Texas Women Breaks Boundaries Reserved for Men…
SwampButt Underwear™ Performance Brand For Men Now Worn By Women July 26, 2018 (Lake Jackson, Texas) -- Thanks to Rachael Welsh of Angleton, Texas it is now okay for women to wear men's underwear. The United States has known its share of brave, smart, industrious women. Dolly Madison, Martha Washington, Susan B. Anthony, Amelia Earhart and now Rachael. This woman from Texas has broken a boundary few thought would ever be breached. Rachael Welsh wears underwear made for men. More precisely, she wears SwampButt Underwear Performance Brand (www.swampbutt.com) under her normal workout clothes in place of those undergarments made specifically for women when she is working out, jogging, or otherwise engaged in some strenuous physical activity. The reason is simple and understandable: SwampButt Underwear Performance Brand can do everything garments made for women can do, and often at a much lower price. SwampButt Underwear performance undergarments are made from a blend of lycra and polyester fibers. For men or women, these will fit snuggly, there will never be any droop. Free and Brave Rachael is single and works as a librarian at an elementary school in southeast Texas. She is tall (right about 6 feet tall) gorgeous, and an extremely talented singer and performer. Rachael is also very smart and careful with her money. As athletic as she was, Rachael stayed in shape to dance and perform as part of her local theater group. Spending top dollar on clothes to work out in was not something she was interested in doing (part of being smart) but she still needed a garment to wear under leotards, running shorts and dance wear. Some of this was for the sake of modesty and another part was to be drier and more comfortable. No woman wants to do floor exercises, stretches, jumps, or crunches with her 'lady business' exposed to weirdos, gawkers or the general public. Nor does she want to leave wet butt prints everywhere. SwampButt Underwear is made from polyester and lycra to wick and evaporate sweat faster than any traditional fabric. Who Will Ever Know? Rather than spend a fortune on undergarments made just for women, Rachel took a chance and wore a pair of SwampButt Underwear. While made with men in mind, she found that these performed extremely well as undershorts for her. While SwampButt Underwear were made for men, Rachael saw no reason not to use them. “I need this type of shorts to cover my upper thighs during workouts, evaporate sweat, and give my performance a boost through compression; the same as a lot of women. But I was not going to spend sixty dollars on a pair of Spanx when a pair of SwampButt Underwear costs $18.99,” Welsh said. “Besides, no one is going to know these were really for guys anyway. I won’t tell.” The Science of Preventing Sweaty Butt Cheeks How the undergarment works and what it is made of are related. First, there is the phenomena of ‘wicking’ which is the way moisture travels across a larger area of fabric. The more and further moisture (in this case sweat) can disperse across a surface, the faster it can evaporate. Imagine a squeegee pulling water across a windshield. When spread to a larger surface are, the water on the windshield evaporates faster. Or push rain water across a drive way or parking lot into a larger surface area and it also evaporates faster. The same thing happens with our garment. Sweat wicks across a larger area and evaporates faster because of this. The rate of wicking is related to the materials and the way sweat spreads across them. Polyester fibers are hydrophobic because they are really plastic and will not absorb moisture. Our performance undergarments are made from lycra and polyester fibers. Honor Heroic Behavior With A Sale To commemorate Rachael’s pioneering move to use something meant for men to her advantage, SwampButt Underwear is offering both a red pair and white pair of its performance underwear for $24.99 off a regular price of $37.98 for a savings of $12.99 or 34% savings. The sale will run the remainder of July, 2018 through mid-August. Click here to buy yours now: SwampButt Underwear for Women: Red and White are Like Pink but not Quite. Rachael Welsh of Angleton, Texas (on the right) made it okay for women to wear men's underwear.