July 9th, 2020

// Greg Palast’s How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt for America’s Vanished Voters

Greg Palast’s How Trump Stole 2020:  The Hunt for America’s Vanished Voters

How Trump Stole 2020

Greg Palast

Greg Palast has a long history of investigative reporting. He’s written four New York Times bestsellers, including Armed Madhouse, Billionaires & Ballot Bandits, and The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. This incessant muckraker — always on the go, searching for and exposing corruption especially in electoral politics has written a new, soon to be released book, “How Trump Stole 2020“.

Feeling somewhat stifled and unable to travel in the age of Covid-19, Palast reached out to me this week, “Hey Sharon, I’m locked down and suffering because I should be in Wisconsin investigating another phony voter purge.” Greg rarely stays put. Because, as he puts it, “I watch these smug jerks and I’m ill … because I know something they won’t tell you. And here’s the facts, ma’am – in 2016, no fewer than 5,872,857 ballots were cast—and never counted”.

Palast has made it clear — he doesn’t pull any punches. The fix is in — billionaires run this country and Trump isn’t one of them. “Trump isn’t a billionaire: he just plays one on TV.” Greg says, “He’s only a glove puppet…I’ll give you the names of the billionaires whose fingers are in the glove. And what they’re grabbing.”

Palast’s newest release is bound to be a page turner but more important, he provides progressives with the  information we need to turn this ship around.

Having spent decades honing his investigative chops spanning five continents, from the Arctic to the Amazon, from Caracas to California, writing front page stories for Rolling Stone, The Guardian, BBC NewsNight and others, Palast’s newest release is bound to be a page turner but more important, he provides progressives with the  information we need to turn this ship around.

Greg makes it plain — “The 2020 election is not being stolen from Joe Biden — it’s been stolen from YOU.” But he also discusses how we can un-steal the election which is why we all need to pre-order “How Trump Stole 2020: The Hunt For America’s Vanished Voters”.

If we pre-order the book NOW the publicity will help to expose how the election is being stolen right now, and explain how we can steal it back: https://amazon.com/Trump-Stole-2020-Greg-Palast/dp/1644210568/?tag=wwwgregpala03-20

Following is a message Greg Palast wants spread far and wide:

Watch this video and share it with your friends. Help me get the word out on how to beat the ballot bandits: https://www.facebook.com/GregPalastInvestigates/videos/273835173697809/

Want to know who owns your ballot? Then get the book right now by ordering it on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Bookshop. You’ll find all the links at: https://www.gregpalast.com/how-trump-stole-2020/


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