October 14th, 2021

// Let Go of Limitations: Create a Life of Abundance, Wealth and Joy

Let Go of Limitations: Create a Life of Abundance, Wealth and Joy

Los Angeles, CA, October 14, 2021 — Do you struggle to pay the bills? Is your vision board hanging by a thread? It might surprise you to know that your own beliefs about money could be costing you the prosperity you deserve. 

“We are such powerful beings. Whatever we decide, we create exactly — not one bit more, not one bit less,” says author and transformational coach Esra Banguoglu Ogut. 

Her new book, Money Does Grow on Trees: The Myths We Create and Live By, is not about “the nine steps to being wealthy,” or “how to meditate so all your financial problems go away.” It’s about awakening to any self-imposed limitations, cultivating prosperity consciousness and finding the inner power to choose a new reality. 

Ogut is part of a new generation of prosperity leaders. Her unique approach to manifesting abundance and dismantling self-imposed limitations travels to the core of who we are and why we make the choices we do. 

She awakened to her own power to create prosperity when she finally realized that she was unconsciously going out of her way to limit it. At that moment, it dawned on her that abundance is a matter of choice for each of us. People choose it or reject it based on what they have come to believe about money. 

In Money Does Grow on Trees, you will find stories — both successes and failures — from her life and many other examples from clients she worked with over a decade. 

She encourages us to take responsibility for having created our own limitations, which is the first bridge to finding the true inner power needed to transform them … ultimately giving birth to our sovereignty. 

About the Author 

As a transformational coach and yoga teacher, Esra B. Ogut has helped people worldwide discover their power to live the life they choose. She shows them how to experience their own abundance through one-on-one coaching and workshops. Along with her husband and business partner, author and transformational coach Aykut "Ike" Ogut, Esra pioneered transformational coaching in Turkey. 

She holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Turkey’s Bosphorus University and a film and television certificate from UCLA, and she is also a certified instructor of kundalini yoga. Esra resides with her husband in Los Angeles and Kauai, where they work online to train coaches around the world while continuing to write. 

For additional information, please visit www.ikeandesranow.com.

Money Does Grow on Trees: The Myths We Create and Live By

Publisher: Ayra

ISBN-10: ‎1735593419 

ISBN-13: 978-1735593418 

Available on Amazon.com



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