November 29th, 2017

// WWTOWD? – Embrace The Suck

Hey Guys!

Its me here checking in with another personal blog! I wanted to drop you all a line at about 13 weeks out for me.

This prep I have a completely different mindset....And it literally is to give it everythig I have. Before to be honest I use to be a little lenient with my diet. Extra spoonfuls of PB, 1/2 cream in my coffee, sweeteners. And I want it so bad that this prep I am allowing myself NON of that. Im following everything to a T. I use to complain that I was hungry guys. NO MORE. Its part of the process and I have to embrace it. Not everything is going to be easy. Just because Im genetically gifted doesn't mean I don't have to work hard. EMRACE THE SUCK!

I found this meme this morning and it really speaks to me so I wanted to share it with you guys!


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