Trainitright Upper Body Workout - Give it a Try!

The weight should be heavy enough that the rep range is challenging, but you are not hitting failure.


Seated DB Military Press

Setup: Sit tall on the end of a flat bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the weights above your shoulders so elbows are at 90 degrees and slightly in front of you, palms facing out.

Action: Extend your arms to press the weights straight overhead. Lower back down with control and repeat.


Split Stance One-Armed Row

Setup: Hold a dumbbell in one hand and place the opposite hand on a bench for support. Stand with one foot forward and the other back with knees slightly bent.

Action: Bend your elbow and pull the dumbbell to your hip. Lower back down and repeat. Complete all reps then switch sides.

DB Low-Incline Bench Press

Setup: Adjust an incline bench to approximately 30 degrees. Hold dumbbells with an overhand, shoulder-width grip with arms locked above your chest.

Action: Bend your elbows and lower the weights with control until it makes contact with your chest. Press back up to the starting position and repeat.


Barbell Pendlay Row

Setup: Stand in front of a weighted barbell on the floor. If needed, place ends on platforms to elevate them. Hinge from the hips and grab the bar with an underhand grip.

Action: Bend your elbows and pull the bar to your waist quickly, then lower back down with control all the way to the floor. Reset your stance if needed and repeat.



Setup: Get into high plank position, keeping your neck neutral and forming a straight line with your body.

Action: Bend your elbows to lower your chest towards the ground. Extend your arms to press back up. Repeat.

Bent-Over Plate Row

Setup: Stand holding a weight plate with hands gripping the sides. Hinge from the hips and lean over, keeping your back flat. Extend your arms downwards.

Action: Bend your elbows and pull the plate towards your torso. Lower back down and repeat.

Alicia Bell Online coach
Alicia Bell - Online Coach

Alicia Bell


Personal Trainer located in Toronto, Ontario

All runners need to work on posterior chain strengthening during the off season. Whether you are already doing a strengthening routine or off season weight training is brand new to you the following 3 exercises should be implemented into your routine. These exercises will strategically strengthen the glutes to aid in better running economy, strength and speed in the spring. If you are lifting heavy please make sure to use a spotter. Correct technique should always be used when performing strengthening exercises. Make sure that you perfect your form first before increasing the amount of weight used. Once technique is mastered add weight to these exercises and your glutes will primed for the spring running season.

Box Squat 

3-4 sets x 8-10

Contrary to popular belief simply performing regular squats are not always the best thing for the butt. When the average person squats only a small portion of the movement targets that area. It’s mainly a quad dominant exercise. Box squats are primarily posterior chain and therefore the glutes are doing most of the work.


Place an appropriate amount of weight on the bar. Make sure to use a wide stance, leaning forward and sitting back this stretches the posterior chain. Do not lose tension of the muscle by sitting down fully. Maintain tension of the legs and hips, and make sure to keep the bar over your toes. You will have an arched back and will be leaning forward at the hips. Do not to rock back in the squat when initiating  the upward movement. 

Deep Walking Lunge

3-4 sets x 8-10

The deep lunge like the box squat when you are at the bottom of the movement the glutes are stretched. This causes you to use the glutes to get out of the bottom position and will help you strengthen them.


Place the weights in each had. First take a big step forward causing you to lean forward at the hip. Lean forward the entire time, press through the heel and power into your next lunge staying in a straight line.

Glute Bridge

3-4 sets x 8-10

This exercise also helps target your glutes specifically because you are contracting them at the end range of the motion.


Place the weight safely above your hips. You may use a towel or foam covering for protection. Then place your upper back across a low bench, soft box or floor if the others are unavailable. Your feet should be placed shoulder width apart, with your toes pointing 

slightly out. As you push your hips up focus on squeezing the butt to lift the weight. 

Hold for one second at the top of the movement.

Individualized Online Coaching Slots Available NOW!

Alicia Bell IFBB PRO

Happy End Of January!!!!

Did you stick to your resolutions whole heartedly?

How's your diet going?

How's your training going (at home or in the gym?) 


Everyone needs accountability for success! 

Even coaches have coaches! I have a coach!

