March 24th, 2022

// 14 Top KPIs For Fitness Trainers To Track

14 Top KPIs For Fitness Trainers To Track

There are many vital statistics that fitness trainers should track. From tracking your clients' progress, to revenue and expenses, to time spent on specific tasks, there are metrics you should be compiling every day.

We've put together a list of 14 Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for fitness trainers to track which will help you monitor the health of your personal training business and track your business goals over time.

  1. Client Retention Rate

Your client retention rate is an important metric to monitor because it's directly related to the stability of your income over time. Customer engagement has been an integral part of the success of every business either through traditional communication or digital channels. Hence, the longer a client stays with you, the more likely they can sign up for additional programs or refer their friends and family members.

You may also want to consider what makes people leave. Maybe it's the level of difficulty in the program or your communication style. Either way, you'll want to find out what works and doesn't to keep clients coming back for more.

  1. Percentage Of Clients Who Sign Up For Additional Services

This is another great KPI that tells you whether people are satisfied with your services and come back for more. For example, if the majority of people who sign up for a 12-week session continue for additional packages, then they're probably getting good results and enjoying their training experience.

This allows you to try different approaches, such as online coaching or creating an app to help your clients get better results from home, increasing average daily attendance.

People who aren't interested in repeating sessions may look for something different than what you offer. In that case, it might be best to try partnering with other fitness professionals.

  1. Revenue Per Client

Monitoring your revenue per client helps you identify whether or not you are charging enough for your services. This gives you an idea of what the average client is willing to pay for your health club, so if your numbers are low, maybe it's time to review the lifetime value of your program and increase rates accordingly.

At the same time, revenue per client also tells you how many clients need to sign up for a package for you to meet your income goals. If this number keeps climbing, then perhaps it's time to hire more trainers since there aren't enough hours in the week!

  1. Number Of Hours Worked Per Week

This important KPI tells you how much time you're investing into your fitness studios. If it's more than 40 hours per week, then chances are you either need to hire additional trainers or delegate tasks to other members of your team so that your workload is manageable.

Exceeding the 40-hour mark decreases productivity and makes it difficult to meet deadlines, so be mindful of this number.

  1. Days Between Customer Inquiries

This metric measures the speed at which new opportunities come in, giving you an idea of how successful your marketing efforts are. If there is a sudden drop-off, that means that something might be wrong with your website or social media accounts (maybe people aren't seeing them).

On the other hand, if you're getting inquiries consistently throughout the week, then it means you're doing an excellent job of offering your services and people are finding your website.

  1. Client Feedback Rate

It's important to solicit feedback from your clients periodically to keep track of average class attendance, how they feel about the program, whether they are getting results, what can be improved, etc.

If there is an overall trend of positive feedback, then this gives you the green light to continue business operations as usual. If people are consistently unhappy with something, it may be time for a change or to review certain aspects of your process for everything to run smoothly.

  1. Relative Importance Ratings 

This metric tells you where most of your time is spent, allowing you to see which aspects of running a fitness business require the most attention. If health and wellness are your primary focus, then you'll want to be sure that health and wellness-related tasks take up a significant portion of your working hours.

On the other hand, if fitness classes are where people spend excessive time, it might be time to reevaluate what you offer and how often classes occur. Schedule changes can have a considerable impact on this KPI.

  1. Number Of New Inquiries

This number tells you if your marketing efforts are attracting new customers or if it's time to revamp your website or social media accounts (again). If inquiries drop off suddenly after high initial interest, but before anything has been set in stone, there may be something wrong with either your payment gateway or your website.

It's good to know these things before people book, as it saves you from having to reschedule or refund customers later on, which is both time-consuming and costly.

  1. Number And Percentage Of Cancellations

The number of cancellations can be a double-edged sword: On one hand, if this number is high, it might indicate that people haven't been finding the value in your services and have decided to stop coming. This is not necessarily a bad thing if that is really what they think after trying it out for a week or two.

However, constantly high rates of people canceling means that something about your business might not resonate with customers – either its price point, convenience, or quality – so take steps to address the root of the issue.

This rate shows you what percentage of your total customers have canceled their membership over a specific time period. If the number is too high, it might indicate that people's needs are not being fulfilled, so consider looking at areas such as convenience to determine if there are ways to improve this aspect.

It could also mean that something about your business model doesn't work well for a particular type or group of people. Perhaps they cancel because they don't see results fast enough and get discouraged? In any case, this KPI can help provide valuable insight into how successful your services really are, which should ultimately help you improve going forward.

  1. Percentage Of Sales From New Customers

This number tells you how effective your marketing strategy is at attracting new members. If this number is consistently low, it might be time to try out a different approach. Perhaps offering more incentives such as free sessions or contests can help increase conversions?

On the other hand, if 90% of your customers are coming from referrals, then you may want to invest in improved online marketing and branding for future business.

  1. Return On Investment (ROI)

This KPI allows you to track whether or not your efforts in running a business in the fitness industry are paying off. If most of your annual revenue is coming from people who signed up after attending an event you hosted with guest speakers, it's safe to say that these types of promotional activities work well for you and should continue.

On the other hand, if most of your sales are being made online or through word of mouth, perhaps investing in improving your website or search engine optimization would be beneficial.

  1. Competitor Revenue

This metric tells you how much revenue the competition is making. To what profit margin are they successful? Do their prices match or complement your services? How long have they been around compared to you? Have they recently run any promotions similar to yours?

This KPI can help indicate whether there might be something missing from the overall service offering, allowing you to identify where you could potentially grow your business.

  1. Number Of Unique Visitors

This metric tells you how many people visit your site and check out your services. If this number isn't increasing over time, perhaps your web design isn't engaging enough, or you need to improve your marketing campaign and SEO strategy.

Even if this number is high, but the conversions are low, it could mean that something about the flow of information on your website might be causing people to drop off at certain stages, in which case you should look to fix whatever may be causing the issue.

  1. Number Of Members Joined Per Month

How many members join per month tells you how successful your membership site is at bringing new clients onto your team.

This KPI can also show you whether or not promotions and pricing strategies are effective – if more people start joining each month after a specific event, it means that there was something unique about this particular promotion.

So, consider repeating it in the future, or it could be an indication that your prices are too high. It could also indicate that you should be offering a more comprehensive range of services if people aren't signing up for the most affordable package.


There are many KPIs that can be tracked throughout personal training businesses. The 14 listed here are just a few of the most commonly used. Ultimately it comes down to what information you need to extract from this data to understand your business better and ultimately improve its performance.

Fitness trainers have access to an incredible amount of data at their fingertips. With the right tools, they can easily track every important metric to their training businesses.


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