. Please let me know if you’d like to book an interview.


Mineral-Rich Multiforce Powdered Supplement Treats Lactic Acid Build-Up Associated With Muscle Fatigue & Strenuous

Exercise; Helps Prevent, Minimize Acid-Related Gout, Osteoarthritis & Uric Acid

Proprietary Blend of 100% Natural, Gluten-Free Ingredients Offers Safe & Proven Complete Body Solution for Athletes & Active Consumers Seeking Healthier Balance Between Acid & Alkaline

SARASOTA, FL., October 17, 2017 – Representing one of the greatest ironies in personal wellness today, millions of athletes and fitness devotees who watch every bite they eat are being challenged by the very same culprit affecting those who regularly consume processed foods, salty snacks and sugary desserts. Their shared enemy? Excess acidity.

Consider this: if you’re a serious athlete, “weekend warrior,” or an active consumer who values the life-affirming benefits of strenuous regular exercise, it’s likely you’ve experienced the muscle discomfort and fatigue often associated with lactic acid build-up. Conversely, if you follow the typical “Western diet” that’s low in fruits and vegetables and find it difficult to resist foods you know aren’t good for you, it’s likely you’ve experienced such excess acid-induced health issues as gout, uric acid, heartburn, joint pain, chronic fatigue, osteoarthritis and many more.

Fortunately, however, whether you’re a fitness junkie, a junk food junkie or some combination of the two, help is here at last!

Introducing Multiforce (, a globally-popular multi-mineral powdered supplement newly available in America that’s already helped millions around the world not only to treat but in many cases to prevent the development of excess acidity resulting from extreme workouts or poor diet. Featuring a breakthrough blend of 100% natural, gluten-free, vegetarian and clinically-proven essential natural minerals such as Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Calcium, Multiforce helps your body re-calibrate its pH balance between acid and alkaline so you can feel your best in the fastest and most comprehensive manner possible.

The Growing Need To Cut Excess Acidity Down To Size With more Americans than ever before embracing extreme sports and demanding workouts, and with the majority of us still favoring processed foods over nutritious fruits and vegetables, we’ve achieved perfect storm-level conditions for making excess acidity one of today’s most problematic health concerns. And when it comes to diet, it’s not just the obvious foods we need to be wary of: even seemingly healthier food staples as dairy products, animal protein and even low-sugar cereals are responsible for generating acid-forming chemicals in our body that over time can lead to muscle fatigue, slow down muscle recovery and cause many of the troubling health issues mentioned above.

Multiforce To The Rescue!

Specifically formulated to treat the causes of various health issues associated with excess acidity and not just their symptoms, Multiforce makes use of the citrate form of minerals which are able to neutralize three acid molecules and are much more easily absorbed by the body. This is what makes Multiforce so effective. In addition, unlike traditional treatments for excess acidity on the market, Multiforce works systemically from head to toe as opposed to just zoning in on one select part of the body. What’s more, Multiforce doesn’t rely on digestion to be absorbed – thus ensuring consumers won’t face the stomach discomfort or nausea often associated with mineral supplements.

A natural alkaline powder that’s safe, proven and incredibly easy to use (just mix a teaspoon of powder with water), Multiforce is ideal for virtually anyone anxious to tackle the acid-based causes of muscle fatigue, gout, uric acid, joint pain, chronic fatigue and osteoarthritis (please find a clinical study showcasing Multiforce’s effectiveness in dealing with this condition at

Multiforce is offered in three flavors: Natural Lemon Flavor; Natural Mango Flavor; and Naturally Unflavored. All three are sold on the site for $29.99 (a free two-week supply is also available at, other online sites and in a growing range of retail stores in Florida (with other states to follow soon).

The Science Behind Multiforce Body acids are neutralized through various buffering systems in the body, but for these systems to properly maintain the perfect pH balance, sufficient alkaline mineral compounds are required – the very same minerals (including Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium) typically found in fruits and vegetables.

In order to maintain this ideal balance, nutritionists suggest we eat seven to ten servings of fruits and vegetables as well as drink two liters of water daily. Since that represents a tall order for almost all of us, the solution is simple: let Multiforce’s alkalizing blend of multi-minerals supplement your body’s nutrients, replenish these life-balancing minerals and, over time, reduce the symptoms caused by over-acidity completely.

