February 5th, 2020

// 4 Ways to Get Fit When You Don’t Have Free Time

4 Ways to Get Fit When You Don’t Have Free Time

Your goals to get fit may get forgotten when your schedule heats up. While you may have other responsibilities to manage, there is no reason to let your body fall apart. Whether you are building a successful career or raising a family, you can use these four strategies to squeeze some fitness in when you just don’t have much free time.

Walk Instead of Drive

You might be tempted to hunt for the closest parking space when you are short on time. You might also decide to drive places that are within walking distance such as your child’s school or the neighbor’s house. While these things might save you a little time, they rarely shave off enough minutes to make a difference. Instead, choose that parking spot on the edge of the lot, and choose to walk anytime it’s feasible.

Maximize Your Workouts

You may be under the impression that you need to spend hours working out every week to get in shape. However, this is not the case. Fitness training that is designed to target your muscles while also building your cardiovascular system can help you to fit more of a workout into less time. For instance, combining kickboxing with traditional exercises can give you a full body workout in about half an hour. Being able to squeeze an effective workout session into your lunch break or after work makes it possible to utilize those few spare moments more effectively.

Get More Out of Chores

People tend to overlook just how many calories are burned during their daily chores. Consider throwing on some ankle weights as you sweep the floor. Or, consider sitting on a fitness ball while you pay the bills to strengthen your core muscles. You can also do a few squats while you wait for that pot of water to boil during your dinner prep. Little changes can make a big difference when you throw in some exercises during your daily chores.

Choose Active Leisure Activities

Your free time may be limited, but you most likely still have a few hours each week when you engage in leisure activities. When possible, try to do active things during these times such a riding your bike around the neighborhood with your kids. You could also go swimming, hiking or organize a group soccer game at the park to turn your break times into fun ways to burn some calories.

Working out doesn’t have to invade your schedule. In fact, shorter workouts can add up to big fitness gains when you figure out how to maximize every moment. Finding ways to get some exercise into each day allows you to build more strength and stamina to manage your hectic schedule.

 Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan


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