It's important to stay disabled and to have someone with an eye for your best interests at heart!

I have a few slots open for individualized online coaching! 

No matter if you are working out from home (have weights, dont have weights) I can design a program specific to your needs!




Summers coming fast and my coaching spots are filling up!


Sweat For Good and make world history in Toronto

YMCA of Greater Toronto attempts to break GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ title for Largest exercise ball demonstration/class!


As temperatures drop outside, the gymnasium at the Central YMCA will be filled with over 500 members of the community sweating it out to break the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title for the Largest exercise ball demonstration/class on Thursday, January 11, 2018.


Celebrity fitness trainer Eva Redpath will lead the class, with support from the YMCA’s Sherry Perez. This event catapults the YMCA GTA’s “Sweat For Good” campaign into the spotlight to help showcase that when you choose to work out at the YMCA, you are connecting yourself to a larger purpose. At the Y, members not only sweat for themselves, they sweat for others, for positive change, and for the community.

“When you choose the YMCA, you are choosing to be part of an organization that seeks to build the foundation for a healthy, vibrant future for every individual in our community, and our society as a whole,” said Medhat Mahdy, President and CEO of the YMCA GTA. “People may think that all health and fitness centres across the GTA have similar ‘stuff,’ but we have five important factors that set us apart:

  • Our broad offering: We offer diverse programs for every interest and stage of life.
  • We create a sense of belonging: We bring people together, nurture their growth, and promote inclusivity.
  • Our people-first culture: Our dedicated and expert team of staff and volunteers proactively supports members’ health goals; removes barriers to achieving those goals; and believes that everyone has the ability to continually improve.
  • We are committed to doing local good: We address community-specific needs and invest in building permanent facilities in communities across the GTA.
  • We are a charitable organization: Our Health & Fitness Centres are part of a much larger charitable organization that provides programs and services that make people strong in all sorts of ways — physically, of course, but also mentally and socially.”


The YMCA is the largest charitable program and service delivery organization in the GTA. For more than 160 years and through hundreds of programs, the YMCA offers individuals opportunities for personal growth, community involvement and leadership.

The current GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title boasts 453 participants completing an exercise ball class. The YMCA GTA aims to secure 500 participants to “Sweat For Good” and break the GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS title. To get all the details, please visit

Guests will also have the opportunity to meet with Olympic Gold Medalist Mark Tewksbury and hear firsthand about how he “Sweats For Good” in support of the YMCA GTA’s mission, and how his experiences have shaped his current role as a global leader in human rights.


YMCA GTA Sweat For Good



When: Thursday, January 11th, 2018 from 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Where: 20 Grosvenor St, Toronto, ON M4Y 2V5

Admission: FREE



When: Thursday, January 11th, 2018 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (class: 7:40 – 8:10 a.m.)

Where: 20 Grosvenor St, Toronto, ON M4Y 2V5

Admission: FREE

Light refreshments will be provided


Visit for all the event details



For more information contact:

Deane Code, Veritas Communications/YMCA of Greater Toronto
E: | T: 416-640-4661 | M: 416-732-4835

Kassandra O’Brien, Veritas Communications/YMCA of Greater Toronto

E: | T: 416-482-2617 | M: 289-264-6499



About the YMCA of Greater Toronto

For well over a century, we’ve provided leadership and worked with partners solving complex social problems to create real, measurable outcomes that have strengthened the social health and fabric of our communities. As a charity, the YMCA offers a variety of programs responding to the needs of the community, including education and training, employment and immigrant services, family and youth services, health and fitness programs, child care, and camps. The breadth of our programs, and the diversity of the communities we serve, is the basis of our new Sweat For Good campaign: when you break a sweat with us, you’re showing your support for all of these programs that give everyone their chance to shine. Serving the population of the GTA, Durham, Peel, York, Halton Region and Dufferin County, the YMCA connected with more than 557,000 people across 438 locations last year.


About Guinness World Records

GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ (GWR) is the global authority on record-breaking achievement. First published in 1955, the iconic annual GWR books have sold over 138 million copies in over 20 languages and in more than 100 countries. Additionally, the Guinness World Records: Gamer’s Edition, first published in 2007, has sold more than 5 million copies to date.


