March 18th, 2020



Water WellnessThe Ultimate Guide To Restore, Rejuvenate and Refine Your BodyWith COVID-19 sweeping the globe, it is crucial to stay healthy now more than ever! While drinking water alone will not prevent or cure the virus, the CDC states that hydration is good for overall health and helps the body in several ways. 

Releasing Spring 2020 from Allwrite PublishingWater Wellness gets to the heart of hydration!It teaches you everything you need to know about water and the benefits of proper hydration. The amount of water you should drink every day and how best to stay hydrated are topics often filled with false claims or misinformation, but this book drills into the details, offers practical tips and solutions, and debunks the myths! ABOUT THE BOOK:From the creators of the WaterMinder app comes the ultimate guide book to restore, rejuvenate and refine your body with water. Infused with health tips, advice, and fun recipes, Water Wellness is packed full of all the information you need to ensure you stay hydrated every day:160+ pages covering why it’s so important to stay hydrated.Staying hydrated. Factors that influence hydration.Myths debunked. The real truth about hydration and your health.Infused water recipes. Drinking water doesn't have to be boring!Stunning presentation. Gorgeous photography and beautiful design.Water Wellness is designed to help you drink enough water every day to achieve optimal health and maintain the right fluid balance. Pre-Order your Water Wellness Book HERE!  WHY YOU NEED THIS BOOK:Water is an essential part of our health and well-being, and without consuming enough of it, both our body and brain, which is 80% water, will feel the impact. Water lubricates the joints, removes toxins, and helps deliver nutrients to skin cells for healthy-looking skin. It also facilitates in building muscles, regulating body temperature and in helping control our weight. Research even shows that it helps our mood and memory. Although 8 glasses a day is a good reference, the amount of drinking water required to maintain good health varies depending on physical activity level, age, health-related issues, and environmental conditions. Like the flu, contracting COVID-19 (Coronavirus) causes fever. This elevation of body temperature causes your body to expel water from your pores, ultimately leading to dehydration. Drinking more water can help prevent dehydration and loosen mucus due to illness. We are all made up of water, so staying properly hydrated is essential for physical/mental performance and especially fighting off illness. Most people know that drinking water is essential, they just aren't sure how to make it a routine or what amount is best for their body. That's where Water Wellness taps in! In this book, author Kriss Smolka offers tips, solutions, and key benefits to staying hydrated. The language is understandable without being oversimplified and the book includes a wealth of photographs making the recipes easy-to-follow.  "We all know someone who struggles to drink enough water, and the effects of dehydration can be very scary. My wife suffered from chronic headaches that were caused by dehydration and I eagerly wanted to help. It was hard for her to remember to drink the recommended amount of water daily. After much research, I created the WaterMinder app the Water Wellness book as a way to help track her hydration, and eventually, her headaches subsided..." ...says Smolka, who then put his thoughts on paper and wrote this book to help more people achieve a healthier, happier lifestyle. ABOUT AUTHOR, KRISS SMOLKA: Kriss Smolka is the creator of the award-winning health & fitness app WaterMinder. WaterMinder was named Apple App Store Editor’s Choice in 2019 and has been featured by The New Yorker, Women’s Health, Glamour, Business Insider, BGR, Venture Beat, Apple, and more. Based on his own experience and extensive research, along with numerous real-life stories from those who have been affected by dehydration, Kriss started work on Water Wellness, a hydration book with the goal of educating everyone on the importance of staying hydrated. For More Information Visit:


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