Check out these alarming facts to see just how prevalent exceed acidity really is:

• Coffee – far more acidic than tap water

• Sodas – contain corrosive acid

• Animal Protein – can form uric acid

• Sugary Desserts & Salty Snacks – linked with increased obesity

A Commitment to Balanced Health Commenting on Multiforce’s longstanding mandate to help offset the conditions associated with excess acidity, Garth Woolley - CEO of Multiforce parent company SANP International LLC - said, “Anyone coping with muscle issues or with the numerous concerns stemming from excess acidity can rest assured we’ve gone to great lengths over many years to create the most potent and effective all-natural solution offered directly to consumers today. We’re heartened by the highly enthusiastic response Multiforce has already received from consumers and retailers in the U.S. and look forward to helping countless more people eliminate the corrosive effects of acid in their lives over the years ahead.”

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O., a New York City Osteopathic Physician board certified in family and anti-aging medicine is sharing his top 10 ways to keep you strong for the transitioning season.


  1. Exercise on a daily basis: The minimum should be a half hour of walking continuously so as to increase oxygenation to tissues as well as deliver vitamins minerals and hormones to these cells.


  1. Be sure to get good deep restorative sleep: This should be at least six hours every night. Sleep deprivation not only makes us tired, but decreases function in almost all organs.


  1. Keep chemicals and preservatives out of the diet: We should eat as organically as possible, with the diet comprised of a variety of vegetables, fruits and good protein sources.


  1. Test your blood for vitamins, minerals, and hormones: Thousands of studies over many years have described that vitamin deficiency is correlated with degenerate disease we can give me in response among many others. This test will guide you as to exactly what nutrients you're deficient in, and what you should take. “There is no better test than this,” says Dr. Calapai.


  1. Do not smoke cigarettes: This is a no brainer for most, as they contain thousands of dangerous chemicals, which can lead to a low immune system.


  1. Be careful with exposure to alcohol: This can have the variety of effects that are hurtful to the body if done in excess


  1. Maintain a clean home environment: In areas where you spend the most time, make sure that surfaces are cleaned with products that can kill germs or viruses. Use HEPA filtration systems to capture particulate matter including dust, allergens or organisms that can make you ill.


  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and a few times during the day and avoid other people that have chronic infection, flu or a virus.


  1. Try to minimize stress, anxiety and irritability: Taking a break for a few minutes during a stressful day can make the stress response much less progressive.


  1. Lastly, be sure to visit your doctor for routine testing and physical exam inform: This ensures you are constantly aware of what is going on with your body.

About the doctor:

Dr. Christopher Calapai, D.O. is an Osteopathic Physician board certified in family medicine, and anti-aging medicine. Proclaimed the "The Stem Cell Guru" by the New York Daily News, Dr. Calapai is a leader in the field of stem cell therapy in the U.S. His stem cell treatments have achieved remarkable results in clinical trials on patients with conditions as varied as Alzheimer's, arthritis, erectile dysfunction, frailty syndrome, heart, kidney and liver failure, lupus, MS and Parkinson's. He has worked with Mike Tyson, Mickey Rourke, Steven Seagal, and Gotham's, Donal Logue; and as a medical consultant for the New York Rangers. Connect with him via twitter @drcalapai or at

Five Ways To Spring Clean Your Health & Lose Weight - Interviews Available With Doctor