GWR’s worldwide television programmes reach over 750 million viewers annually and more than one million people subscribe to the GWR YouTube channel, which enjoys more than 300 million views per year. The GWR website receives 21 million visitors annually, and they have over 12 million fans on Facebook.


The GWR commercial sales division provides bespoke consultancy services for some of the world’s top brands and agencies to help place record breaking at the heart of their marketing campaigns, employee-engagement programmes, and live and experiential events.


Greatist Launches a Movement To Help Expose Unhealthy Thinking About How To Get Healthy - Join the Movement!

"Healthy" has been co-opted by celebrities and 1-percenter lifestyle gurus as entertainment, and it's become about expensive athleisure and matcha detoxes instead of what's real for everybody. Greatist, a fast-growing health media company attracting eight to ten million millennials monthly, announced today that they have launched #HealthyForEveryBODY.

This program is aimed at exposing unhealthy thinking about how to get healthy, replacing it with confidence-boosting mantras. Greatist is encouraging consumers to stand with them as they say, "F*ck trying to be perfect. Just try." There are more than twelve different social graphics that debunk unhealthy attitudes in the same honest, provocative, and humorous voice that has made Greatist so popular. Here's how you can stand with Greatist and show your commitment to real health for the 99 percent:

  1. Visit
  2. Share one of the pre-designed mantras on social media using #HealthyForEveryBody
  3. Discover how healthier happens when you have the confidence to know healthy isn't about trying to be perfect or following fads, it's about trying.

"We ground everything we do in ideas that are accessible to real people—and we speak to millennial men and women like me who want to get healthy, but still have a life and friends," said Derek Flanzraich, Founder and CEO of Greatist. "The idea is that health and fitness can be a part of living a better, longer life but doesn't have to be the whole point."

Greatist provides realistic, achievable ways to get "healthyish" across content categories including healthy cooking, exercise, and personal journeys. Greatist has approximately 40-thousand people using their chart-topping Facebook Bot, and early next year will be releasing an app dedicated to pairing up like-minded groups of people who share in a similar health journey.

To my clients and my readers seeking a healthier lifestyle: find what works for you! You don't have to go to the gym every single day. You don't have to cross the finish line first. Would it be nice to win? Of course! But start with the small changes to get on your own path to healthy. Just get to the gym. Just cross the finish line. We can do this together! Let's team up to make decision based on what works for you. Check out some of the programs I offer to get started today:

Hey guys! I definitely need to update my transformation photo page on my site. However. If you guys want to see some amazing transformations check out my instagram fee:

For now I want to share my clients Sue's journey through her words and photos below. Hopefully it inspires you to be the best version of yourself that you can be, chase after your dreams and not to let anything stop you!

"My Journey!

Not a lot of people know about me and my journey, I am getting a lot of messages regarding my transformation ,what motivated me and how I got into fitness so here I am sharing with you my journey .

Let me introduce myself, I am married and have 2 kids age 13 and 8. Just like a lot of busy mommies out there I hardly made time for myself , I was always busy with my full time job and taking care of my family . I ate unhealthy food and never went to the gym my excuse was I don’t have time, I was over weight . In 2010, when I was going through my old pictures I realized how much weight I have gained.  I missed how I looked in high school and it was then the first time a thought to lose couple of lbs , so I joined a near by gym and followed  some random  diet plan from the internet. At the gym when I use to see fitness competitors I just wished I had their physique they always inspired me and I wished I was one of them , but then I knew it was not possible, too many obstacles  my background, young kids , culture, and I knew my family would never support me. In 2011 I managed to lose some weight however, didn’t follow a proper diet nor a workout plan just random online plans. I continued eating healthy and going to the gym.

In November 2015, a thought “why can’t I compete, if they can do it why can’t I “ haha I had no clue what the process was , had no coach, didn’t know how to walk in heels and never went to see a show . I did not know where and how to start yet, I set a goal for myself that I will compete. I wanted to do something for me , I wanted to take a challenge and prove my self and wanted to follow my dreams.

