Noted Ontario Divorce Lawyer Russell Alexander Shares
Advice for Couples in Quarantine
Family law expert offers useful tips to help keep families together during the pandemic
LINDSAY, ONTARIO—Noted Ontario divorce lawyer Russell Alexander and his team at Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers share advice and resources for families struggling to get through their time at home together during the coronavirus pandemic.
“As an attorney working on divorce, I have seen families in some of the toughest situations they can face,” said Alexander. “But with Canadian families now in their second month of isolation, many more are now in similar circumstances.”
The Lindsay, Ontario law firm has put together advice for couples on keeping their relationship healthy and grounded in its lawyers’ own experiences working with couples seeking to separate.
Among other things, Alexander recommends giving your spouse some “alone time” each day to decompress, whether that’s reading in another room or, if space is limited, just listening to music on headphones or watching a movie on a laptop without interruption. At the same time, he says couples should set aside five to 10 minutes at the end of the day to set aside smartphones, turn off laptops and TVs and just talk face-to-face.
Alexander also advised couples to find their own hobbies, if they don’t already have one, to give them something to focus on and take time away from their daily routines of housekeeping, working and caring for children and/or relatives.
“The hardest part about the quarantine is the sense that you can’t get out,” Alexander said. “You need to give each other permission to be alone and respect that time so that you can reconnect later in the day.”
Additional resources for families by Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers can be found here:
Family LLB Family Law Now Podcast
“Spouse in the House - How to Avoid Divorce”
Family LLB Ontario Divorce Education Centre Blog
"Avoiding Divorce by Managing Staying at Home With Your Partner" your-partner/
Family LLB YouTube Channel
“Spouse in the House - How to Avoid Divorce”
Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers
Russell Alexander Collaborative Family Lawyers is committed to practicing exclusively in the area of family law in Ontario dealing with all aspects, including separation and divorce, child custody and access, spousal support, child support, and division of family property. A team of lawyers provide guidance from start to finish, helping clients identify and understand the legal issues as well as the options and opportunities available through the transition. The firm has offices in Lindsay, Whitby, Oshawa, Markham, Peterborough and Toronto, Ontario.
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