Dr. George's tips are:
1. Start exercising
An increase in activity of as little as 20 minutes 3 times a week can make a difference in your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. You don't have to get fancy with a gym membership. Try taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, or park further from the entrance when you go to the market or mall.
2. Eat Smaller portions
You may not want to give up your junk food or fried food, but try to limit your portions. Instead of buying a six pack of soda, buy a two liter bottle. You can better control the portions along with your intake of calories.
3. Drink more water
The average person should be drinking 1 ounce per kilogram of his/her weight in water per day. (1 lb = 2.2kg). Studies have shown that people eat more when they are dehydrated because the signals in the body can confuse hunger with thirst. If you are hungry, try drinking an 8-12 oz glass of water before you decide to eat that snack.
4. Avoid salt
The average American diet consists too much salt. Salt is found in everything from canned foods to frozen foods. Not only does salt make your body retain water, it also dulls your sense of taste when it comes to sugar. As a challenge, decrease the amount of salt you eat for about 1 week, then drink a non-diet soft drink. Not only will you lose about 3- 5 lbs of water weight, but you will see that the soda is incredibly sweet. In addition, try to use sea salt.
5. Avoid high fructose corn syrup
Studies have shown that most products in this country are made with high fructose corn syrup that is contaminated with mercury (a known neurotoxin). Instead try to choose foods made with cane sugar. When you drink soft drinks that are made with sugar you will be less likely to crave salt and be able to stop with one soda because there is no 'sugar high' that leads to the craving that makes you want to have more.
About Dr. Elaina George
Atlanta, GA Based - Dr Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology. She received her Masters degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. She is on the advisory council of Project 21 black leadership network, an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research. Dr George hosts her own radio show, "Medicine On Call" and she is also a keynote speaker many organizations. As a solo practitioner in private practice who is also a small business owner, she has a unique perspective on the problems of health care delivery, the true costs of healthcare and viable solutions.
TV CLIP of Dr. Elaina George on Fox Business News 

Many don't want to admit it, but sugar addiction is real. Scientist and researchers have even been known to say that sugar addictions can be just as strong as drug addiction. As a recovering sugar addict, I can say that the struggle is real, BUT, like with everything, you can free yourself of the cancer causing, weight gaining, leaky gut addiction. Below are 8 tips on things you can start doing TODAY to break the addiction.