Initially I wanted to do a show in 2016 started the process and within 2 months I dropped out due to medical and health reasons . It was a set back, took a long break from the gym and diet however that  didn’t stop me , I couldn’t wait to get back to the gym and start training . All I could think of and dreamed about was the stage. In 2017 I decided that this year will be my year and I will do what ever it takes to reach my goal.

I had few coaches and was not happy with them . Then in July 2017 , A friend of mine referred me to Team Trex,  after meeting Alicia I just knew I found my coach, now I  have all the right tools and I can do this , I felt pretty confident. Alicia gave me the right training, motivated me and gave me the right support and guidance that I was looking for . She really cared about me , always checking in making sure I am following the plan and were on track.

I use to hit the gym twice or sometimes three times a day , work full time, participate in all my kids activities, do my meal prep on Sundays and my one on one training sessions with my coach twice a week which was 1-2 hrs of commute .

I have made many sacrifices as they say nothing comes easy , so many hardships and life curve ball thrown at me I overpowered them all . I also lost my job when I was 8 weeks out from my show , it hit me hard yet, I didn’t give up. My biggest supporter is my husband, and a million thanks to this man for the amount of love and support I received from him through the entire prep. I still remember when I first told him “hun I want to compete “ he just looked at me nodded his head and walked away.. lol he thought I was out of my mind, I am in my  mid 30’s , mother of two, not in the greatest shape , don’t have a coach, plus it was a culture thing  so wearing a bikini and walking on the stage was a no no lol . However, he saw how dedicated and determined I was and my love for the sport , he understood and decided to  support me .He supported me mentally and emotionally, motivated me, pushed me to work my hardest at the gym and stood by me all along . This  wouldn’t have been possible without him .

When I stepped on the stage on November 18th it was the best feeling ever, the dream that I have been chasing for the past 2 years come true . I won bikini masters short and I came 3rd in open bikini. I am so proud of what  I was able to accomplish and bring to the stage.  My hard work paid off. It was a lot of hardwork, sacrifices , dedication and discipline to get to were I am today.

We all have our stories what gets us started and this is my story.

I believe “Keep your goals in mind and never underestimate what you are capable of . Dream big !work hard and stay focused "



The Travis Manion Foundation commemorates 10 years of veteran advocacy and commitment to service
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The Travis Manion Foundation (TMF), one the nation’s leading veterans advocacy organizations, is hosting its flagship event - the 10th annual 9/11 Heroes Memorial run in more than 50 communities across the country and around the world this September, including locally in in Annapolis, MD, and Alexandria, VA. The annual race series unites communities across the country to remember the nearly 3,000 lives lost on 9/11, as well as to honor our veterans, military, and first responders who serve our country. Proceeds from the 9/11 Heroes Run will benefit the Travis Manion Foundation, which empowers veterans and families of fallen heroes to develop character in future generations.

The 9/11 Heroes Run 5K series was inspired by Marine 1st Lt. Travis Manion, who was killed by a sniper in Iraq in April 2007 as he selflessly protected his battalion. Before his final deployment, Travis visited Rescue One in NYC—famous for losing almost all of their men on 9/11—and returned home with deeper passion about why he was fighting in Iraq. At its heart, the 9/11 Heroes Run is a tribute to a personal commitment to never forget the heroes of that day. Now in its tenth year, the 9/11 Heroes Run national race series will be held in more than 50 locations across the country and around the world. As part of the marketing campaign for the race series, TMF has released a video to inspire runners and walkers of all ages to participate, which can be seen here.

Last year, more than 50,000 people participated in race locations around the world or as virtual runners, to support military, veterans, first responders and their families through TMF. National sponsors of the events include Comcast NBC Universal and CBS Radio. Last year’s Annapolis run drew a crowd of over 2,000 participants including Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and midshipmen from the U.S. Naval Academy.

Ryan Manion, TMF President and Travis Manion’s sister, provided this statement:

“As I reflect on the 10 year anniversary of the 9/11 Heroes Run, I’m in awe at the number of communities across the country and around the world that have united to honor all those touched by the events of September 11th, 2001. We challenge all Americans to join us this September, to ensure our next generation never forgets the sacrifices of our veterans, active duty military, first responders, and civilians who were affected by the attacks on 9/11 and in the wars since.”

