March 28th, 2018

// Developed vs developing countries: What’s the impact on healthcare coverage? 

Developed vs developing countries:
What's the impact on healthcare coverage? 

In developing countries, access to universal healthcare is deemed “urgent”, while in developed nations, governments focus on increasing access to additional private healthcare coverage to supplement government-run universal coverage.

Reportlinker reveals country statistics to help understand these variations:


  When it comes to supplementary private coverage:

In Australia, 55% of citizens have access to it, a high coverage rate that rose dramatically across the past 10 years.

- In Finland,15.4% of people have it, numbers went upward every year from 2009 through 2015.

In Chile, the private coverage percentage is 30.3% as of 2016 after two huge upward spikes in 2011 and 2014

- In the world’s largest economy, the United States, supplementary private healthcare coverage is very small, owned by less than 8% of citizens.

- In Germany, the percentage for privately owned supplemental coverage has risen steadily every year since 2006 and was at 23.1% as of 2015. Germany was ranked number 10 in the world on a list of the 16 nations with the “best” healthcare coverage.

- The United States didn’t make the list at all, while its northern neighbor, Canada, was on there at number 16.


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