April 19th, 2017

// The Science behind a Perfect Night’s Sleep [Infographic]

The Science behind a Perfect Night’s Sleep [Infographic]

It’s common knowledge today that your lifestyle, what you eat and what you drink play a big part in your sleep pattern and quality of sleep, and while people know this and understand the concept of holistic well-being to some degree, most people don’t know exactly what factors influence their sleep and to what extent.

Normally it’s only when we aren’t sleeping well that we realise just how important a good night’s sleep is. Training regularly and eating well are extremely important to well-being but even a few nights of poor sleep can lead to daytime tiredness, lack of focus and concentration.

But getting a consistent amount of sleep every night is a challenge at the best of times, thankfully scientists have been concerned with sleep research for many years and the tips offered in the below infographic are based on years of research aimed at improving sleep quality.

But before we  consider how to get a good night’s sleep, it’s important to understand what a good night's sleep is. As described by Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD these are the most important factors when deciding if we are sleeping well or not:

  1. Sleep latency – the time it takes to fall asleep
  2. Sleep stages 1 & 2 – getting enough stage 2 sleep, sleep that rests the parts of your brain that you use during the day
  3. Sleep stages 3 & 4 – these decline with age but are the restorative stages.

While it can be difficult to monitor these different stages effectively, overall if you’re waking up feeling tired and are tired throughout most of the day then you probably aren’t sleeping through all of the above stages, and it’s likely that your sleep quality can be improved.

For more information about the science behind a perfect night’s sleep check out the following infographic created by De Vere:


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