5 Key Races

  • 9/11 Run Alexandria, VA on Saturday September 9, 2017 at 9:00am ET
  • 9/11 Run Philadelphia, PA on Sunday September 9, 2017 at 9:00am ET
  • 9/11 Run Houston, TX on Sunday September 9, 2017 at 8:00am CT
  • 9/11 Run Annapolis, MD on Sunday September 17, 2017 at 2:00pm ET
  • 9/11 Run Doylestown, PA on Sunday September 24, 2017 at 2:00pm ET

See details for over 20 other races in cities across the U.S. linked here.

TMF empowers veterans and families of fallen heroes to develop character in future generations. In 2007, 1stLt Travis Manion (USMC) was killed in Iraq while saving his wounded teammates. Today, Travis' legacy lives on in the words he spoke before leaving for his final deployment, "If Not Me, Then Who..." Guided by this mantra, veterans and survivors continue their service, develop strong relationships with their communities, and thrive in their post-military lives. As a result, communities prosper and the character of our nation's heroes live on in the next generation.

How to Maximize Your Gains with Pre and Post Workout Nutrition

People who work out often face a dilemma in choosing what food to eat. Some opt to eat light snacks before working out and eat a heavy meal afterward. However, proper timing is as important as what food you eat. During workouts, the body needs fuel to function properly. The muscles also need to regenerate after a stressful activity to prevent weakness and injury.

Proper nutrition is crucial to prepare your body for a physical exercise. Your body also needs to recover after a physical training. What you eat and when to eat should be part of your fitness regimen so you can get the best workout gains.

Consuming a proper diet before and after a workout has a lot of benefits. First, you get to maximize your time in the gym because your body is fuelled properly. Second, your muscles recover faster and you won't feel fatigued or weak right after. Last, you are less prone to injuries because your muscles repair quickly.

Read on to learn some tips on how you can maximize your gains with proper pre- and post-workout nutrition:

  1. Nutrition Based on Type of Training

What is your usual training regimen? Different activities require different amounts of nutrition. This helps athletes and ordinary people fuel up before a workout and recover afterward.

  • Cardio Training

Cardio training requires endurance. When you eat is a bigger factor than what you eat. It is best to consume a full meal at least 60 to 90 minutes before your workout. This allows the food to digest properly and give you enough energy without feeling sluggish. Eat a diet that is low in fat and sugar, moderate in protein, and high in complex carbohydrates.

Protein should be consumed within the 20-minute metabolic period. You should also consume electrolytes to rehydrate your body and replenish glycogen stores. Protein helps your muscles repair themselves after a strenuous activity. After an hour, consume a meal with small servings but prioritize simple carbs and proteins.

  • Strength Training

Strength training requires strength and endurance. Eating the proper food before a workout allows you to perform to the fullest.

1 to 2 hours before your session, eat a balanced meal of complex carbs and protein. Carbs help prevent your muscles from getting weak. Proteins help your muscles repair themselves. It would also be best to drink water or sports drinks every 20 minutes into your session. Water rehydrates your body and sports drinks contain carbs that boost your energy.

After your training session, consume a full meal that is high in proteins. The amino acids in proteins help repair worn-out muscles.

  • Race and Marathon Training

If you are going to run the next day and need to prep, make sure that your body gets enough nutrition. Eating properly before your training helps you perform better.

The night before your training, consume a meal that is low in fiber and fat but high in carbs. In the morning, make sure your breakfast is high in carbs such as whole-grain cereals, whole wheat toast, and bananas.

During training, make sure you drink 3 to 6 ounces of fluid every 20 minutes into your session. Don't forget to weigh yourself before and after a workout. Why? After your exercise, you should replenish your fluid intake. You should drink 16 ounces of fluid for every pound of sweat that you lost. Consume 4 ounces of tart cherry juice after your workout. Cherry juice works best in muscle recovery and helps reduce muscle damage and inflammation so you don't get muscle cramps.

