June 16th, 2016

// Wellness Rewards App Blazes a Path Across Canada

Wellness Rewards App Blazes a Path Across Canada

Carrot Rewards has been enjoying tremendous success since its debut earlier this year

TORONTO, June 16, 2016 /CNW/ - Carrot Rewards, a ground-breaking free app that rewards Canadians for living healthier, launched on Tuesday in Newfoundland and Labrador, with unprecedented results. In just 24 hours, almost 2% of all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians downloaded the app and began earning points. The outstanding numbers in NL—the second province to roll out the app— mirror those seen in British Columbia, where over 800,000 out of more than 1 million health offers have been completed, with tens of millions of points earned so far.

"The response to Carrot has been extraordinary and we are particularly proud to have Newfoundland and Labrador become the second jurisdiction in the world where Carrot is running," says Andreas Souvaliotis, Founder and CEO of Carrot developer, Social Change Rewards.

Harnessing the popularity of loyalty points and the prevalence of smartphones, Carrot Rewards allows users to earn points from participating loyalty programs for making better lifestyle choices. Users are rewarded for downloading and sharing the app and for each time they engage with it – whether through taking a quiz, making healthy lifestyle choices or walking a few more steps each day thanks to a new step tracking feature.

Carrot was developed with the support of founding partners, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the British Columbia Ministry of Health. Other partners include the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and a cross-sectoral coalition made up of loyalty partners and three of the leading health charities in Canada, the Heart & Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Diabetes Association and YMCA Canada.

The free app works on smartphones and is available for download on IOS and Android devices or by visiting: http://www.carrotrewards.ca

To learn more about Carrot and how it's championing a completely new way of engaging citizens toward healthier behaviours, please watch our video, Reinventing Responsible Marketing. 

SOURCE Carrot Rewards


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