February 25th, 2019

// Athletes and Obsession: How to Determine Whether You’re Taking Training Too Far

Athletes and Obsession: How to Determine Whether You're Taking Training Too Far
Being an athlete comes with all sorts of positives. You can keep yourself in good physical and mental shape as well as helping you stay competitive. However, there can be a downside to athletics, particularly if your life revolves around your training. If you believe you have become obsessed with your athletic career, these are some signs to be aware of. 

Risking Injury 
Training can be extremely strenuous. The risk of pulling a muscle or sustaining any other kind of injury should not be taken lightly. Your body will send you messages to tell you when it needs to stop, such as aching. Ignoring those can have serious consequences. It can be tempting to want to prove how tough you are, but doing so isn't smart. 

Neglecting Other Responsibilities 
Even if you prioritize being an athlete, you cannot allow it overshadow your other obligations. You need to keep up with things like schoolwork and paying bills. If you're not keeping up with your daily responsibilities, you're going to face even more issues. You need to make time in your schedule for all your responsibilities, especially the ones that aren't as enjoyable for you. After all, you likely don't love every part of being an athlete, but you keep going because you're ambitious. 

Eating Disorder 
Athletes need to be mindful of their diet. They need to get all the right nutrients and make sure they're not eating too much or too little. Obsession with having a perfect figure can lead to an eating disorder. If you are concerned about your eating habits or others have expressed concern, find help. You can't be expected to reach your potential, as an athlete or human, if you're coping with an eating disorder. 

Neglecting Loved Ones 
It's not selfish to be an athlete. What is selfish is ignoring the needs of people who care about you, from family members to friends. You should make time for them as much as possible. They know busy you are and how important your athletic career is. Show them a bit of kindness in return by carving out as much time for them as possible. 

There needs to be a balance in all parts of life, even the ones that are primarily good for you. Being an athlete might be extremely important to you, but it shouldn’t be more important than keeping your mind healthy and maintaining relationships. Make sure you take time to relax, and make plans with family and friends. Also, if necessary, seek out a therapist or eating disorder treatment facilities. By taking your training seriously, you can know just what it means to be a responsible athlete.


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