27 Mar 2008, Garnerville, New York, USA --- Assorted Junk Food --- Image by © Envision/Corbis

Don't worry, they're practical and we can definitely do them together.
#1 Take Responsibility and then control of yourself
Though addictive personalities do exist and sometimes the excitement we receive from eating sugar and bad foods as a result of increased dopamine levels is real, you have to realize that you got yourself here, so it's time to take some responsibility. You can't blame anyone. Remember that if you can't control anything else, you can control the food that you put into your system. One of the first signs of self respect is how you treat your body and how serious you take your health. Eating healthy, exercising and taking care of yourself physically and mentally is a sign of self respect, so take responsibility and control. You do this and I guarantee you that you'll demolish the other tips!
#2 Consume a diet of healthy fats, protein and fiber REGULARLY
Believe it or not, you can cure your sugar addiction just by incorporating certain foods in your diet and taking others out. A healthy meal that can help you kick the addiction should consist of healthy fats, protein and fiber. Each one of these meal components does something to help stabilize your blood sugar levels or insulin levels which will in turn help you to not crave sugary foods.
What are some examples of this food? I'm glad you asked.
You should be eating healthy fats. Examples of these nuts (almonds are a big plus), seeds, olive oil and  coconut oil. If you cut bad fats and carbs, your body will not only stop craving sugar but will become a fat burning machine! Who doesn't want that?
You should also consume protein. This means that you can and should be eating meats (try to stick to grass fed and organic... you don't want all of the hormones that are in a lot of meat), seafood like wild caught salmon, eggs and dairy like cheese, greek yogurt and milk. Be careful with your yogurts! A lot of the yogurt on the market is filled with sugar, so it might be best to stick to plain greek yogurt when you start on this journey.
Last but not least, you should also start incorporating more fiber in your diet. You can do this with food or supplements, but of course food is always best. Ways you can increase your fiber is by eating fruits, but the best fruits to eat when you're trying to kick a sugar addiction are berries so strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. Veggies and beans are a plus as well. You also can rely on chia seeds and flaxseed.
By eating like this, you can balance your insulin levels and conquer your sugar cravings.
#3 STOP eating processed foods
It doesn't take a nutritionist to tell you the horrible effects of eating processed foods. Just look around you. Completely eliminate processed foods or even packaged foods for your diet. Most of them are full of sugar and it goes without saying that you should stop eating processed sugars if you want to take back control of your body. You should be eating whole foods. This means that if something you're eating has an entire list of ingredients, you probably shouldn't be eating it! Instead, trade those processed and packaged foods for whole foods and foods from the ground. Processed foods not only contribute to sugar addiction and weight gain but the chemicals in them can cause depression, mood swings and disease, so completely let them go if you want to kick your sugar addiction.
#4 Decrease your carb intake to only GOOD carbs
Consider doing a white out. No white bread, rice, pastas, grains, etc. That means If you want to completely break yourself of the addiction, you should definitely reduce the carbs that you eat.  So say goodbye to the bread, pasta and starches.
#5 Drink teas
Take advantage of shops like DavidsTea, Teavana and your local tea shop or just brew your own. I can personally tell you that teas help with sweet cravings. Train It Right's very own Alicia Bell has been suggesting finding a tea you love to clients for YEARS and it's proven to be super effective.
#6 Take supplements
If you're really struggling, try taking a chromium supplement in addition to a healthy diet! Also, there has been an increased interest in probiotics and rightly so. These days a lot of us are suffering from leaky gut and other gut issues because we have too much bad bacteria in our bodies. Get back on track and balance things out by incorporating a probiotic of your choice to your diet.
#7 Exercise
This is SO important. It's as equally important and effective for your physical as it is your mental. Never forget that exercise is one of the most underutilized antidepressants. Exercise releases the same 'feel good' hormone that's released when you're eating sugary foods, so get the same feeling but way better, lifesaving benefits.
Also, be sure to engage in exercise such as HIIT (which Train It Right has an e-book filled with amazing HIIT workouts), weight training, yoga and pilates. These forms of exercise will help you reduce your sugar cravings.
#8 Educate Yourself
Educating yourself can be the most important tip on this list to kick a sugar addiction. Learn what researchers and physicians have found to cause sugar addiction, the science behind it and continuously learn things that you can do to kick the habit. Make learning and educating yourself on topics that will help you feel better and look better a part of your lifestyle!
Try these out and let us know how your quest to greatness is going in the comments!
Five Ways To Keep Your New Year's Resolution of Losing Weight In 2017 
Dr. Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist and Author of the new book "Big Medicine: The Cost Of Corporate Control And How Doctors And Patients Working Together Can Rebuild A Better System" 
Dr. George's tips are:
1. Start exercising
An increase in activity of as little as 20 minutes 3 times a week can make a difference in your risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. You don't have to get fancy with a gym membership. Try taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, or park further from the entrance when you go to the market or mall.
2. Eat Smaller portions
You may not want to give up your junk food or fried food, but try to limit your portions. Instead of buying a six pack of soda, buy a two liter bottle. You can better control the portions along with your intake of calories.
3. Drink more water
The average person should be drinking 1 ounce per kilogram of his/her weight in water per day. (1 lb = 2.2kg). Studies have shown that people eat more when they are dehydrated because the signals in the body can confuse hunger with thirst. If you are hungry, try drinking an 8-12 oz glass of water before you decide to eat that snack.
4. Avoid salt
The average American diet consists too much salt. Salt is found in everything from canned foods to frozen foods. Not only does salt make your body retain water, it also dulls your sense of taste when it comes to sugar. As a challenge, decrease the amount of salt you eat for about 1 week, then drink a non-diet soft drink. Not only will you lose about 3- 5 lbs of water weight, but you will see that the soda is incredibly sweet. In addition, try to use sea salt.
5. Avoid high fructose corn syrup
Studies have shown that most products in this country are made with high fructose corn syrup that is contaminated with mercury (a known neurotoxin). Instead try to choose foods made with cane sugar. When you drink soft drinks that are made with sugar you will be less likely to crave salt and be able to stop with one soda because there is no 'sugar high' that leads to the craving that makes you want to have more.
About Dr. Elaina George
Atlanta, GA Based - Dr Elaina George is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist. She graduated from Princeton University with a degree in Biology. She received her Masters degree in Medical Microbiology from Long Island University, and received her medical degree from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. Dr George completed her residency at Manhattan, Eye Ear & Throat Hospital. She is on the advisory council of Project 21 black leadership network, an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research. Dr George hosts her own radio show, "Medicine On Call" and she is also a keynote speaker many organizations. As a solo practitioner in private practice who is also a small business owner, she has a unique perspective on the problems of health care delivery, the true costs of healthcare and viable solutions.