December 23rd, 2017

// Reputed Body Transformation Expert Joel Bushby Shares Valuable Information About TNT and Other Aspects of Fitness and Life

Reputed Body Transformation Expert Joel Bushby Shares Valuable Information About TNT and Other Aspects of Fitness and Life

Joel Bushby introduces natural, safe and effective body transformation training techniques.

“The passion for helping others was triggered in me about five years ago and the success I got from my endeavors were spectacular,” says Joel Bushby about his early stints as a fitness coach. “I am happy to have played a role in many life-changing stories. My TNT process has helped in positively impacting people’s lives every day and naturally.”

In a recent interview, The Natural Transformer has shared his views, business goals and important steps needed to become a Pro Natural body builder. According to Joel Bushby, at one stage of his life, winning body building and fitness competitions were a priority and he competed and won several of them. However, now the priorities have changed. His goal is to help others achieve success in winning competitions, Pro Cards and even in other areas of their life.

Joel Bushby has some valuable advice for body builders. He urges them to be patient and consistent in their efforts. Having tried nearly every bodybuilding program available, he states from his experience that everyone has to discover a program that best suits their body type. It must also be congruent to the muscle groups they want to focus on.

At the same time, Joel also stresses on the relevance of nutrition in every aspect of fitness regardless of whether the focus is on muscle growth or weight loss. He says that meal timing is important for gaining muscle and so is protein intake.

Joel Bushby aims at impacting people’s life every day and has an impressive client list. His training processes and advice has helped many people achieve their fitness goals.

The reputed fitness and transformation expert is of the opinion that any transition from spring/summer months to winter season does not require any dramatic changes in exercise routines. Joel lives in Queensland, Australia which has a tropical and sunny weather all year round. This makes it easy for him to maintain the workout routine regardless of the change in season.

Joel Bushby also offers advice to competitors on how to earn their Pro Card. They have to first determine their reasons. According to Joel, a Pro Card is not just for increasing their business. The real intent of getting the Pro Card must be to push themselves to their limit and stretch their capabilities.

Joel says that he enjoys training others because it can touch and change the lives of others. To bring about life-changing transformation in others can give anyone a tremendous sense of satisfaction.

About Joel Bushby:

Joel Bushby is a highly respected name in the fitness training domain. With his innovative and dedicated approach, Joel has been impacting the lives of people consistently. The Natural Transformer (TNT) offers a 12-week transformation program that can transform people in the most effective way.

For more information, visit The Natural Transformer website

Joel Bushby's social media pages:

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