August 7th, 2018

// Food and Health: 59% of Europeans and 68% of Americans are overweight

Food and Health:

59% of Europeans and 68% of Americans are overweight

ReportLinker released a new report on eating habits, overweightness and obesity in developed countries:

  • Does living in a developed nation make people more self-conscious about what they eat?
  • Is obesity and overweightness approaching epidemic proportions?


Meat, Fruits and Veggies, what are the numbers?

- In the UK, veganism has become a trend. More people are favoring plant-based, low fat, and low sugar diets, and the weekly household consumption of beef has been divided by two since the 70’s (215g in 1975 vs 102g in 2015)

- In the US, red meat consumption has decreased since its peak of 198 lbs per person per year in 1971, to 141 lbs in 2015.

Also, the country saw a rise of 16% in vegetables consumption in the past 46 years.

Butter consumption has dropped too, going from 18 lbs consumed per person and per year in 1931, to an average of 4 lbs since the 80’s.

- Globally, the soy products consumption has highly increased since 2000 and is expected to    grow sharply through 2026.

What’s the impact on everyone’s weight?

  • Almost 70% US adults are considered to be overweight, way up from 41% in 1974.
  • We witness the same trend in Europe with 39% of people being overweight  in 1976 to 59% thirty years later.


To read the full story click here.


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