November 13th, 2017

// New Report Reveals Seniors More Likely to Comparison Shop for Groceries, Gas and Cable than Medicare Plan

“The Cost of Complacency”

Medicare Enrollment Deadline Looms

New Report Reveals Seniors More Likely to Comparison Shop for Groceries, Gas and Cable than Medicare Plan

Advice for Seniors When Choosing Healthcare  


Thursday, November 21, 2017

7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET


Healthcare costs rank most burdensome among common living expenses for seniors, yet seniors are more likely to comparison shop for groceries, gas, cable and internet service and even travel deals, than they are to shop for a Medicare plan. That’s according to a new survey “The Cost of Complacency,” which reveals surprising perceptions and behaviors among seniors when it comes to healthcare

Only one-third of seniors reported they comparison shop for a Medicare plan at all, and only approximately one in three seniors (38 percent) review their Medicare plan annually to determine if they are getting the best deal.

Given that healthcare spending is expected to increase year over year for the vast majority of seniors, and that virtually every Medicare plan changes each year, seniors could be missing out on savings, and putting their retirement savings at risk if they aren’t planning ahead.

On November 21 [TIME], Bart Astor, author and well-known expert in life's transitions and eldercare, will discuss the risks faced by seniors when they don’t take the time to review their Medicare plans, as well as what to look for in reviewing a Medicare plan, before enrollment closes. These decisions can affect seniors in both the near and long-term.

Suggested Questions for Bart 

●     Tell us about the Cost of Complacency survey.

●      Is it too late for seniors to review their Medicare options for 2018?

●      Is a low premium always the best option for seniors?

●      What additional tips and advice do you have for seniors when choosing a Medicare plan?

About Bart Astor

Bart Astor is a recognized expert in life's transitions and eldercare. He's the author of the Washington Post bestseller, AARP Roadmap for the Rest of Your Life: Smart Choices about Money, Health, Work, Lifestyle, and Pursuing Your Dreams, and the best-selling book, Baby Boomer's Guide to Caring for Aging Parents


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