December 11th, 2014

// Top 5 Reasons Women Should Lift

Why Women Should Lift - Train It Right - Alicia Bell

Women should lift weights? Going to the gym and just doing cardio is not going to get you the results that you have been wanting for so long. What it will get you; a flat butt, no muscle tone, and a lot of wasted time and energy. Lifting weights will get you the results you want, a tight and toned butt, muscle tone and the best results for your time and energy. The follow are the top 5 reasons women should lift.

1. Weight Loss

2. Healthy Food Cravings

3. Tight and Toned Butt

4. Flat Stomach

5. More Energy

Weight Loss

One of the best things that happens when you get into the gym and lift weights is that you will lose weight. Believe it or not weight lifting will not make you big and bulky. The bigger muscle groups that you use when lifting the greater the fat loss will be. You will build long lean muscles that are great for burning fat. The heavier you lift the quicker that you will drop those pounds.

Healthy Food Cravings

When you start going to the gym regularly you are less likely to crave bad food. Once you hydrate more and eat cleaner your palate will change. That means that you will crave refined sugary foods less and want more of the fuel your body needs for energy for your daily workout.

Tight and Toned Butt

The more you lift heavy and add in squats and lunges the quicker that your butt will become tight and toned. If you strictly stick to cardio machines you do not activate the glutes fully to create that round bottom that everyone wants. So hit the squat rack, grab the dumbbells and lunge and hit the hamstrings to develop that round bottom that everyone looks for these days.

Flat Stomach

This ties in with weight loss. Because you are lifting and burning more fat the waist line is going to drop and the stomach is going to get lean and toned vs skinny fat and flabby.

More Energy

Once you start lifting the endorphins get released. What do these little guys do? Give you energy! Thats why studies have shown that people who do strength training have more energy throughout the day than people who don't exercise. The have less daily lows and have more energy to get through their days. So buckle up and prepare to feel healthy and energized when you start hitting those weights!

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