June 12th, 2021

// How to Prevent Aches and Pains When Starting a New Exercise Routine

How to Prevent Aches and Pains When Starting a New Exercise Routine

No matter your level of fitness, a new workout can mean new aches and pains. To protect yourself, you will want to stretch cold muscles that have been pushed in new ways. Staying hydrated is also critical to avoid cramps, some joint massage can help, and resting is critical to building new tissue.

Warm Up, Cool Down, and Stretch

You will need to start your workout with a warm up. If you are trying to start a jogging routine, begin by walking to loosen up your joints and get your leg muscles moving. At the end of your jog, make time to walk again.

Before you shower, take care to stretch your spine, quads, hamstrings, and calves. Do some stretches on the mat as well to fully engage your upper body. Expect some soreness, and be ready to stretch your legs again if you have pain.


Make sure that you take in plenty of water before, during, and after your new exercise routine. Additionally, consider increasing your intake of fruits and juices that are high in antioxidants, including pineapple and cherries.


Sore knees are often a problem after a new workout. Consider using a 2000 mg CBD joint pain cream after a new routine. CBD is high in antioxidants, so consider applying it right after you shower to keep inflammation low and reduce the intensity of delayed onset muscle soreness. Avoid applying this cream right before a workout. If you are sore before a workout, you either need to do something lighter or focus on another area of your body. Go ahead and warm up those muscles and joints, but do not push.

Build in a Rest Day

There is a reason that leg day is followed by shoulder, back, or arm day. A hard workout creates tiny breaks or tears in existing muscle. Those tears hurt, and new growth takes time. Give the targeted area of the body time to heal to avoid tissue damage outside your muscles. For example, sore knees after a hard stair workout could be an indication of inflammation, or it could be an indication of cartilage damage. Until the muscular inflammation goes down, you cannot be sure you are not doing more serious damage.

Carefully monitor sore joints and muscles for swelling and bruising. Delayed onset muscle soreness can take time to show up and last for a few days. If you notice it lasting longer, you may need to contact your physician.


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