  1. What to Eat Before and After a Workout

What about for regular fitness buffs? What food can you eat before and after a physical exercise? Well, you also need to ensure that you get proper nutrition. Don't worry, you won't get fat. Make sure to follow these tips for a more effective workout gain.

  • Pre-Workout Nutrition

Eat a full meal 1.5 to 2 hours before working out. This allows you to properly digest the food and still have enough energy. Consume a balanced meal of protein and complex carbs. Protein is great for muscle regeneration.

Complex carbs digest more slowly but without the sluggish feeling. Also, complex carbs help the muscles retain glycogen stores. When your body retains more glycogen, the more weights you can lift and the more energy you have.

It is also best to take supplements before your training session. B-vitamins provides more energy to fuel your workout. Ginko biloba and tyrosine motivates you to go through your sessions as they improve concentration and mental focus.

Some take creatine to quickly build muscle and increase water retention in the muscles. However, creatine can cause overexertion and damage the muscles. It would be best to find supplements without creatine and work on having proper nutrition.

Here's a list of foods that are recommended for a pre-workout meal:

  • whole grain oats
  • brown grains
  • brown rice
  • full-fat yogurt or Greek yogurt
  • granola bars with nuts
  • berries
  • almond milk
  • high-protein oatmeal
  • bananas
  • apples
  • peanut butter
  • hard-boiled egg
  • avocados
  • lean chicken
  • sweet potatoes
  • green beans


  • Post-Workout Nutrition

After working out, your body craves for carbs. You will also feel thirsty because of the water that you lost through sweating. Your muscles will also feel tired and aching. Proper nutrition after a strenuous activity helps you recover from these effects.

Consume proteins and electrolytes within the 20-minute metabolic period after a workout. At this time, your body absorbs more nutrients effectively. After an hour or two, eat a full meal composed of simple carbs and high-protein. Simple carbs help replenish the glycogen stores essential to muscle recovery.

Carbs also reintroduce glucose into your body. After a workout, your blood sugar drops because your muscles have already consumed the glycogen stores. This explains why you feel irritable and weak if you don't eat. Proteins help keep you full, restores the lost nutrients, and suppresses your appetite so your body doesn't crash.

What about for people who workout at night? Can you still consume a full meal before retiring to bed? You should. Your body still needs to recover and repair itself, so it needs proper nutrition. Otherwise, starving yourself leads to weakness, sleep problems, and you may be prone to injuries such as muscle cramps.

Here are some nutritious foods you can eat after a workout:

  • hummus and pita bread
  • tuna or salmon
  • vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, butternut squash and carrots
  • eggs
  • nuts
  • sweet potatoes
  • fruits such as bananas, apples, bananas, berries, avocado
  • lean chicken
  • pasta
  • olive oil
  • white bread
  • dark chocolate



Eating a proper diet is essential to healthy living. For people who are always on the go or have an active lifestyle, the more that you need to increase your intake of proteins and healthy carbs. People who are into sports, fitness training, strength training or aerobics should not rob themselves of food when they feel hungry. Proper nutrition and proper timing has more benefits and helps you achieve the maximum gains from your workout.

If you haven't started, why don't you go ahead and plan your meals for the week?


Author Bio

  Annie Jones is the person behind BoostBodyFit. She started off a bit on the chubby side but went through a transformation. She looks and feels great. Say Hi to Annie on Twitter, Facebook


How to Combat Ethnical Health Disadvantages When It Comes to Genetics


Friendship Together Bonding Unity Youth Culture Concept

Medical professionals have long been aware of the fact that people from different ethnic backgrounds carry different risk levels for some medical conditions. As such, it's important that steps be taken to compensate for the medical disadvantages that come with a patient's genetic makeup. Here are just some of the ways that you can proactively compensate for the risks that may affect you because of your ethnic background.

Know What You're Prone To

The first step in combating whatever ethnic medical disadvantages you may have is to know just what they are. Research the conditions that are associated with your ethnic background so that you have a complete picture of your own risk profile. You should also ask your doctor what you might be susceptible to as a result of your genetic makeup.

