Breastfeeding Expert Jennifer Ritchie’s The Smart Parents Guide to Breastfeeding Is Your Personal Lactation Consultant in a Cute Little Package
Celebrity breastfeeding specialist and two-time author Jennifer Ritchie, IBCLC does it again, offering truthful nuggets, heartfelt wisdom, and the cheat codes to breastfeeding zen Dana Point, CA – (July 13th, 2020): Breastfeeding carries its own mixed bag of challenges that can frustrate the calmest of parents. Smart parents turn to Jennifer Ritchie, Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) for the expert help they need to navigate every difficulty, from sore nipples to low milk supply. For 12 years, Ritchie’s personalized consulting services and “how-to” YouTube videos have helped thousands of new moms successfully breastfeed. Now, she introduces her latest book - The Smart Parents Guide to Breastfeeding - as a go-to resource filled with truthful nuggets, heartfelt wisdom, and all the cheat codes necessary to achieve breastfeeding zen. “Parents often assume breastfeeding should just come naturally,” explains Ritchie. “The truth is, it can be harder than you think - and the odds of finding the accurate answers you need among the ocean of information available on the Internet? Forget about it! Make your life easier with this reference guide. Consider it your own personal lactation consultant in a cute little package.”Ritchie’s book shares the actual truth about breastfeeding, comparing it to an Olympic trial in which the competition is hormonal imbalances, breast anatomy, insufficient milk removal, yeast, bacteria, and good old fashioned pain. So, why does anyone even go through with it? Because, she explains, the benefits are enormous! Breast milk helps support a baby's ability to fight germs, infections, and disease, all while supplying the right mix of nourishment. Plus, it reduces mom’s risk of breast cancer by up to 25%, saves money, and creates a lot less waste.Still, as with anything newborn-related, there can be a steep learning curve to getting it right. That’s why Ritchie sets readers up for success from Day One, offering ways to prepare before birth, how to establish a solid foundation within the first two weeks of bringing baby home, and so much more. In 35 easy-to-read chapters, she covers everything from burping and mastitis to handling unwanted advice. She delivers a steady supply of expert instruction with a double dose of compassion and encouragement. As a mom herself, Ritchie knows all too well the temptation to give up or give in to self-judgment and self-doubt. All she asks is that readers do the best they can, trust their instincts, and resist those feelings of guilt along the way. Grab a copy of The Smart Parents Guide to Breastfeeding, the latest go-to resource from Jennifer Ritchie, IBCLC, at While there, find more insights and answers from the breastfeeding expert who has helped thousands of new moms and celebrity clients achieve success. Also, discover Ritchie’s previous written works, including I Make Milk, What’s Your Superpower? and Bringing Baby Home - A New Parent’s Guide to Breastfeeding. Plus, browse articles and how-to videos, and get to know a bit about Ritchie’s own journey as a mom to a 15-year old daughter and 12-year old son.