Take Optimal Care of Your Heart

Many conditions that are affected by ethnic background involve the heart and cardiovascular system. African Americans, for example, are extremely prone to high blood pressure. This condition, if left unchecked, can contribute to heart attacks and strokes. If you eat properly, exercise and have your heart checked regularly by a medical professional, you can greatly reduce genetically inherited risks and improve your chances of a long and healthy life.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

As with heart disease, genetic traits play a key role in dental health throughout a person's lifetime. People from India, for example, have been shown to be more susceptible to periodontal disease than other populations. Visiting a dentist, like Jay A Hollander DDS, often can help to combat and prevent such serious dental health problems. Since tooth alignment and discoloration also have genetic components, a visit to a specialized cosmetic dentist can also help you to keep your teeth in optimal condition in spite of any genetic factors working against you.

Balance Your Overall Risk

Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about the fact that your genetic makeup predisposes you toward some illnesses. What you can do, however, is eliminate lifestyle risks in order to offset that fact. For example, Asian Americans, who are extremely prone to osteoporosis, can change their diets to include more calcium. By adjusting your lifestyle to better fit your individual health needs, you can combat the increased risks posed by your ethnic background.

The key to combating medical disadvantages stemming from your genetics is to be proactive. The more you can do to mitigate your risks, the better off you will be. Always be sure to seek the advice of your doctor, as he or she will be able to give you personalized insights into the plan that is right for you.

Guest Post: Competitive Strategy: How To Train for Your First Marathon

Competitive Strategy: How to Train for Your First Marathon

Some people decide to run their first marathon to cross an item off of their bucket list, and others simply want to do something fun and active that will improve their level of health. Running a full 26.2 miles is a significant accomplishment, and it requires ample training and planning if you want to achieve this goal without injury. If you have decided to start training for your first marathon, follow these tips for the best results.

Invest in the Right Equipment

When training for a marathon, you will run a significant number of miles each week. More than that, you may spend hours outdoors regardless of the weather conditions. You need to invest in quality footwear to prevent injuries to your feet and joints. Remember that running can place a great deal of pressure on your joints, and footwear can give you the extra conditioning that is needed to avoid injuries. You also need to buy athletic apparel that is suitable for the weather conditions in your area. Training may extend for months and span across several seasons, so plan to update your training wardrobe periodically as the seasons change.

Follow a Training Schedule

Your body may need to gradually adjust to an increasingly rigorous workout. You may start out running a mile or two every other day, but you may increase this until you are regularly running 15 to 20 miles several times per week. Your workout may need to include interval training, hills training and more. You can find a great training schedule on numerous websites to help you achieve your goal more easily. It may be helpful to register for a race that is at least four or five months away so that you have ample time to follow your training schedule without unnecessarily stressing your point to the point of developing injuries.

Find a Buddy

Running a marathon is as much about physical conditioning as it is about mental strength and fortitude. A running partner can help you to stay on track as you proceed through your training schedule and can motivate you to get out there and hit the pavement on days when you do not feel up to it. You may also join a running club if you cannot find a training partner to run with regularly. Remember that your partner’s commitment to training can affect your mental fortitude in this area. Ensure that you make a wise decision when selecting a running partner so that you receive the full level of support you need.

Take Care of Your Body

Your body will endure incredible stress when you are training for this event. You need to take steps to stay healthy and to avoid injuries. Plan several rest days each week without physical activity. Get an adequate amount of sleep at night, and follow a healthy diet plan that gives you an adequate amount of carbs, calories and nutrients. You also need to stay hydrated by drinking water or a recovery drink, like ASEA, after a workout if you want to avoid injuries. You can find great meal and hydration plans online that are designed to give marathon runner the full amount of nutrients they need to stay healthy and to fuel their bodies for this endurance activity.

The thought of running a marathon can initially sound like a far-fetched dream, and it is definitely not something that you can accomplish overnight. However, when you set your mind to it and when you follow a strategic plan, you will be able to train your body as well as your mind to endure this incredible feat. Investing in the right equipment and selecting a supportive partner are also critical if you want to achieve your running goals. As far-fetched as your marathon goal may sound right now, you may be able to accomplish your goal and cross this item off of your bucket list within a few months when you have the right plan in mind.